13,681 research outputs found

    Public Opinion in Perspective: Wisconsin's Mind on Education

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    Outlines survey findings on Wisconsin residents' views on the quality of public schools and reforms including increased spending, accountability, vouchers, charter schools, online education, and merit pay, compared with Milwaukee and national surveys

    Evaluation of pressure and thermal data from a wind tunnel test of a large-scale, powered, STOL fighter model

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    A STOL fighter model employing the vectored-engine-over wing concept was tested at low speeds in the NASA/Ames 40 by 80-foot wind tunnel. The model, approximately 0.75 scale of an operational fighter, was powered by two General Electric J-97 turbojet engines. Limited pressure and thermal instrumentation were provided to measure power effects (chordwise and spanwise blowing) and control-surface-deflection effects. An indepth study of the pressure and temperature data revealed many flow field features - the foremost being wing and canard leading-edge vortices. These vortices delineated regions of attached and separated flow, and their movements were often keys to an understanding of flow field changes caused by power and control-surface variations. Chordwise blowing increased wing lift and caused a modest aft shift in the center of pressure. The induced effects of chordwise blowing extended forward to the canard and significantly increased the canard lift when the surface was stalled. Spanwise blowing effectively enhanced the wing leading-edge vortex, thereby increasing lift and causing a forward shift in the center of pressure

    Is there Evidence for a Hubble bubble? The Nature of Type Ia Supernova Colors and Dust in External Galaxies

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    We examine recent evidence from the luminosity-redshift relation of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) for the 3σ\sim 3 \sigma detection of a ``Hubble bubble'' -- a departure of the local value of the Hubble constant from its globally averaged value \citep{Jha:07}. By comparing the MLCS2k2 fits used in that study to the results from other light-curve fitters applied to the same data, we demonstrate that this is related to the interpretation of SN color excesses (after correction for a light-curve shape-color relation) and the presence of a color gradient across the local sample. If the slope of the linear relation (β\beta) between SN color excess and luminosity is fit empirically, then the bubble disappears. If, on the other hand, the color excess arises purely from Milky Way-like dust, then SN data clearly favors a Hubble bubble. We demonstrate that SN data give β2\beta \simeq 2, instead of the β4\beta \simeq 4 one would expect from purely Milky-Way-like dust. This suggests that either SN intrinsic colors are more complicated than can be described with a single light-curve shape parameter, or that dust around SN is unusual. Disentangling these possibilities is both a challenge and an opportunity for large-survey SN Ia cosmology.Comment: Further information and data at http://qold.astro.utoronto.ca/conley/bubble/ Accepted for publication in ApJ

    The relationship of body weight to response to endocrine therapy, steroid hormone receptors and survival of patients with advanced cancer of the breast.

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    High body weight is associated with increased production of oestrogens which may influence the clinical behaviour of breast cancer. We have examined the influence of body weight on the response to endocrine therapy, steroid hormone receptor content and survival in 227 women who either presented with or developed advanced cancer of the breast. One hundred and thirty-three (59%) patients presented with operable disease and 94 (41%) with locally advanced tumours. Two hundred (88%) were treated by tamoxifen and 27 (12%) by ovarian ablation. High body weight was correlated with advanced tumour stage (P = 0.002) and progesterone receptor (PR) positivity (P = 0.01), but not with the presence of oestrogen receptor (ER P = 0.21). The association between high body weight and PR positivity was particularly noticeable among ER positive tumours. There was no significant relationship between the nature of the response to therapy and weight (P = 0.57). There was no significant difference in survival from the start of endocrine therapy (P = 0.95), nor the time to progression of disease (P = 0.29) between patients above and below the median weight of 64 kg. Among the patients with operable disease, there was no difference in overall survival (P = 0.42), relapse free survival (P = 0.69), and survival from the start of endocrine therapy (P = 0.85) according to body weight

    Discovery of Non-radial pulsations in PQ Andromedae

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    We have detected pulsations in time-series photometry of the WZ Sge dwarf nova PQ And. The strongest peak in the power spectrum occurs at a period of 10.5 minutes. Similar periods have been observed in other WZ Sge systems and are attributed to ZZ Ceti type non-radial pulsations. There is no indication in the photometry of an approximately 1.7 hour orbital period as reported in previous spectroscopic observations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Star Formation Histories of Nearby Elliptical Galaxies. II. Merger Remnant Sample

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    This work presents high S/NS/N spectroscopic observations of a sample of six suspected merger remnants, selected primarily on the basis of H{\sc i} tidal debris detections. Single stellar population analysis of these galaxies indicates that their ages, metallicities, and α\alpha-enhancement ratios are consistent with those of a representative sample of nearby elliptical galaxies. The expected stellar population of a recent merger remnant, young age combined with low [α\alpha/Fe], is not seen in any H{\sc i}-selected galaxy. However, one galaxy (NGC~2534), is found to deviate from the ZZ-plane in the sense expected for a merger remnant. Another galaxy (NGC~7332), selected by other criteria, best matches the merger remnant expectations.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted by A

    Resolving the Controversy Over the Core Radius of 47 Tucanae (NGC 104)

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    This paper investigates the discrepancy between recent measurements of the density profile of the globular cluster 47 Tuc that have used HST data sets. Guhathakurta et al. (1992) used pre-refurbishment WFPC1 V-band images to derive r_c = 23" +/- 2". Calzetti et al. (1993) suggested that the density profile is a superposition of two King profiles (r_c = 8" and r_c = 25") based on U-band FOC images. De Marchi et al. (1996) used deep WFPC1 U-band images to derive r_c = 12" +/- 2". Differences in the adopted cluster centers are not the cause of the discrepancy. Our independent analysis of the data used by De Marchi et al. reaches the following conclusions: (1) De Marchi et al.'s r_c ~ 12" value is spuriously low, a result of radially-varying bias in the star counts in a magnitude limited sample -- photometric errors and a steeply rising stellar luminosity function cause more stars to scatter across the limiting magnitude into the sample than out of it, especially near the cluster center where crowding effects are most severe. (2) Changing the limiting magnitude to the main sequence turnoff, away from the steep part of the luminosity function, partially alleviates the problem and results in r_c = 18". (3) Combining such a limiting magnitude with accurate photometry derived from PSF fitting, instead of the less accurate aperture photometry employed by De Marchi et al., results in a reliable measurement of the density profile which is well fit by r_c = 22" +/- 2". Archival WFPC2 data are used to derive a star list with a higher degree of completeness, greater photometric accuracy, and wider areal coverage than the WFPC1 and FOC data sets; the WFPC2-based density profile supports the above conclusions, yielding r_c = 24" +/- 1.9".Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in PASP; see http://www.ucolick.org/~raja/hgg.tar.gz for full-resolution figure

    The ultra-long GRB 111209A - II. Prompt to afterglow and afterglow properties

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    The "ultra-long" Gamma Ray Burst GRB 111209A at redshift z=0.677, is so far the longest GRB ever observed, with rest frame prompt emission duration of ~4 hours. In order to explain the bursts exceptional longevity, a low metallicity blue supergiant progenitor has been invoked. In this work, we further investigate this peculiar burst by performing a multi-band temporal and spectral analysis of both the prompt and the afterglow emission. We use proprietary and publicly available data from Swift, Konus Wind, XMM-Newton, TAROT as well as from other ground based optical and radio telescopes. We find some peculiar properties that are possibly connected to the exceptional nature of this burst, namely: i) an unprecedented large optical delay of 410+/-50 s is measured between the peak epochs of a marked flare observed also in gamma-rays after about 2 ks from the first Swift/BAT trigger; ii) if the optical and X-ray/gamma-ray photons during the prompt emission share a common origin, as suggested by their similar temporal behavior, a certain amount of dust in the circumburst environment should be introduced, with rest frame visual dust extinction of AV=0.3-1.5 mag; iii) at the end of the X-ray "steep decay phase" and before the start of the X-ray afterglow, we detect the presence of a hard spectral extra power law component never revealed so far. On the contrary, the optical afterglow since the end of the prompt emission shows more common properties, with a flux power law decay with index alpha=1.6+/-0.1 and a late re-brightening feature at 1.1 day. We discuss our findings in the context of several possible interpretations given so far to the complex multi-band GRB phenomenology. We also attempt to exploit our results to further constrain the progenitor nature properties of this exceptionally long GRB, suggesting a binary channel formation for the proposed blue supergiant progenitor.Comment: ApJ accepted. Revised version with substantial adjustments, the main results remain unchange

    Fall back accretion and energy injections in gamma-ray bursts

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    Intense flares that occur at late times relative to the prompt phase have been observed by the SwiftSwift satellite in the X-ray afterglows of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Here, we present a detailed analysis on the fall back accretion process to explain the intense flare phase in the very early X-ray afterglow light curves. To reproduce the afterglow at late times, we resort to the external shock by engaging energy injections. By applying our model to GRBs 080810, 081028 and 091029, we show that their X-ray afterglow light curves can be reproduced well. We then apply our model to the ultra-long SwiftSwift GRB 111209A, which is the longest burst ever observed. The very early X-ray afterglow of GRB 111209A showed many interesting features, such as a significant bump observed at around 2000 s after the SwiftSwift/BAT trigger. We assume two constant energy injection processes in our model. These can explain the observed plateau at X-ray wavelength in the relatively early stage (8.0×1038.0\times10^{3} s) and a second X-ray plateau and optical rebrightening at about 10510^{5} s. Our analysis supports the scenario that a significant amount of material may fall back toward the central engine after the prompt phase, causing an enhanced and long lived mass accretion rate powering a Poynting-flux-dominated outflow.Comment: 2 tables, 3 figures, accepted by MNRA