122 research outputs found


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    Abstract. A wide series of events requires immediate availability of information and field data to be provided to decision-makers. An example is the necessity of quickly transferring the information acquired from monitoring and alerting sensors or the data of the reconnaissance of damage after a disastrous event to an Emergency Operations Center. To this purpose, we developed an integrated GIS and WebGIS system to dynamically create and populate via Web a database with spatial features. In particular, this work concerns the gathering and transmission of spatial data and related information to the desktop GIS so that they can be displayed and analyzed in real time to characterize the operational scenario and to decide the rescue interventions. As basic software, we used only free and open source: QuantumGIS and Grass as Desktop GIS, Map Server with PMapper application for the Web-Gis functionality and PostGreSQL/PostGIS as Data Base Management System (DBMS). The approach has been designed, developed and successfully tested in the management of GIS-based navigation of an autonomous robot, both to map its trajectories and to assign optimal paths. This paper presents the application of our system to a simulated hydrological event that could interest the province of Catania, in Sicily. In particular, assuming that more teams draw up an inventory of the damage, we highlight the benefits of real-time transmission of the information collected from the field to headquarters


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    The theme of the simulation of hydrogeological risk with GIS technology is analyzed with focus on the modeling of the architecture of a Spatial Data Base to support risk analysis and on the construction of a specialized frame with free and open source software. For this purpose a model of analysis of the vulnerability of roads developed by (Cafiso et al., 2002) has been adopted. The case of study is represented by a seismic land characterized by steep slopes and frequent instability phenomena. In detail, the area of interest is a mountainous land in Sicily with a city, Enna (about 30 000 people), that lies on the top. The access to the city is assured by few and very winding roads which are also highly vulnerable to seismic and hydrogeological hazards. The loss of efficiency of these roads for exceptional rainfall events should compromise timeliness and effectiveness of rescue operations. The data of the sample area have been implemented in the specialized GIS appositely constructed in order to forecast the possible damage to roads and the results of some simulations have been related to the effects registered after some extreme events, obtaining useful indications for the validation of the approach

    Controlling growth and morphogenesis of the industrial enzyme producer Streptomyces lividans

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    Streptomyces are Gram-positive, soil dwelling bacteria that raised interest in the last 50 years for their high potential in antibiotic and protein production. Thanks to their saprophytic nature, streptomycetes secrete a massive amount of industrial enzymes. They have a relatively low level of endogenous extracellular proteolytic activity when compared to other expression hosts (e.g. Bacillus), they are generally more suited to produce proteins encoded by high G+C actinomycete genes in their native form, coupled to efficient secretion so as to avoid that the proteins end up in inclusion bodies (often a problem when using e.g. E. coli) and making downstream processes easier. Despite their attractive potential, Streptomyces present several constraints which so far limit their application in industry. The first constraint is morphology: by growing as a network of hyphae, they produce dense pellets in liquid cultures that hold Streptomyces back from being one of the first choice cell factories in large scale fermentations. In addition, the limited availability of efficient expression systems for high-level transcription/translation and subsequent secretion is a further bottleneck. This thesis presents the work done to address these issues for the optimization of Streptomyces lividans for future industrial applications and enzyme production.Microbial Biotechnolog

    La densità di una transizione : Successione, divinazione e infanticidio nel Ghana nord-orientale

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    The process of succession to the office of nakwe tu (village elder) opens up the understanding of a whole ensemble of ideas and practices among the Kassena people of West Africa. This article, based on fieldwork in the Upper East Region of Ghana, aims at exploring the thick meaning of this ritual transition, which is characterized by seemingly discordant principles. A prime example from the chiefdom of Paga is taken into account as a starting point in order to launch an ethnografical strategy that consists in following a series of meaningful connections found on the ground: from the specific tactics of people involved in the process to the final funeral rites, from recourses to divination to unstable definitions of reality, from the belief in dangerous, invisible dwarves to tragic accounts of ritual infanticides

    GIS and remote sensing for post-dictive analysis of archaeological features. A case study from the Etnean region (Sicily)

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    This article illustrates the potential of multispectral satellite data for archaeological scope in the volcanic area of Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy). In particular, by adopting a post-dictive approach, GIS and FOSS technology was used to analyse different indices derived from World-View-2 multispectral data. The selected examples (two circular buildings and a wall-structure) illustrate successes and challenges of our method. The results indicate that NIR-1 and RED-EDGE are undoubtedly the most useful, while NDVI and SRI are the best performing indices


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    Archaeological research conducted at the site of Marineo, in the territory of Licodia Eubea (CT, Sicily, Italy), has revealed the existence of a group of evidence dating back to various periods, from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages. Particularly important is the presence of caves, documented through archaeological excavations at the end of the 1980s, subsequently resumed from 2017 to today. These caves were used for ritual activities, especially during the Middle Bronze Age (1450–1250 BC). The existence of numerous combustion structures associated with remains of a meal, as evidenced by remains oan f animal, and human bones in a secondary position, suggests the funerary value of the caves. Until now, however, data were missing on the identification of the settlement inhabited by communities that used caves. During the last archaeological excavation campaign, images and orthophotos were acquired through the use of drones. In this way, through the study of these images, it was possible to identify new anomalies in areas not yet investigated and placed in the vicinity of the caves. Surveys carried out in the area, have confirmed the presence of remains of walls belonging to curvilinear and oval structures. These structures are probably parts of the settlement connected to the caves whose exact location was not known until today. To support the excavation activity, GIS and remote sensing applications were implemented for predictive and postdictive analysis using only free and open source software and satellite images

    Le confessioni religiose tra libertĂ  di vivere nella realtĂ  dell'ordinamento statale e potere di creare norme giuridiche all'interno dello Stato. Il caso della Chiesa di Scientology.

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    L'A. si pone nella prospettiva di delineare il possibile significato della compresenza delle due distinte previsioni, l’una nell’art. 8, l’altra nell’art. 19 della Costituzione, a garanzia del fenomeno associativo religioso. La ricerca è stata redatta, fra l’altro, in considerazione della circostanza che, ad una prima sommaria lettura della Carta Costituzionale, il lettore potrebbe essere indotto a pensare che il fenomeno religioso, ed in particolare quello che si svolge in forma associata, goda di una maggiore preferenza, rispetto a quello che si esprime in forma individuale, per essere più volte disciplinato in Costituzione. Problema, questo, il quale non sembra abbia sinora ricevuto adeguato rilievo dalla dottrina ecclesiasticista che si è meritevolmente impegnata sul tema. Si è posto al riguardo l’interrogativo che nasce dalla presenza di due distinte previsioni costituzionali a garanzia del fenomeno associativo religioso: la prima contenuta nell’art. 8 il quale - com’è noto - regola con novità di linguaggio la posizione dei culti diversi dalla religione cattolica, garantisce alle confessioni religiose l’eguale libertà davanti alla legge, il diritto di organizzarsi secondo i propri statuti ed il potere di concludere intese con gli organi dello Stato; la seconda nell’art. 19 che riconosce la libertà di professare liberamente la propria fede religiosa in qualsiasi forma “individuale o associata”. In ordine ai numerosi problemi che la previsione costituzionale dell’art. 8 solleva, si è riflettuto soprattutto sul dubbio se la fattispecie in essa contemplata sia sostanzialmente ripetitiva e si risolva in un inutile duplicato di quanto disposto dall’art. 19 per la parte che riguarda tale aspetto, oppure se, con ciascuna di tali disposizioni, il legislatore costituzionale abbia voluto conferire uno specifico rilievo a due distinte sfere dell’esperienza giuridica con caratteristiche proprie, per struttura e sistemi di garanzie. L’analisi intrapresa ha interessato anche la ricostruzione della definizione giuridica di confessione religiosa, nonché l’accertamento del carattere confessionale della Chiesa di Scientology alla luce delle sentenze della giurisprudenza costituzionale e di legittimità

    \u201cWeekly docetaxel and gemcitabine as first line treatment for metastatic breast cancer: results of a multicenter phase II study\u201d

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    Objectives: We conducted a multicenter phase II study to evaluate the clinical effi cacy, toxicity, and dose intensity of a new weekly schedule of docetaxel and gemcitabine as fi rst-line treatment of metastatic breast cancer patients. Methods: We enrolled 58 patients, 52% of whom had received a previous anthracycline-containing chemotherapy. The treatment schedule was: docetaxel 35 mg/m 2 and gemcitabine 800 mg/m 2 i.v. on days 1, 8,15 every 28 days. Results: All patients were assessable for toxicity and 56 for effi cacy. Overall response rate was 64.3% with 16.1% of complete responses and 48.2% of partial responses. Median survival was 22.10 months (95% CI: 15.53\u201328.67) and median time to tumor progression was 13.6 months (95% CI: 10.71\u201316.49). The most common hematological toxicity was neutropenia (no febrile neutropenia), which occurred in 28 patients (48.3%) but grade 3\u20134 in only 8 patients (14%). Alopecia, the most common nonhematological toxicity, occurred in 20 (34.5%) patients, but only 5 patients (8.6%) experienced grade 3 alopecia. Conclusion: The activity of docetaxel and gemcitabine in metastatic breast cancer is confirmed. The promising results of the employed schedule,in agreement with other published studies, need to be further confirmed within a phase III study

    “Randomised, open-label, phase II trial of paclitaxel, gemcitabine and cisplatin versus gemcitabine and cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy in advanced transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelium”

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the antitumor activity and the safety of paclitaxel combined with gemcitabine and cisplatin in patients affected by advanced transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelium (TCC). Eighty-five patients affected by advanced TCC and measurable disease were randomized to receive either paclitaxel at dosage of 70 mg/m2, gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 and cisplatin 35 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 every 3 weeks (GCP) or gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 on days 1, 8, 15 and cisplatin 70 mg/m2 on day 2 every 4 weeks (GC). All enrolled patients were considered evaluable for response and toxicity (intention to treat). The observed response rate was 43% for GCP and 44% for GC combination, respectively. Median time to treatment failure was 32 weeks for GCP and 26 weeks for GC and overall survival 61 vs 49 weeks, respectively (p-value not significant). Grade 3-4 neutropenia was observed in 49% of patients treated with GCP vs 35% of those treated with GC (P=0.05) and grade 3-4 thrombocytopenia was observed in 36% of GCP treated patients as compared to 21% of those treated with GC (P=0.01). Seven patients over 70 years old or with poor PS were removed from the study: 6 patients from GCP group (2 toxic deaths, 2 grade 4 myelotoxicity and 2 grade 3 asthenia) and 1 from GC group was lost to follow-up after the first cycle. The combination of paclitaxel, gemcitabine and cisplatin is effective in the treatment of TCC. However, the addition of paclitaxel to the combination of gemcitabine plus cisplatin seems to increase toxicity, therefore it seems not suitable for poor PS patients and those over 70 years old. Larger and more powered studies are needed to exactly define the role of paclitaxel in this combination
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