152 research outputs found


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    This article describes how the rapid development of modern psychotherapy led to a wide variety of areas, and schools, making it difficult to even its single definition. In domestic psychotherapy are two different areas: clinical and psychological therapy, which differ on the project (patients and clients) and their means, which makes their differences with respect to the diagnosis. In psychological therapy services primarily mentally healthy individuals (clients) with personal and situational problems, which are reflected in the symbolic form of symptoms, psychiatric diagnosis and, therefore, is of secondary importance. While clinical psychotherapy busy treating people with mental disorders, for which the identification of symptoms and psychiatric diagnosis is essential. The expediency of psychiatric diagnosis prior to psychological therapy. The expediency of adequate combined use of psychopharmacological and psychological tools in clinical psychotherapy. The analysis of the differences between the concepts of the phenomenon and psychopathological symptoms. Describes the idea of the systemic nature of psychopathological symptoms and justifying the importance of symptomatic therapy

    Hypothesis of functional organ as a psychophysiological scientific basis of medical qigong

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    Application features of medical qigong in world and in Russia were described. Special exercises and practice qigong regarded as psychotherapeutic complex of psychic self-regulation techniques. It was hypothesized of the channels of qigong as functional organs, formed as a result of systematic training

    Clinical overview remission of alcohol dependence

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    In survey there has been done the evaluation of the prolonged remissions of alcohol withdrawal syndrome pattern. The individual biological and personal characteristics impact on quality and dynamic of the pathopsychological disorders has been described. The factors predicted the prolonged remissions have been studied. The persistent stabilization process of pathopsychological disorders in remission has been concluded to be dependent on the biological faults of alcohol exchange. The active therapeutic treatment for about a year after the alcohol refusal including drug therapy and alcohol exchange methods is necessary to form prolonged remissions. Taking into account all above mentioned the necessity to find out the markers of degree of the specific biological damages and the ways of their adjustment determines the importance of the scientific search

    Gravitational Waves from Light Cosmic Strings: Backgrounds and Bursts with Large Loops

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    The mean spectrum and burst statistics of gravitational waves produced by a cosmological population of cosmic string loops are estimated using analytic approximations, calibrated with earlier simulations. Formulas are derived showing the dependence of observables on the string tension, in the regime where newly-formed loops are relatively large, not very much smaller than the horizon. Large loops form earlier, are more abundant, and generate a more intense stochastic background and more frequent bursts than assumed in earlier background estimates, enabling experiments to probe lighter cosmic strings of interest to string theory. Predictions are compared with instrument noise from current and future experiments, and with confusion noise from known astrophysical gravitational wave sources such as stellar and massive black hole binaries. In these large-loop models, current data from millisecond pulsar timing already suggests that the tension is less than about 101010^{-10}, a typical value expected in strings from brane inflation. LISA will be sensitive to stochastic backgrounds created by strings as light as Gμ1015G\mu\approx 10^{-15}, at frequencies where it is limited by confusion noise of Galactic stellar populations; however, for those lightest detectable strings, bursts are rarely detectable.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, 1 figure, submitted to Phys Rev D; minor corrections and clarifications adde

    Modern criteria for demarcated mental norm and mental pathology

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    The article describes the complexity of modern theoretical and practical approaches to the understanding of mental health and disease. Nozotsentrichesky and normotsentrichesky approaches are analyzed. The possibility of the use of general medical criteria dichotomy «norm/pathology» is discussed. From the standpoint of the modern paradigm of biopsychosocial unity of man analyzes the specificity criteria of mental norms of social and ethnocultural conditions. It describes the current criteria for the analysis - the presumption of mental health

    Analysis of the Medicinal Products for Human Use Authorised in the Russian Federation

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    The available range of medicinal products is growing every year.The aim of the study was to analyse the range of medicines authorised in the Russian Federation.Materials and methods: the analysis covered the data presented in the State Register of Medicines (as of June 2021) and the current regulations specifying the range of medicines.Results: this article presents the results of analysis of medicines authorised in the Russian Federation, in terms of the following parameters: international non-proprietary names, trade names, groups according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System, dosage forms, routes of administration, primary and secondary packaging, storage conditions, and shelf life. The analysis demonstrated that there are over 19 thousand medicines authorised in the Russian Federation, most of which are produced in Russia. The largest groups of medicines are antimicrobial products for systemic use, medicines for the treatment of nervous system and cardiovascular system disorders. The most common dosage form is tablets, and the most common primary packaging is vials. The most frequent storage temperature requirements are 15–25 and 2–8 °C. About half of all medicines have the shelf life of 3 years.Conclusions: the data presented in this article can be used for unification of approaches to maintaining the State Register of Medicines, elaboration of reference books, and will be useful for medicine developers and manufacturers when planning and preparing regulatory submissions


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    Introduction. The state of pelvic and retroperitoneal lymph nodes is an important prognostic factor for cervical cancer. Lymph node size is the most widely used CT and MR criteria for assessing lymph node status. Lymph nodes measuring more than 1cm in the short axis diameter are considered malignant. However this criterion (nodal size) is not foolproof because of a high percentage of diagnostic errors. The purpose of the study was to develop objective MRI criteria for assessing lymph node metastasis in patients with cervical cancer by measuring the short- and the long-axis diameters of lymph nodes, short axis/long axis ratio (configuration index) and to evaluate their diagnostic value. Materials and methods. The prospective study included 31 patients with histologically confirmed cervical cancer, who underwent radical surgery with standard lymph node dissection. Sixty removed lymph nodes were evaluated. MRI examinations were performed using a 1.5 T scanner in T2- weighted images (T2-WI), T1-WI and T2 weighted sequences with fatty tissue signal suppressing and diffusionweighted MRI. Results. Lymph nodes measuring ≥0.8 cm in the short axis diameter were considered suspicious for metastatic disease. The sensitivity and specificity with a cutoff of ≥0.8cm were 68 % (CI 48.3‑82.9) and 80 % (CI 63.8‑90.3), respectively; the positive and negative predictive values were 71 % and 78 %, respectively; and the accuracy was 75 % (CI 62.7‑84.3). The short axis/long axis ratio (configuration index) of <1.47 indicated a likelihood of pathology in the lymph node. The absence of the hypointense signal from the fatty hilum of lymph nodes was considered as a predictor of lymph node metastasis. The analysis of this criterion showed 80 % sensitivity (CI 60.4‑91.6), 85.7 % specificity (60.4‑91.6), 80 % PPV, 85.1 % NPV and 83.3 % accuracy (CI 60.4‑91.6). Conclusion. Lymph node size of ≥0.8 cm in the short axis diameter and the short axis/long axis ratio (configuration index) of <1.47 appeared to be significant MRI criteria in the assessment of lymph node metastasis. The additional use of MRI criterion such as the absence of the hypointense signal from the fatty hilum of the lymph node made it possible to improve diagnostic accuracy up to 92 % (CI 80.9–97.4).Состояние тазовых и забрюшинных лимфатических узлов является важнейшим прогностическим фактором при раке шейки матки (РШМ). Для оценки метастатического поражения лимфатических узлов с помощью МРТ и КТ традиционно используют параметр – увеличение лимфатического узла по короткой оси более 1 см. Однако данный критерий (размер) обусловливает высокий процент диагностических ошибок. Цель исследования – разработать объективные МРТ-критерии метастатического поражения ЛУ при РШМ путём анализа линейного размера лимфатического узла по короткой и длинной оси, соотношения размера по длинной и короткой оси ЛУ (индекса конфигурации), а также нарушения зональности ЛУ (соотношения центральной и периферической зон ЛУ) и определить их диагностическую эффективность. Материал и методы. В проспективное исследование включены данные 31 пациентки с гистологически подтвержденным диагнозом РШМ, которым было выполнено радикальное хирургическое лечение со стандартной лимфодиссекцией. Анализу подверглись 60 удаленных лимфатических узлов. МРТ выполняли на магнитно-резонансных томографах 1,5Т с применением импульсных последовательностей: Т2-взвешенные изображения (ВИ), Т1-ВИ, Т2-ВИ с подавлением сигнала от жировой ткани и диффузионно-взвешенной МРТ. результаты. В проведенном исследовании параметр размера узла по короткой оси ≥0,8 см рассматривается как критерий вероятности метастатического поражения. Чувствительность и специфичность при данном пороговом уровне (≥0,8 см) составили 68,0 % (ДИ 48,3–82,9) и 80,0 % (ДИ 63,8–90,3) соответственно, ППЗ – 71 %, НПЗ – 78 %, точность – 75 % (ДИ 62,7–84,3). Соотношение размера по длинной и короткой оси ЛУ (индекса конфигурации) менее 1,47 принято как вероятность метастатического поражения. Чувствительность и специфичность при данном пороговом уровне составили 80,0 % (ДИ 60,4–91,6) и 77,1 % (ДИ 70,2–94,2) соответственно, ППЗ соответствует 71,4 %, НПЗ – 84,4 %, точность – 78,3 % (ДИ 71,8–90,9). Отсутствие гипоинтенсивного сигнала от жировых ворот ЛУ при использовании последовательности с подавлением сигнала от жировой ткани свидетельствовало в пользу метастатического поражения. По результатам анализа данного критерия чувствительность и специфичность составили 80 % (ДИ 60,4–91,6) и 85,7 % (ДИ 60,4–91,6), соответственно, ППЗ – 80 %, НПЗ – 85,7 %, точность – 83,3 % (ДИ 60,4–91,6). Заключение. Критерии размера ЛУ оказались значимыми при значении линейного размера ЛУ по короткой оси больше или равным 0,8 см и индексе конфигурации (соотношении размера по длинной и короткой оси ЛУ) менее 1,47. Дополнительное использование такого МРТ-критерия, как отсутствие гипоинтенсивного сигнала от жировых ворот ЛУ, позволило повысить точность диагностики до 92 % (ДИ 80,9–97,4)

    Environmental and Technological Problems of Rational Use of Secondary Resources for Processing Grapes

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    Rational use of grapes processing resources is among environmental problems of AIC of Republics of the North Caucasus and Krasnodar Territory. Currently, waste from grapes processing is not practically used and worsen the ecological state of environment. The research subject is a technology based on the production of cryo-powder from pulp, squeeze, seeds and grapes skin grown in the foothill and mountainous regions. The prerequisites for research were previously performed author works on related topics. The data on vacuum SHF-drying of grape raw materials and subsequent grinding in a cryomiller are given. Modes of preparation of grape raw materials and its subsequent dehydration and cryo-grinding, which provide the possibility of successful use in the dried state in the production technology of wine beverages, are proposed. The principal feature is the use of whole grapes as a raw material, with skin and seeds. Physico-chemical parameters, the content of phenolic substances and organoleptic characteristics of wine beverages made according to the traditional technology and the beverage made from grape cryo-powders are studied. A comparative assessment is made. It is established that vacuum SHF-drying contributes to better preservation of the properties of raw materials and finished products. The organoleptic assessment has shown that wine beverages developed according to the proposed technology had a more intense color and a more pronounced taste of sweetness and acid than traditional wine beverages. The advantage of this technology is the ability to transport grape cryo-powders in unregulated temperature conditions to any point close to the consumer and carry out the production of nutritional food there