69 research outputs found

    Ventilation-perfusion inequality in the human lung is not increased following no-decompression-stop hyperbaric exposure

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    Venous gas bubbles occur in recreational SCUBA divers in the absence of decompression sickness, forming venous gas emboli (VGE) which are trapped within pulmonary circulation and cleared by the lung without overt pathology. We hypothesized that asymptomatic VGE would transiently increase ventilation-perfusion mismatch due to their occlusive effects within the pulmonary circulation. Two sets of healthy volunteers (n = 11, n = 12) were recruited to test this hypothesis with a single recreational ocean dive or a baro-equivalent dry hyperbaric dive. Pulmonary studies (intrabreath VA/Q (iV/Q), alveolar dead space, and FVC) were conducted at baseline and repeat 1- and 24-h after the exposure. Contrary to our hypothesis VA/Q mismatch was decreased 1-h post-SCUBA dive (iV/Q slope 0.023 ± 0.008 ml−1 at baseline vs. 0.010 ± 0.005 NS), and was significantly reduced 24-h post-SCUBA dive (0.000 ± 0.005, p < 0.05), with improved VA/Q homogeneity inversely correlated to dive severity. No changes in VA/Q mismatch were observed after the chamber dive. Alveolar dead space decreased 24-h post-SCUBA dive (78 ± 10 ml at baseline vs. 56 ± 5, p < 0.05), but not 1-h post dive. FVC rose 1-h post-SCUBA dive (5.01 ± 0.18 l vs. 5.21 ± 0.26, p < 0.05), remained elevated 24-h post SCUBA dive (5.06 ± 0.2, p < 0.05), but was decreased 1-hr after the chamber dive (4.96 ± 0.31 L to 4.87 ± 0.32, p < 0.05). The degree of VA/Q mismatch in the lung was decreased following recreational ocean dives, and was unchanged following an equivalent air chamber dive, arguing against an impact of VGE on the pulmonary circulation

    Supine posture changes lung volumes and increases ventilation heterogeneity in cystic fibrosis

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    INTRODUCTION: Lung Clearance Index (LCI) is recognised as an early marker of cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. The effect of posture on LCI however is important when considering longitudinal measurements from infancy and when comparing LCI to imaging studies. METHODS: 35 children with CF and 28 healthy controls (HC) were assessed. Multiple breath washout (MBW) was performed both sitting and supine in triplicate and analysed for LCI, Scond, Sacin, and lung volumes. These values were also corrected for the Fowler dead-space to create 'alveolar' indices. RESULTS: From sitting to supine there was a significant increase in LCI and a significant decrease in FRC for both CF and HC (p<0.01). LCI, when adjusted to estimate 'alveolar' LCI (LCIalv), increased the magnitude of change with posture for both LCIalv and FRCalv in both groups, with a greater effect of change in lung volume in HC compared with children with CF. The % change in LCIalv for all subjects correlated significantly with lung volume % changes, most notably tidal volume/functional residual capacity (Vtalv/FRCalv (r = 0.54,p<0.001)). CONCLUSION: There is a significant increase in LCI from sitting to supine, which we believe to be in part due to changes in lung volume and also increasing ventilation heterogeneity related to posture. This may have implications in longitudinal measurements from infancy to older childhood and for studies comparing supine imaging methods to LCI

    A Model Analysis of Arterial Oxygen Desaturation during Apnea in Preterm Infants

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    Rapid arterial O2 desaturation during apnea in the preterm infant has obvious clinical implications but to date no adequate explanation for why it exists. Understanding the factors influencing the rate of arterial O2 desaturation during apnea () is complicated by the non-linear O2 dissociation curve, falling pulmonary O2 uptake, and by the fact that O2 desaturation is biphasic, exhibiting a rapid phase (stage 1) followed by a slower phase when severe desaturation develops (stage 2). Using a mathematical model incorporating pulmonary uptake dynamics, we found that elevated metabolic O2 consumption accelerates throughout the entire desaturation process. By contrast, the remaining factors have a restricted temporal influence: low pre-apneic alveolar causes an early onset of desaturation, but thereafter has little impact; reduced lung volume, hemoglobin content or cardiac output, accelerates during stage 1, and finally, total blood O2 capacity (blood volume and hemoglobin content) alone determines during stage 2. Preterm infants with elevated metabolic rate, respiratory depression, low lung volume, impaired cardiac reserve, anemia, or hypovolemia, are at risk for rapid and profound apneic hypoxemia. Our insights provide a basic physiological framework that may guide clinical interpretation and design of interventions for preventing sudden apneic hypoxemia

    A modeling approach to the estimation of CO diffusing capacity

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    Specific ventilation distribution in microgravity

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    Influence of collateral ventilation on single-breath washout curves

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    A source of experimental underestimation of aerosol bolus deposition

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