2,541 research outputs found

    On integration of the Kowalevski gyrostat and the Clebsch problems

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    For the Kowalevski gyrostat change of variables similar to that of the Kowalevski top is done. We establish one to one correspondence between the Kowalevski gyrostat and the Clebsch system and demonstrate that Kowalevski variables for the gyrostat practically coincide with elliptic coordinates on sphere for the Clebsch case. Equivalence of considered integrable systems allows to construct two Lax matrices for the gyrostat using known rational and elliptic Lax matrices for the Clebsch model. Associated with these matrices solutions of the Clebsch system and, therefore, of the Kowalevski gyrostat problem are discussed. The Kotter solution of the Clebsch system in modern notation is presented in detail.Comment: LaTeX, 24 page

    Intelligent OFDM telecommunication system. Part 3. Anti-eavesdropping and anti-jamming properties of system, based on many-parameter wavelet and Golay transforms

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    In this paper, we aim to investigate the superiority and practicability of many-parameter Fourier transforms (MPFT) from the physical layer security (PHY-LS) perspective. We propose novel Intelligent OFDM-telecommunication system (Intelligent-OFDM-TCS), based on MPFT. New system uses inverse MPFT for modulation at the transmitter and direct MPFT for demodulation at the receiver. The purpose of employing the MPFTs is to improve the PHY-LS of wireless transmissions against to the wide-band anti-jamming communication. Each MPFT depends on finite set of independent parameters (angles), which could be changed independently one from another. When parameters are changed, multi-parametric transform is also changed taking form of a set known (and unknown) orthogonal (or unitary) transforms. We implement the following performances as bit error rate (BER), symbol error rate (SER), the Shannon-Wyner secrecy capacity (SWSC) for novel Intelligent-MPWT-OFDM-TCS. Previous research has shown that the conventional OFDM TCS based on discrete Fourier transform (DFT) has unsatisfactory characteristics in BER, SWSC and in anti-eavesdropping communications. We study Intelligent-MPWT-OFDM-TCS to find out optimal values of angle parameters of MPFT optimized BER, SWSC, anti-eavesdropping effects. Simulation results show that the proposed Intelligent OFDM-TCS have better performances than the conventional OFDM system based on DFT against eavesdropping. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Multisoliton hybrid generation of fiber lasers with anomalous dispersion

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    We have performed a numerical simulation study of a hybrid regime of anomalous-dispersion-fiber lasers inwhich passive mode locking occurs simultaneously with the regime of regular undamped spikes induced by anintracavity saturable absorber. Stabilization and reproducibility of the laser radiation is provided by a fiber opticaldelay line due to which each subsequent spike is formed from the seed radiation of the previous one. The transientevolution and steady-state generation are analyzed. It is found that the number of ultrashort pulses in the steady-state generation depends on the initial conditions of the transient process. In the investigated generation, thespatial-temporal concentration of radiation energy is due to both passive mode locking andQ-switch operation.The hybrid regime is of interest for obtaining reproducible high-energy light pulse

    Theory of passively-mode-locked fiber lasers with phase-modulated square pulses

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    We present results of the analysis of square pulses generated in passively-mode-locked lasers under dissipative-soliton-resonance conditions. The master equation used in this work takes into account the gain saturation, the quadratic frequency dispersion of the gain and the refractive index, and the cubic-quintic nonlinearity of the losses and refractive index. The phase modulation effects are defined as a perturbation to the solution of this equation that has the form of a square pulse without phase modulation. An analytical dependence of the change in the carrier frequency of the radiation along the pulse is found. Conditions for the occurrence of the singlet and doublet spectra of the square pulse are determined. The mechanisms responsible for the occurrence of this regime are analyzed. The obtained analytical dependencies are in good agreement with the results of numerical simulation

    Newest technologies in training on Occupational safety and health

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    Occupational safety and health - a special discipline: shortcomings and errors due to poor education and no authentic information leading to very serious consequences. New technology training on health and safety in the XXI century beyond lectures and seminars for staff and engineers for safety. Nowadays ensuring industrial safety and health personnel are a key competence of top managers, directors, chief engineers and heads of all departments of companies. Education in the field of labor - an area of special attention because it is addressed to adults. This modern pedagogical aims and science - andragogics branch of science teaching, which reveals the theoretical and practical problems of education and adult education throughout his life.Key words: occupational health and safety, training, education, andragogy, preparation of personnel, lifelong learning, adult education.Охорона праці - особлива дисципліна: недоліки і помилки через неякісне навчання та не достеменну інформацію призводять до дуже тяжких наслідків. Нові технології навчання з охорони праці в XXI столітті виходять за межі лекцій і семінарів для працівників та інженерів з охорони праці. У наші дні забезпечення промислової безпеки та здоров´я персоналу стають однією з ключовими компетенцій топ-менеджерів, директорів, головних інженерів й керівників усіх підрозділів компаній. Навчання у сфері охорони праці - зона особливої уваги, оскільки воно адресовано дорослим людям. На це і спрямована сучасна педагогічна наука – андрагогіка галузь педагогічної науки, яка розкриває теоретичні та практичні проблеми навчання та освіти дорослої людини протягом усього його життя.Ключові слова:охорона праці, навчання, освіта, андрагогіка, підготовка кадрів, безперервне навчання, навчання дорослих.

    Relativistic dynamical polarizability of hydrogen-like atoms

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    Using the operator representation of the Dirac Coulomb Green function the analytical method in perturbation theory is employed in obtaining solutions of the Dirac equation for a hydrogen-like atom in a time-dependent electric field. The relativistic dynamical polarizability of hydrogen-like atoms is calculated and analysed.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures (not included, but hard copies are available upon request

    Study of a harmonic mode lock stability under external continuous-wave injection

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    In this paper, we investigate experimentally the effect of an injected continuous external optical laser in a stable passive harmonic mode-locked fiber laser operating in the anomalous dispersion regime. Under specific conditions, the continuous-wave significantly increases the stability of the harmonic mode-locked regime. This occurs for a discrete set of wavelengths and below a critical injected power