12 research outputs found

    Satellite infall and mass deposition on the Galactic Centre

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    We model the infall of an ∼2 × 105 M⊙ satellite galaxy on to the inner 200 parsec of our Galaxy, to test whether the satellite could perturb the gas previously on stable orbits in the central molecular zone, as proposed by Lang et al. This process would have driven a large gas inflow around 10 Myr ago, necessary to explain the past high accretion rate on to the supermassive black hole, and the presence of young stars in the inner parsecs of the Galaxy. Our hydrodynamical simulations show a much smaller inflow of gas, not sufficient to produce the aforementioned effects.ISSN:0035-8711ISSN:1365-2966ISSN:1365-871

    Letras y encajes

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    Letras y Encajes publica su primer número en 1926, esta revista fue fundada por mujeres de la clase dirigente de Medellín, muchas de ellas socias de la institución cultural Centro Femenino de Estudios (Sofía Ospina de Navarro, Teresa Santamaría de González, Ángela Villa de Toro y Alicia Merizalde de Echavarría) a lo largo del tiempo se consolido como la revista femenina más importante del país, dirigida a mujeres de la clase alta y media, abordaba temas que giraban alrededor del hogar, la religión, la literatura y la moda de la época. La revista circuló mensualmente hasta 1959. Sus principales redactoras eran mujeres, pero contaba con la colaboración ocasional de algunos hombres y con traducciones de autoras(es) extranjeras(os)

    Newborn screening for homocystinurias: recent recommendations versus current practice

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    Purpose: To assess how the current practice of newborn screening (NBS) for homocystinurias compares with published recommendations. Methods: Twenty-two of 32 NBS programmes from 18 countries screened for at least one form of homocystinuria. Centres provided pseudonymised NBS data from patients with cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency (CBSD, n = 19), methionine adenosyltransferase I/III deficiency (MATI/IIID, n = 28), combined remethylation disorder (cRMD, n = 56) and isolated remethylation disorder (iRMD), including methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency (MTHFRD) (n = 8). Markers and decision limits were converted to multiples of the median (MoM) to allow comparison between centres. Results: NBS programmes, algorithms and decision limits varied considerably. Only nine centres used the recommended second-tier marker total homocysteine (tHcy). The median decision limits of all centres were ≥ 2.35 for high and ≤ 0.44 MoM for low methionine, ≥ 1.95 for high and ≤ 0.47 MoM for low methionine/phenylalanine, ≥ 2.54 for high propionylcarnitine and ≥ 2.78 MoM for propionylcarnitine/acetylcarnitine. These decision limits alone had a 100%, 100%, 86% and 84% sensitivity for the detection of CBSD, MATI/IIID, iRMD and cRMD, respectively, but failed to detect six individuals with cRMD. To enhance sensitivity and decrease second-tier testing costs, we further adapted these decision limits using the data of 15 000 healthy newborns. Conclusions: Due to the favorable outcome of early treated patients, NBS for homocystinurias is recommended. To improve NBS, decision limits should be revised considering the population median. Relevant markers should be combined; use of the postanalytical tools offered by the CLIR project (Collaborative Laboratory Integrated Reports, which considers, for example, birth weight and gestational age) is recommended. tHcy and methylmalonic acid should be implemented as second-tier markers.Funding information: Mayo Clinic; Charles University; Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic Communicated by: Piero Rinaldoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prácticas educativas, pedagogía e interculturalidad

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    Estas páginas constituyen las Memorias del V Congreso Internacional de Etnografía y Educación. Prácticas educativas, pedagogía e interculturalidad (2020) convocado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador. En el Congreso participaron investigadores, docentes y estudiantes de México, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Antillas, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Italia, Francia y España con ponencias sobre tres ejes temáticos: Educación, sociedad y política; Escuela, diversidades y exclusiones; y Avances teóricos y metodológicos de la investigación etnográfica en educación. Más de 60 trabajos que amplían las reflexiones y que abren la discusión, desde la antropología y la pedagogía, hacia la construcción de una educación intercultural