63 research outputs found

    Understanding the relations between QSOs and their host galaxies from combined HST imaging and VLT spectroscopy

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    The host galaxies of six nearby QSOs are studied on the basis of high resolution HST optical images and spatially resolved VLT slit spectra. The gas ionization and velocity are mapped as a function of the distance to the central QSO. In the majority of the cases, the QSO significantly contributes to the gas ionization in its whole host galaxy, and sometimes even outside. Reflection or scattering of the QSO \ha line from remote regions of the galaxy is detected in several instances. The line shifts show that, in all cases, the matter responsible for the light reflection moves away from the QSO, likely accelerated by its radiation pressure. The two faintest QSOs reside in spirals, with some signs of a past gravitational perturbation. One of the intermediate luminosity QSOs resides in a massive elliptical containing gas ionized (and probably pushed away) by the QSO radiation. The other medium-power object is found in a spiral galaxy displaying complex velocity structure, with the central QSO moving with respect to the bulge, probably as a result of a galactic collision. The two most powerful objects are involved in violent gravitational interactions and one of them has no detected host. These results suggest that (1) large-scale phenomena, such as galactic collisions, are closely related to the triggering and the feeding of the QSO and (2) once ignited, the QSO has significant influence on its large-scale neighborhood (often the whole host and sometimes further away).Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 31 pages, 17 figures, 3 table

    Quasar Host Orientation and Polarization: Insights into the Type 1/Type 2 Dichotomy

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    We investigate correlations between the optical linear polarization position angle and the orientation of the host galaxy/extended emission of Type 1 and Type 2 Radio-Loud (RL) and Radio-Quiet (RQ) quasars. We have used high resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data and deconvolution process to obtain a good determination of the host galaxy orientation. With these new measurements and a compilation of data from the literature, we find a significant correlation between the polarization position angle and the position angle of the major axis of the host galaxy/extended emission. The correlation appears different for Type 1 and Type 2 objects and depends on the redshift of the source. Interpretations in the framework of the unification model are discussed.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, to appear in "The Nuclear Region, Host Galaxy and Environment of Active Galaxies", eds. E. Benitez, I. Cruz-Gonzalez and Y. Krongold, RevMexAA (Serie de Conferencias

    Deep near-infrared imaging of the HE0450-2958 system

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    The QSO HE0450-2958 and the companion galaxy with which it is interacting, both ultra luminous in the infrared, have been the subject of much attention in recent years, as the quasar host galaxy remained undetected. This led to various interpretations on QSO and galaxy formation and co-evolution, such as black hole ejection, jet induced star formation, dust obscured galaxy, or normal host below the detection limit. We carried out deep observations in the near-IR in order to solve the puzzle concerning the existence of any host. The object was observed with the ESO VLT and HAWK-I in the near-IR J-band for 8 hours. The images have been processed with the MCS deconvolution method (Magain, Courbin & Sohy, 1998), permitting accurate subtraction of the QSO light from the observations. The compact emission region situated close to the QSO, called the blob, which previously showed only gas emission lines in the optical spectra, is now detected in our near-IR images. Its high brightness implies that stars likely contribute to the near-IR emission. The blob might thus be interpreted as an off-centre, bright and very compact host galaxy, involved in a violent collision with its companion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Slit and integral-field optical spectroscopy of the enigmatic quasar HE0450-2958

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    Interest in the quasar HE0450-2958 arose following the publication of the non-detection of its expected massive host, leading to various interpretations. This article investigates the gaseous and stellar contents of the system through additional VLT/FORS slit spectra and integral field spectroscopy from VLT/VIMOS. We apply our MCS deconvolution algorithm on slit spectra for the separation of the QSO and diffuse components, and develop a new method to remove the point sources in Integral Field Spectra, allowing extraction of velocity maps, narrow-line images, spatially resolved spectra or ionization diagrams of the surroundings of HE0450-2958. The whole system is embedded in gas, mostly ionized by the QSO radiation field and shocks associated with radio jets. The observed gas and star dynamics are unrelated, revealing a strongly perturbed system. Despite longer spectroscopic observations, the host galaxy remains undetected.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, in press in A&

    On-axis spectroscopy of the host galaxies of 20 optically luminous quasars at z~0.3

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    We present the analysis of a sample of 20 bright low-redshift quasars (M_B<-23 and z < 0.35) observed spectroscopically with the VLT. The FORS1 spectra, obtained in Multi Object Spectroscopy (MOS) mode, allow to observe simultaneously the quasars and several reference stars used to spatially deconvolve the data. Applying the MCS deconvolution method, we are able to separate the individual spectra of the quasar and of the underlying host galaxy. Contrary to some previous claims, we find that luminous quasars are not exclusively hosted by massive ellipticals. Most quasar host galaxies harbour large amounts of gas, irrespective of their morphological type. Moreover, the stellar content of half of the hosts is a young Sc-like population, associated with a rather low metallicity interstellar medium. A significant fraction of the galaxies contain gas ionized at large distances by the quasar radiation. This large distance ionization is always associated with signs of gravitational interactions (as detected from images or disturbed rotation curves). The spectra of the quasars themselves provide evidence that gravitational interactions bring dust and gas in the immediate surrounding of the super massive black hole, allowing to feed it. The quasar activity might thus be triggered (1) in young gas-rich spiral galaxies by local events and (2) in more evolved galaxies by gravitational interactions or collisions. The latter mechanism gives rises to the most powerful quasars. Finally, we derive mass models for the isolated spiral host galaxies and we show that the most reliable estimators of the systemic redshift in the quasar spectrum are the tips of the Ha and Hb lines.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS, major revisio

    A deconvolution-based algorithm for crowded field photometry with unknown Point Spread Function

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    A new method is presented for determining the Point Spread Function (PSF) of images that lack bright and isolated stars. It is based on the same principles as the MCS (Magain, Courbin, Sohy, 1998) image deconvolution algorithm. It uses the information contained in all stellar images to achieve the double task of reconstructing the PSFs for single or multiple exposures of the same field and to extract the photometry of all point sources in the field of view. The use of the full information available allows to construct an accurate PSF. The possibility to simultaneously consider several exposures makes it very well suited to the measurement of the light curves of blended point sources from data that would be very difficult or even impossible to analyse with traditional PSF fitting techniques. The potential of the method for the analysis of ground-based and space-based data is tested on artificial images and illustrated by several examples, including HST/NICMOS images of a lensed quasar and VLT/ISAAC images of a faint blended Mira star in the halo of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC5128 (Cen A).Comment: Institutes: (1) Institut d'Astrophysique et de Geophysique, Universite de Liege, allee du 6 Aout 17, B-4000 Liege, Belgium; (2) Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Laboratoire d'Astrophysique, Observatoire, CH-1290 Sauverny, Switzerland; (3) Observatoire de Geneve, 51 Chemin des Maillettes, CH-1290 Sauverny, Switzerland. 8 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Near-IR observations of the HE0450-2958 system: discovery of a second AGN?

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    The QSO HE0450-2958 was brought to the front scene by the non-detection of its host galaxy and strong upper limits on the latter's luminosity. The QSO is also a powerful infrared emitter, in gravitational interaction with a strongly distorted UltraLuminous InfraRed companion galaxy. We investigate the properties of the companion galaxy, through new near- and mid-infrared observations of the system obtained with NICMOS onboard HST, ISAAC and VISIR on the ESO VLT. The companion galaxy is found to harbour a point source revealed only in the infrared, in what appears as a hole or dark patch in the optical images. Various hypotheses on the nature of this point source are analyzed and it is found that the only plausible one is that it is a strongly reddened AGN hidden behind a thick dust cloud. The hypothesis that the QSO supermassive black hole might have been ejected from the companion galaxy in the course of a galactic collision involving 3-body black holes interaction is also reviewed, on the basis of this new insight on a definitely complex system.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Spatial decomposition of on-nucleus spectra of quasar host galaxies

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    In order to study the host galaxies of type 1 (broad-line) quasars, we present a semi-analytic modelling method to decompose the on-nucleus spectra of quasars into nuclear and host galaxy channels. The method uses the spatial information contained in long-slit or slitlet spectra. A routine determines the best-fitting combination of the spatial distribution of the point like nucleus and extended host galaxy. This is fully complementary to a numerical spatial deconvolution technique that we applied to the same data in a previous analysis, which allows a cross-calibration of the two methods. Inputs are a simultaneously observed point spread function, and external constraints on galaxy morphology from imaging. We demonstrate the capabilities of the method to two samples of a total of 18 quasars observed with EFOSC at the ESO 3.6-m telescope and FORS1 at the ESO VLT. ∼50 per cent of the host galaxies with successful decomposition show distortions in their rotation curves or peculiar gas velocities above normal maximum velocities for discs. This is consistent with the fraction from optical imaging. All host galaxies have quite young stellar populations, typically 1-2 Gyr. For the disc dominated hosts these are consistent with their inactive counterparts, the luminosity-weighted stellar ages are much younger for the bulge dominated hosts, compared to inactive early-type galaxies. While this presents further evidence for a connection of galaxy interaction and active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity for half of the sample, this is not clear for the other half. These are often undistorted disc dominated host galaxies, and interaction on a smaller level might be detected in deeper high-resolution images or deeper spectroscopic data. The velocity information does not show obvious signs for large scale outflows triggered by AGN feedback - the data are consistent with velocity fields created by galaxy interactio

    On-axis spectroscopy of the host galaxies of 20 optically luminous quasars at z ∼ 0.3

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    We present the analysis of a sample of 20 bright low-redshift quasars (MB < −23 and z < 0.35) observed spectroscopically with the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The Focal Reducer/low dispersion Spectrograph (FORS1) spectra, obtained in Multi-Object Spectroscopy (MOS) mode, allow to observe simultaneously the quasars and several reference stars used to spatially deconvolve the data. Applying the Magain, Courbin & Sohy (MCS) deconvolution method, we are able to separate the individual spectra of the quasar and of the underlying host galaxy. Contrary to some previous claims, we find that luminous quasars are not exclusively hosted by massive ellipticals. Most quasar host galaxies harbour large amounts of gas, irrespective of their morphological type. Moreover, the stellar content of half of the hosts is a young Sc-like population, associated with a rather low-metallicity interstellar medium. A significant fraction of the galaxies contain gas ionized at large distances by the quasar radiation. This large distance ionization is always associated with signs of gravitational interactions (as detected from images or disturbed rotation curves). The spectra of the quasars themselves provide evidence that gravitational interactions bring dust and gas in the immediate surrounding of the super massive black hole, allowing to feed it. The quasar activity might thus be triggered (1) in young gas-rich spiral galaxies by local events and (2) in more evolved galaxies by gravitational interactions or collisions. The latter mechanism gives rises to the most powerful quasars. Finally, we derive mass models for the isolated spiral host galaxies and we show that the most reliable estimators of the systemic redshift in the quasar spectrum are the tips of the Hα and Hβ line

    Quasar induced galaxy formation: a new paradigm ?

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    We discuss observational evidence that quasars play a key role in the formation of galaxies starting from the detailed study of the quasar HE0450-2958 and extending the discussion to a series of converging evidence that radio jets may trigger galaxy formation. The direct detection with VISIR at the ESO-VLT of the 7 kpc distant companion galaxy of HE0450-2958 allows us to spatially separate the sites of quasar and star formation activity in this composite system made of two ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs). No host galaxy has yet been detected for this quasar, but the companion galaxy stellar mass would bring HE0450-2958 in the local M(BH)-M(stellar bulge) relation if it were to merge with the QSO. This is bound to happen because of their close distance (7 kpc) and small relative velocity (~60-200 km/s). We conclude that we may be witnessing the building of the M(BH)-M(stellar bulge) relation, or at least of a major event in that process. The star formation rate (~340 Msun/yr), age (40-200 Myr) and stellar mass ([5-6]x10^10 Msun) are consistent with jet-induced formation of the companion galaxy. We suggest that HE0450-2958 may be fueled in fresh material by cold gas accretion from intergalactic filaments. We map the projected galaxy density surrounding the QSO as a potential tracer of intergalactic filaments and discuss a putative detection. Comparison to other systems suggests that inside-out formation of quasar host galaxies and jet-induced galaxy formation may be a common process. Two tests are proposed for this new paradigm: (1) the detection of offset molecular gas or dust emission with respect to the position of distant QSOs, (2) the delayed formation of host galaxies as a result of QSO activity, hence the two step building of the M(BH)/M(stellar bulge) ratio.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (with minor corrections
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