749 research outputs found

    Higher Algebraic Structures and Quantization

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    We derive (quasi-)quantum groups in 2+1 dimensional topological field theory directly from the classical action and the path integral. Detailed computations are carried out for the Chern-Simons theory with finite gauge group. The principles behind our computations are presumably more general. We extend the classical action in a d+1 dimensional topological theory to manifolds of dimension less than d+1. We then ``construct'' a generalized path integral which in d+1 dimensions reduces to the standard one and in d dimensions reproduces the quantum Hilbert space. In a 2+1 dimensional topological theory the path integral over the circle is the category of representations of a quasi-quantum group. In this paper we only consider finite theories, in which the generalized path integral reduces to a finite sum. New ideas are needed to extend beyond the finite theories treated here.Comment: 62 pages + 16 figures (revised version). In this revision we make some small corrections and clarification

    Konishi anomaly approach to gravitational F-terms

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    We study gravitational corrections to the effective superpotential in theories with a single adjoint chiral multiplet, using the generalized Konishi anomaly and the gravitationally deformed chiral ring. We show that the genus one correction to the loop equation in the corresponding matrix model agrees with the gravitational corrected anomaly equations in the gauge theory. An important ingrediant in the proof is the lack of factorization of chiral gauge invariant operators in presence of a supergravity background. We also find a genus zero gravitational correction to the superpotential, which can be removed by a field redefinition.Comment: 28 pages, uses JHEP3.cl

    Fourier transform and the Verlinde formula for the quantum double of a finite group

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    A Fourier transform S is defined for the quantum double D(G) of a finite group G. Acting on characters of D(G), S and the central ribbon element of D(G) generate a unitary matrix representation of the group SL(2,Z). The characters form a ring over the integers under both the algebra multiplication and its dual, with the latter encoding the fusion rules of D(G). The Fourier transform relates the two ring structures. We use this to give a particularly short proof of the Verlinde formula for the fusion coefficients.Comment: 15 pages, small errors corrected and references added, version to appear in Journal of Physics

    Simple Current Actions of Cyclic Groups

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    Permutation actions of simple currents on the primaries of a Rational Conformal Field Theory are considered in the framework of admissible weighted permutation actions. The solution of admissibility conditions is presented for cyclic quadratic groups: an irreducible WPA corresponds to each subgroup of the quadratic group. As a consequence, the primaries of a RCFT with an order n integral or half-integral spin simple current may be arranged into multiplets of length k^2 (where k is a divisor of n) or 3k^2 if the spin of the simple current is half-integral and k is odd.Comment: Added reference, minor change

    Low Energy Effective Action in N=2 Yang-Mills as an Integrated Anomaly

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    Based on chiral ring relations and anomalies, as described by Cachazo, Douglas, Seiberg and Witten, we argue that the holomorphic effective action in N=2 Yang-Mills theory can be understood as an integrated U(1) anomaly from a purely field theory point of view. In particular, we show that the periods of the Riemann surface arising from the generalized Konishi anomaly can be given a physical interpretation without referring to special geometry. We also discuss consequences for the multi-instanton calculus in N=2 Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures ; v2: reference adde

    Necessary and sufficient conditions for non-perturbative equivalences of large N orbifold gauge theories

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    Large N coherent state methods are used to study the relation between U(N) gauge theories containing adjoint representation matter fields and their orbifold projections. The classical dynamical systems which reproduce the large N limits of the quantum dynamics in parent and daughter orbifold theories are compared. We demonstrate that the large N dynamics of the parent theory, restricted to the subspace invariant under the orbifold projection symmetry, and the large N dynamics of the daughter theory, restricted to the untwisted sector invariant under "theory space'' permutations, coincide. This implies equality, in the large N limit, between appropriately identified connected correlation functions in parent and daughter theories, provided the orbifold projection symmetry is not spontaneously broken in the parent theory and the theory space permutation symmetry is not spontaneously broken in the daughter. The necessity of these symmetry realization conditions for the validity of the large N equivalence is unsurprising, but demonstrating the sufficiency of these conditions is new. This work extends an earlier proof of non-perturbative large N equivalence which was only valid in the phase of the (lattice regularized) theories continuously connected to large mass and strong coupling.Comment: 21 page, JHEP styl

    Phases of N=1 USp(2N_c) Gauge Theories with Flavors

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    We studied the phase structures of N=1 supersymmetric USp(2N_c) gauge theory with N_f flavors in the fundamental representation as we deformed the N=2 supersymmetric QCD by adding the superpotential for adjoint chiral scalar field. We determined the most general factorization curves for various breaking patterns, for example, the two different breaking patterns of quartic superpotential. We observed all kinds of smooth transitions for quartic superpotential. Finally we discuss the intriguing role of USp(0) in the phase structure and the possible connection with observations made recently in hep-th/0304271 (Aganagic, Intriligator, Vafa and Warner) and in hep-th/0307063 (Cachazo).Comment: 61pp; Improved the presentation, references are added and to appear in PR

    Prepotential and Instanton Corrections in N=2 Supersymmetric SU(N_1)xSU(N_2) Yang Mills Theories

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    In this paper we analyse the non-hyperelliptic Seiberg-Witten curves derived from M-theory that encode the low energy solution of N=2 supersymmetric theories with product gauge groups. We consider the case of a SU(N_1)xSU(N_2) gauge theory with a hypermultiplet in the bifundamental representation together with matter in the fundamental representations of SU(N_1) and SU(N_2). By means of the Riemann bilinear relations that hold on the Riemann surface defined by the Seiberg--Witten curve, we compute the logarithmic derivative of the prepotential with respect to the quantum scales of both gauge groups. As an application we develop a method to compute recursively the instanton corrections to the prepotential in a straightforward way. We present explicit formulas for up to third order on both quantum scales. Furthermore, we extend those results to SU(N) gauge theories with a matter hypermultiplet in the symmetric and antisymmetric representation. We also present some non-trivial checks of our results.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, minor changes and references adde

    Dying Dyons Don't Count

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    The dyonic 1/4-BPS states in 4D string theory with N=4 spacetime supersymmetry are counted by a Siegel modular form. The pole structure of the modular form leads to a contour dependence in the counting formula obscuring its duality invariance. We exhibit the relation between this ambiguity and the (dis-)appearance of bound states of 1/2-BPS configurations. Using this insight we propose a precise moduli-dependent contour prescription for the counting formula. We then show that the degeneracies are duality-invariant and are correctly adjusted at the walls of marginal stability to account for the (dis-)appearance of the two-centered bound states. Especially, for large black holes none of these bound states exists at the attractor point and none of these ambiguous poles contributes to the counting formula. Using this fact we also propose a second, moduli-independent contour which counts the "immortal dyons" that are stable everywhere.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures; one minus sign correcte

    Classical Solutions in Two-Dimensional String Theory and Gravitational Collapse

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    A general solution to the D=2D=2 1-loop beta functions equations including tachyonic back reaction on the metric is presented. Dynamical black hole (classical) solutions representing gravitational collapse of tachyons are constructed. A discussion on the correspondence with the matrix-model approach is given.Comment: 7 pages, UTTG-31-9