6,092 research outputs found

    Social aspects of migrants’ adaptation in Russia in the digital economy

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    The state, due to its socio-economic nature, must regulate and control the most important social processes. Migration is an important part of these processes, since the attraction of additional labor resources will give a certain impetus to the sustainable development of the country and ensure long-term economic growth. However, the implementation of migration policy is associated with a whole range of problems. The problems of social and digital adaptation of migrants, social and territorial disunity are among them. Added to this is the lack of effective interaction between public authorities and municipalities with civil society institutions, as well as the presence of a clear bias in ensuring equal opportunities in obtaining public services, depending on the level of income, migration status and other factors. The weak role of civil institutions in social and cultural adaptation and the language barrier also exacerbate the situation. The dominance of unskilled personnel in the structure of migration flows aggravates their digital adaptation. The digitalisation of many processes could have a signifcant impact in solving these problems. With its help, an effective institutional environment would gradually form. This article examines the social aspects of migrants’ adaptation in the context of digitalization. In the course of the research, the author conducted a comprehensive analysis, including observations, expert interviews and analysis of regulatory documents. The paper considers various aspects of the adaptation of migrants within the framework of political, socio-economic, psychological, national and demographic problems. As the study showed, in the context of digitalization it is necessary to form a fundamentally new institutional environment in the feld of adaptation of migrants in the host country. A qualitatively different regulatory framework, new institutions that harmonize the interests of the state, civil society, business and migrants should become a part of this environment


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    It has been shown, that the national economy of Russia is subject to reform and needs in innovative transformation. The information economy implies radical changes in all its spheres and affects the activities of many economic entities at different hierarchical levels of management. The directions of creation of development institutions, combining elements of self-regulation and state regulation and providing formation of breakthrough economy have been highlighted. A new breakthrough technologies of transformation of economy, along with traditional methods of managing the most priority of which are mobilizing resources in education and science-intensive industries have been considered

    Ensuring the economic security of the country in the new geopolitical realities

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    The issue of ensuring Russia’s economic security is an important and priority task, especially in the tightening conditions of the consolidated sanctions policy of the European Union countries and the United States. The process of developing measures that allow Russian economy to develop sustainably and effectively counter the growing geopolitical threats is complex and requires a comprehensive and honest assessment, including the import dependence degree of business, the degree and level of involvement in global supply chains, the development level of domestic production, etc. For each assessment area, indicators should be identified that have a preventive nature and make it possible to detect a growing potential threat. In the research theoretical provisions on economic security are considered; existing threats to economic security in geopolitical realities are formulated; indicators presented by the Federal State Statistics Service are identified that allow assessing the threat degree; directions for ensuring economic security are developed

    Modern trends of digitalization of innovation process

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    The purpose of this article is to identify modern aspects and problem areas in the field of digitalization of the innovation process. Digital technologies are becoming an increasingly important component of the various functional areas of the organization, and in some situations, the success of a business project. Digital technologies open great prospects for the conduct of various kinds of business, allow organizing international cooperation with minimal costs, thus accelerating globalization, stimulating development and expanding the boundaries of the world economic space.The wide use of digital technologies allows for the networking between the participants in the innovation process, ensures the formation of competitive advantages, optimizes the use of economic and other types of resources, and also enhances coordination and communication. Unfortunately, in Russia the level of application of digital organizations, in comparison with foreign organizations of developed countries, remains at a low level. In our country, the need for the use of information technology has matured long ago, but only since May 2017 the relevant regulatory documents have been issued that encourage organizations to actively digitize all areas and functional areas of their activities. Modern information technologies are characterized by high computing power, they take control of the organization, production, creation of innovations to a fundamentally different quality level.Currently, the success of competition is determined by the ability of organizations to quickly implement and commercialize innovations and obtain superprofits, in this regard it seems relevant to explore the possibilities of digital solutions and technologies for the effective management and management of innovation.The article analyzes the current state of the information technology industry and the information and communication technologies industry, on the basis of which the problems of the industry development have been identified, and proposals have been developed to use digital products to stimulate the innovation process

    Bottom-quark fragmentation: comparing results from tuned event generators and resummed calculations

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    We study bottom-quark fragmentation in e+e- annihilation, top and Higgs decay H -> b bbar, using Monte Carlo event generators, as well as calculations, based on the formalism of perturbative fragmentation functions, which resum soft- and collinear-radiation effects in the next-to-leading logarithmic approximation. We consider the PYTHIA and HERWIG generators, and implement matrix-element corrections to the parton shower simulation of the H -> b bbar process in HERWIG. We tune the Kartvelishvili, string and cluster models to B-hadron data from LEP and SLD, and present results in both x_B and moment spaces. The B-hadron spectra yielded by HERWIG, PYTHIA and resummed calculations show small discrepancies, which are due to the different approaches and models employed and to the quality of the fits to the e+e- data.Comment: 22 pages, 11 colour figures. Minor changes in the text, published versio

    Bottom Quark Fragmentation in Top Quark Decay

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    We study the fragmentation of the b quark in top decay in NLO QCD, within the framework of perturbative fragmentation, which allows one to resum large logarithms log(mt2/mb2)\sim\log (m_t^2/m_b^2). We show the b-energy distribution, which we compare with the exact O(αS){\cal O} (\alpha_S) result for a massive b quark. We use data from e+ee^+e^- machines in order to describe the b-quark hadronization and make predictions for the energy spectrum of b-flavoured hadrons in top decay. We also investigate the effect of NLL soft-gluon resummation in the initial condition of the perturbative fragmentation function on parton- and hadron-level energy distributions.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Color Octet Contribution to J/psi Photoproduction Asymmetries

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    We investigate J/ψJ/\psi photoproduction asymmetries in the framework of the NRQCD factorization approach. It is shown that the color octet contribution leads to large uncertainties in the predicted asymmetries which rules out the possibility to precisely measure the gluon polarization in the nucleon through this final state. For small values of the color octet parameters being compatible with J/ψJ/\psi photoproduction data it appears possible that a measurement of J/ψJ/\psi asymmetries could provide a new test for the NRQCD factorization approach, on one hand, or a measurement of the polarized gluon distribution from low inelasticity events (z<0.7)(z<0.7), on the otherComment: 12 pages, LaTeX, with 6 figs. Final version published in Phys.Rev.

    Abnormal gut microbiota and impaired incretin effect as a cause of type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    It has now been established that the intestinal microbiota (CM) is one of the 11 links in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Th e fact is that when the composition of BM is disrupted and the concentration of its active metabolites changes, the processes of synthesis and secretion of incretin hormones are disrupted, the homeostasis of carbohydrates and fats in the body is disrupted, the processes of central regulation of appetite change, chronic infl ammation and insulin resistance of peripheral tissues develop. Th is review discusses possible ways of impairing the synthesis of incretin hormones and the incretin eff ect in patients with T2DM through the prism of BM and its active metabolites, and discusses possible ways of correcting the altered composition of BM with incretin drugs.A systematic literature search was carried out using the Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science databases

    NLO QCD corrections to off-shell top-antitop production with leptonic decays at hadron colliders

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    We present details of a calculation of the cross section for hadronic top-antitop production in next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD, including the decays of the top and antitop into bottom quarks and leptons. This calculation is based on matrix elements for \nu e e+ \mu- \bar{\nu}_{\mu}b\bar{b} production and includes all non-resonant diagrams, interferences, and off-shell effects of the top quarks. Such contributions are formally suppressed by the top-quark width and turn out to be small in the inclusive cross section. However, they can be strongly enhanced in exclusive observables that play an important role in Higgs and new-physics searches. Also non-resonant and off-shell effects due to the finite W-boson width are investigated in detail, but their impact is much smaller than naively expected. We also introduce a matching approach to improve NLO calculations involving intermediate unstable particles. Using a fixed QCD scale leads to perturbative instabilities in the high-energy tails of distributions, but an appropriate dynamical scale stabilises NLO predictions. Numerical results for the total cross section, several distributions, and asymmetries are presented for Tevatron and the LHC at 7 TeV, 8 TeV, and 14 TeV.Comment: 61 pp. Matches version published in JHEP; one more reference adde