279 research outputs found

    Grain boundary motion in layered phases

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    We study the motion of a grain boundary that separates two sets of mutually perpendicular rolls in Rayleigh-B\'enard convection above onset. The problem is treated either analytically from the corresponding amplitude equations, or numerically by solving the Swift-Hohenberg equation. We find that if the rolls are curved by a slow transversal modulation, a net translation of the boundary follows. We show analytically that although this motion is a nonlinear effect, it occurs in a time scale much shorter than that of the linear relaxation of the curved rolls. The total distance traveled by the boundary scales as ϵ−1/2\epsilon^{-1/2}, where ϵ\epsilon is the reduced Rayleigh number. We obtain analytical expressions for the relaxation rate of the modulation and for the time dependent traveling velocity of the boundary, and especially their dependence on wavenumber. The results agree well with direct numerical solutions of the Swift-Hohenberg equation. We finally discuss the implications of our results on the coarsening rate of an ensemble of differently oriented domains in which grain boundary motion through curved rolls is the dominant coarsening mechanism.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Penta-Hepta Defect Motion in Hexagonal Patterns

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    Structure and dynamics of penta-hepta defects in hexagonal patterns is studied in the framework of coupled amplitude equations for underlying plane waves. Analytical solution for phase field of moving PHD is found in the far field, which generalizes the static solution due to Pismen and Nepomnyashchy (1993). The mobility tensor of PHD is calculated using combined analytical and numerical approach. The results for the velocity of PHD climbing in slightly non-optimal hexagonal patterns are compared with numerical simulations of amplitude equations. Interaction of penta-hepta defects in optimal hexagonal patterns is also considered.Comment: 4 pages, Postscript (submitted to PRL

    Learning from Monte Carlo Rollouts with Opponent Models for Playing Tron

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    This paper describes a novel reinforcement learning system for learning to play the game of Tron. The system combines Q-learning, multi-layer perceptrons, vision grids, opponent modelling, and Monte Carlo rollouts in a novel way. By learning an opponent model, Monte Carlo rollouts can be effectively applied to generate state trajectories for all possible actions from which improved action estimates can be computed. This allows to extend experience replay by making it possible to update the state-action values of all actions in a given game state simultaneously. The results show that the use of experience replay that updates the Q-values of all actions simultaneously strongly outperforms the conventional experience replay that only updates the Q-value of the performed action. The results also show that using short or long rollout horizons during training lead to similar good performances against two fixed opponents

    Defect Dynamics for Spiral Chaos in Rayleigh-Benard Convection

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    A theory of the novel spiral chaos state recently observed in Rayleigh-Benard convection is proposed in terms of the importance of invasive defects i.e defects that through their intrinsic dynamics expand to take over the system. The motion of the spiral defects is shown to be dominated by wave vector frustration, rather than a rotational motion driven by a vertical vorticity field. This leads to a continuum of spiral frequencies, and a spiral may rotate in either sense depending on the wave vector of its local environment. Results of extensive numerical work on equations modelling the convection system provide some confirmation of these ideas.Comment: Revtex (15 pages) with 4 encoded Postscript figures appende

    Dynamics and Selection of Giant Spirals in Rayleigh-Benard Convection

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    For Rayleigh-Benard convection of a fluid with Prandtl number \sigma \approx 1, we report experimental and theoretical results on a pattern selection mechanism for cell-filling, giant, rotating spirals. We show that the pattern selection in a certain limit can be explained quantitatively by a phase-diffusion mechanism. This mechanism for pattern selection is very different from that for spirals in excitable media

    Renormalization Group Theory And Variational Calculations For Propagating Fronts

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    We study the propagation of uniformly translating fronts into a linearly unstable state, both analytically and numerically. We introduce a perturbative renormalization group (RG) approach to compute the change in the propagation speed when the fronts are perturbed by structural modification of their governing equations. This approach is successful when the fronts are structurally stable, and allows us to select uniquely the (numerical) experimentally observable propagation speed. For convenience and completeness, the structural stability argument is also briefly described. We point out that the solvability condition widely used in studying dynamics of nonequilibrium systems is equivalent to the assumption of physical renormalizability. We also implement a variational principle, due to Hadeler and Rothe, which provides a very good upper bound and, in some cases, even exact results on the propagation speeds, and which identifies the transition from ` linear'- to ` nonlinear-marginal-stability' as parameters in the governing equation are varied.Comment: 34 pages, plain tex with uiucmac.tex. Also available by anonymous ftp to gijoe.mrl.uiuc.edu (, file /pub/front_RG.tex (or .ps.Z

    Neural Networks for State Evaluation in General Game Playing

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    Abstract. Unlike traditional game playing, General Game Playing is concerned with agents capable of playing classes of games. Given the rules of an unknown game, the agent is supposed to play well without human intervention. For this purpose, agent systems that use deterministic game tree search need to automatically construct a state value function to guide search. Successful systems of this type use evaluation functions derived solely from the game rules, thus neglecting further improvements by experience. In addition, these functions are fixed in their form and do not necessarily capture the game’s real state value function. In this work we present an approach for obtaining evaluation functions on the basis of neural networks that overcomes the aforementioned problems. A network initialization extracted from the game rules ensures reasonable behavior without the need for prior training. Later training, however, can lead to significant improvements in evaluation quality, as our results indicate.

    Dynamical Properties of Multi-Armed Global Spirals in Rayleigh-Benard Convection

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    Explicit formulas for the rotation frequency and the long-wavenumber diffusion coefficients of global spirals with mm arms in Rayleigh-Benard convection are obtained. Global spirals and parallel rolls share exactly the same Eckhaus, zigzag and skewed-varicose instability boundaries. Global spirals seem not to have a characteristic frequency ωm\omega_m or a typical size RmR_m, but their product ωmRm\omega_m R_m is a constant under given experimental conditions. The ratio Ri/RjR_i/R_j of the radii of any two dislocations (RiR_i, RjR_j) inside a multi-armed spiral is also predicted to be constant. Some of these results have been tested by our numerical work.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. E as Rapid Communication

    Grain boundary pinning and glassy dynamics in stripe phases

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    We study numerically and analytically the coarsening of stripe phases in two spatial dimensions, and show that transient configurations do not achieve long ranged orientational order but rather evolve into glassy configurations with very slow dynamics. In the absence of thermal fluctuations, defects such as grain boundaries become pinned in an effective periodic potential that is induced by the underlying periodicity of the stripe pattern itself. Pinning arises without quenched disorder from the non-adiabatic coupling between the slowly varying envelope of the order parameter around a defect, and its fast variation over the stripe wavelength. The characteristic size of ordered domains asymptotes to a finite value $R_g \sim \lambda_0\ \epsilon^{-1/2}\exp(|a|/\sqrt{\epsilon}),where, where \epsilon\ll 1isthedimensionlessdistanceawayfromthreshold, is the dimensionless distance away from threshold, \lambda_0thestripewavelength,and the stripe wavelength, and a$ a constant of order unity. Random fluctuations allow defect motion to resume until a new characteristic scale is reached, function of the intensity of the fluctuations. We finally discuss the relationship between defect pinning and the coarsening laws obtained in the intermediate time regime.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. Corrected version with one new figur
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