3,041 research outputs found

    La encefalitozoonosis del conejo

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    Novel LoadProGen procedure for micro-grid design in emerging country scenarios: Application to energy storage sizing

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    This paper is devoted to describe the development, implementation and application of a novel procedure to properly design the electrification process in rural areas of Emerging Countries (EC). The procedure exploits a bottom-up approach, i.e. target applications are related to micro-grids devoted to satisfy the electrical needs of small communities. The procedure starts from microscopic data (i.e. single electric appliances) to effectively catch the customer needs (i.e. bottom) and it matches them with the available energy sources in the target area. In particular, a tool named LoadProGen developed by the Energy4Growing research group of Politecnico di Milano, is presented: the mathematical approach proposed is detailed and a real field case study relevant to a micro-grid deployed in Tanzania is provided. The tool is based on the gathering of information about the target area, i.e. to get information from interview and field audit, and on a stochastic approach to build up realistic estimation of the electric load profile of the considered uses. The energy needs forecast (cfr. load profile) is then adopted in a second procedure devoted to design a micro-grid capable to properly feed the loads. In this work, for sake of exemplification, this latter is supposed to be a photovoltaic based micro-grid integrated with an electrochemical storage


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    The Altamura Man and the paleontological remains are situated within a complex context encompassing logistical, geological, paleoenvironmental, and cultural perspectives. This context is exceptionally well-preserved but also fragile, requiring its preservation due to its unique nature. Unresolved inquiries exist in various disciplines, such as archaeology, biocultural studies, ecology, and geology, pertaining to karst formation, taphonomic dynamics, and the cultural and ecological context of the Neanderthal individual found in the cave. Interdisciplinary research was necessary to address these complex questions and understand the broader context of the Lamalunga Cave. Climate change also necessitated attention to preserving the cave’s microclimate and monitoring potential biodegradation. Digital technologies, including photogrammetry and laser scanning, were crucial for monitoring and safeguarding the cave’s cultural heritage. Digital representation, 3D modelling and Digital Twin were essential for managing the cave’s intricacies, analysing its values, and enhancing visual communication. The management of the Lamalunga cave aimed to promote scientific interpretation, safeguard the cave, and provide tools for understanding, storytelling, and further investigation. It was essential to utilise available methodologies and technologies while avoiding destructive interventions. Contemporary technologies have revolutionised the archaeological and paleoanthropological domains, enabling remote study and preservation. Protecting and comprehending the cultural heritage of the cave is linked to its usability, which can be enhanced through digital documentation methodologies to inform visitors about the karst context and promote social and economic development

    Produtividade de videiras Moscato Giallo sob cultivo protegido.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar a influência da cobertura plástica impermeável sobre o potencial e a estabilidade de produção, considerando a análise dos componentes de rendimento da cultivar Moscato Giallo (Vitis vinifera).bitstream/item/31569/1/cot101.pd

    Fenologia e requerimento térmico de videira sob cobertura plástica.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar a fenologia e o requerimento térmico da videira Vitis vinifera L., cv. Moscato Giallo sob cobertura plástica, nas condições da Serra Gaúcha.bitstream/CNPUV-2009-09/10531/1/cot093.pd

    Caracterização micrometeorológica de vinhedos cultivados sob cobertura plástica na Serra Gaúcha.

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    Alterações microclimáticas em vinhedos, provocadas pelo uso de cobertura plástica, interferem na fisiologia das plantas e na incidência de doenças fúngicas em videiras. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da cobertura plástica no microclima de vinhedos, em particular na qualidade da radiação solar. O experimento foi conduzido nos ciclos 2005/06 e 2006/07, em Flores da Cunha, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), em um vinhedo de ?Moscato Giallo? conduzido em Y, com cobertura plástica impermeável (160 mm) sobre 12 fileiras com 35 m, deixando-se cinco fileiras sem cobertura (controle). Em ambas as áreas, avaliou-se o microclima quanto à temperatura do ar, umidade relativa do ar, radiação fotossinteticamente ativa e velocidade do vento, próximo ao dossel vegetativo e aos cachos. Medições contínuas foram efetuadas utilizando sensores e sistemas automáticos de aquisição de dados. Alterações na qualidade da radiação solar incidente sobre o dossel vegetativo, no espectro de 300 a 750 nm, foram avaliadas por meio de medições durante cinco dias, com espectroradiômetro. A cobertura plástica impermeável à água sobre as fileiras das plantas aumentou a temperatura do ar e diminuiu a radiação fotossinteticamente ativa e a velocidade do vento. A cobertura interferiu na qualidade da radiação solar incidente, principalmente reduzindo a irradiância na faixa do ultravioleta e a razão entre a radiação nas faixas do vermelho e vermelho-distante.bitstream/CNPUV-2009-09/11571/1/bop014.pdfISSN 1981-1004

    Towards a Digital Twin of Coronary Stenting: A Suitable and Validated Image-Based Approach for Mimicking Patient-Specific Coronary Arteries

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    Considering the field of application involving stent deployment simulations, the exploitation of a digital twin of coronary stenting that can reliably mimic the patient-specific clinical reality could lead to improvements in individual treatments. A starting step to pursue this goal is the development of simple, but at the same time, robust and effective computational methods to obtain a good compromise between the accuracy of the description of physical phenomena and computational costs. Specifically, this work proposes an approach for the development of a patient-specific artery model to be used in stenting simulations. The finite element model was generated through a 3D reconstruction based on the clinical imaging (coronary Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and angiography) acquired on the pre-treatment patient. From a mechanical point of view, the coronary wall was described with a suitable phenomenological model, which is consistent with more complex constitutive approaches and accounts for the in vivo pressurization and axial pre-stretch. The effectiveness of this artery modeling method was tested by reproducing in silico the stenting procedures of two clinical cases and comparing the computational results with the in vivo lumen area of the stented vessel