901 research outputs found

    Role of the middle ear muscle apparatus in mechanisms of speech signal discrimination

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    A method of impedance reflexometry was used to examine 101 students with hearing impairment in order to clarify the interrelation between speech discrimination and the state of the middle ear muscles. Ability to discriminate speech signals depends to some extent on the functional state of intraaural muscles. Speech discrimination was greatly impaired in the absence of stapedial muscle acoustic reflex, in the presence of low thresholds of stimulation and in very small values of reflex amplitude increase. Discrimination was not impeded in positive AR, high values of relative thresholds and normal increase of reflex amplitude in response to speech signals with augmenting intensity

    Spin-orbit lateral superlattices: energy bands and spin polarization in 2DEG

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    The Bloch spinors, energy spectrum and spin density in energy bands are studied for the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) with Rashba spin-orbit (SO) interaction subject to one-dimensional (1D) periodic electrostatic potential of a lateral superlattice. The space symmetry of the Bloch spinors with spin parity is studied. It is shown that the Bloch spinors at fixed quasimomentum describe the standing spin waves with the wavelength equal to the superlattice period. The spin projections in these states have the components both parallel and transverse to the 2DEG plane. The anticrossing of the energy dispersion curves due to the interplay between the SO and periodic terms is observed, leading to the spin flip. The relation between the spin parity and the interband optical selection rules is discussed, and the effect of magnetization of the SO superlattice in the presence of external electric field is predicted.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, reported at the International Conferences "Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics" (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, March 2006) and "Nanostructures: Physics and Technology" (St Petersburg, Russia, June 2006

    Cytological Characteristics of Postoperative Metastases of Papillary Thyroid Cancer During the Development of Secondary Radioiodine Refractoriness

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    Radioiodine refractoriness is the main problem in the diagnosis and treatment of papillary thyroid carcinoma. The aim of the study was to investigate the cytological and immunocytochemical changes of thyrocytes in fine-needle aspiration smears of thyroid papillary cancer metastases in the course of the development of secondary radioiodine resistance. A total of 70 postoperative metastases of thyroid papillary cancer (secondary radioiodine refractory metastases, previously responsive to radioiodine, that eventually loses the ability to radioiodine accumulation, radioiodine-avid metastases, primary radioiodine-refractory metastases), immunohistochemical staining of thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin, cytokeratin 17 and cytological analysis were performed. Revealing the presence of specific cellular phenotypes and structures in punctuates, a low percentage of thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin-positive thyrocytes allows the development of the method of cytological prediction of the radioiodine therapy effectiveness

    The Influence of Liming on the Microflora and Microbiological Characteristics of Belarussian Soddy-podzolic Soils

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    The influence of liming on some biological characteristics of soddy-podzolic soil was studied in a field experiment with different rates of organic and mineral fertilizers. A decrease in soil acidity resulted in a reduced amount of CO2 production and lower invertase activity, while nitrogen fixation and hydrolysis of nitrogen-containing organic substances were activated

    Efimov effect from functional renormalization

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    We apply a field-theoretic functional renormalization group technique to the few-body (vacuum) physics of non-relativistic atoms near a Feshbach resonance. Three systems are considered: one-component bosons with U(1) symmetry, two-component fermions with U(1)\times SU(2) symmetry and three-component fermions with U(1) \times SU(3) symmetry. We focus on the scale invariant unitarity limit for infinite scattering length. The exact solution for the two-body sector is consistent with the unitary fixed point behavior for all considered systems. Nevertheless, the numerical three-body solution in the s-wave sector develops a limit cycle scaling in case of U(1) bosons and SU(3) fermions. The Efimov parameter for the one-component bosons and the three-component fermions is found to be approximately s=1.006, consistent with the result of Efimov.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, minor changes, published versio

    A simple formula for the L-gap width of a face-centered-cubic photonic crystal

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    The width △L\triangle_L of the first Bragg's scattering peak in the (111) direction of a face-centered-cubic lattice of air spheres can be well approximated by a simple formula which only involves the volume averaged ϵ\epsilon and ϵ2\epsilon^2 over the lattice unit cell, ϵ\epsilon being the (position dependent) dielectric constant of the medium, and the effective dielectric constant ϵeff\epsilon_{eff} in the long-wavelength limit approximated by Maxwell-Garnett's formula. Apparently, our formula describes the asymptotic behaviour of the absolute gap width △L\triangle_L for high dielectric contrast δ\delta exactly. The standard deviation σ\sigma steadily decreases well below 1% as δ\delta increases. For example σ<0.1\sigma< 0.1% for the sphere filling fraction f=0.2f=0.2 and δ≥20\delta\geq 20. On the interval δ∈(1,100)\delta\in(1,100), our formula still approximates the absolute gap width △L\triangle_L (the relative gap width △Lr\triangle_L^r) with a reasonable precision, namely with a standard deviation 3% (4.2%) for low filling fractions up to 6.5% (8%) for the close-packed case. Differences between the case of air spheres in a dielectric and dielectric spheres in air are briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figs., RevTex, two references added. For more info see http://www.amolf.nl/external/wwwlab/atoms/theory/index.htm

    Resonance-Induced Effects in Photonic Crystals

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    For the case of a simple face-centered-cubic photonic crystal of homogeneous dielectric spheres, we examine to what extent single-sphere Mie resonance frequencies are related to band gaps and whether the width of a gap can be enlarged due to nearby resonances. Contrary to some suggestions, no spectacular effects may be expected. When the dielectric constant of the spheres ϵs\epsilon_s is greater than the dielectric constant ϵb\epsilon_b of the background medium, then for any filling fraction ff there exists a critical ϵc\epsilon_c above which the lowest lying Mie resonance frequency falls inside the lowest stop gap in the (111) crystal direction, close to its midgap frequency. If ϵs<ϵb\epsilon_s <\epsilon_b, the correspondence between Mie resonances and both the (111) stop gap and a full gap does not follow such a regular pattern. If the Mie resonance frequency is close to a gap edge, one can observe a resonance-induced widening of a relative gap width by ≈5\approx 5%.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figs., RevTex. For more info look at http://www.amolf.nl/external/wwwlab/atoms/theory/index.htm

    Photonic Band Gaps of Three-Dimensional Face-Centered Cubic Lattices

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    We show that the photonic analogue of the Korringa-Kohn-Rostocker method is a viable alternative to the plane-wave method to analyze the spectrum of electromagnetic waves in a three-dimensional periodic dielectric lattice. Firstly, in the case of an fcc lattice of homogeneous dielectric spheres, we reproduce the main features of the spectrum obtained by the plane wave method, namely that for a sufficiently high dielectric contrast a full gap opens in the spectrum between the eights and ninth bands if the dielectric constant ϵs\epsilon_s of spheres is lower than the dielectric constant ϵb\epsilon_b of the background medium. If ϵs>ϵb\epsilon_s> \epsilon_b, no gap is found in the spectrum. The maximal value of the relative band-gap width approaches 14% in the close-packed case and decreases monotonically as the filling fraction decreases. The lowest dielectric contrast ϵb/ϵs\epsilon_b/\epsilon_s for which a full gap opens in the spectrum is determined to be 8.13. Eventually, in the case of an fcc lattice of coated spheres, we demonstrate that a suitable coating can enhance gap widths by as much as 50%.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figs., plain latex - a section on coated spheres, two figures, and a few references adde

    Photonic crystals of coated metallic spheres

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    It is shown that simple face-centered-cubic (fcc) structures of both metallic and coated metallic spheres are ideal candidates to achieve a tunable complete photonic bandgap (CPBG) for optical wavelengths using currently available experimental techniques. For coated microspheres with the coating width to plasma wavelength ratio lc/λp≤10l_c/\lambda_p \leq 10% and the coating and host refractive indices ncn_c and nhn_h, respectively, between 1 and 1.47, one can always find a sphere radius rsr_s such that the relative gap width gwg_w (gap width to the midgap frequency ratio) is larger than 5% and, in some cases, gwg_w can exceed 9%. Using different coatings and supporting liquids, the width and midgap frequency of a CPBG can be tuned considerably.Comment: 14 pages, plain latex, 3 ps figures, to appear in Europhys. Lett. For more info on this subject see http://www.amolf.nl/research/photonic_materials_theory/moroz/moroz.htm
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