568 research outputs found

    Sorghum used to fodder production in dry farming

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    In Italy water deficient increase forward to cultivate resistant crops for forage production. In the present research it has been studied the opportunity of using 2 varieties of sorghum: the "Sweet Creek", used as green forage and for silage and the "True", with thinner stalks, used as hay. The fodder production and the dhurrin content during the vegetative phase of the 2 varieties were recorded. Production and chemical characteristics of green and preserved fodders (hay and silage) were determined; moreover the nutritive value and the in vitro digestibility of DM were measured. Results confirm the good adaptation of the sorghum to the water limited conditions as those ones in which the test has been carried out; green and preserved fodders yield were high, however during the hay harvest problems due to the different drying dynamics of leaves and stalks were found. The dhurrin content of these two varieties, even in the young phase, allows the use for grazing of the regrown, which have good bunching

    Mapping of Energy Community Development in Europe: State of the Art and Research Directions

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    Within the framework of defining a new energy paradigm to address climate change and other global challenges, the energy community model is gaining interest in several countries, especially in Europe. This article analyses the literature and experiences of organisational forms that fall under the definition of energy communities in a broad sense, in relation to their ability to bring improvements to the social, environmental and economic dimensions, and to ensure durability and replicability. The main elements that constitute a complete, albeit simplified, model of energy community are identified and analysed. The legislative and regulatory frameworks, technologies and social innovation frameworks, identified here as enabling elements, are discussed, as well as the elements of the energy community business models and the impacts generated at the environmental and energy, economic and social levels. The transformation potential of energy communities is confirmed as more than promising. However, in order to develop as a sustainable and replicable model capable of achieving social and environmental goals, as well as economic stability, further significant research and experimentation, following a cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary approach and strong political leadership, are needed

    Carrot anthocyanins genetics and genomics: Status and perspectives to improve its application for the food colorant industry

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    Purple or black carrots (Daucus carota ssp. sativus var. atrorubens Alef) are characterized bytheir dark purple- to black-colored roots, owing their appearance to high anthocyanin concentrations. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the use of black carrot anthocyanins as natural food dyes. Black carrot roots contain large quantities of mono-acylated anthocyanins, which impart a measure of heat-, light- and pH-stability, enhancing the color-stability of food products over their shelf-life. The genetic pathway controlling anthocyanin biosynthesis appears well conserved among land plants; however, different variants of anthocyanin-related genes between cultivars results in tissue-specific accumulations of purple pigments. Thus, broad genetic variations of anthocyanin profile, and tissue-specific distributions in carrot tissues and organs, can be observed, and the ratio of acylated to non-acylated anthocyanins varies significantly in the purple carrot germplasm. Additionally, anthocyanins synthesis can also be influenced by a wide range of external factors, such as abiotic stressors and/or chemical elicitors, directly affecting the anthocyanin yield and stability potential in food and beverage applications. In this study, we critically review and discuss the current knowledge on anthocyanin diversity, genetics and the molecular mechanisms controlling anthocyanin accumulation in carrots. We also provide a view of the current knowledge gaps and advancement needs as regards developing and applying innovative molecular tools to improve the yield, product performance and stability of carrot anthocyanin for use as a natural food colorant.Fil: Iorizzo, Massimo. North Carolina State University. Department Of Food, Bioprocessing And Nutrition Sciences. Plants For Human Health Institute.; Estados UnidosFil: Curaba, Julien. North Carolina State University. Department Of Food, Bioprocessing And Nutrition Sciences. Plants For Human Health Institute.; Estados UnidosFil: Pottorff, Marti. North Carolina State University. Department Of Food, Bioprocessing And Nutrition Sciences. Plants For Human Health Institute.; Estados UnidosFil: Ferruzzi, Mario G.. North Carolina State University. Department Of Food, Bioprocessing And Nutrition Sciences. Plants For Human Health Institute.; Estados UnidosFil: Simon, Pihilipp W.. United States Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service; Argentina. University of Wisconsin; Estados UnidosFil: Cavagnaro, Pablo Federico. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Producción Agropecuaria. Cátedra de Horticultura y Floricultura; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Mendoza-San Juan. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Consulta; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentin

    Olive oil calcium soaps and rumen protected methionine in the diet of lactating ewes: effect on milk quality

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    Eight Massese ewes were fed 4 diets with alfalfa hay as the forage (73% on the DM basis): 1) control diet (C); 2) diet C supplemented with olive oil calcium soaps, 50 g/d (L); 3) diet C supplemented with protected methionine, 5 g/d (M) or 4) plus both soaps and methionine (ML); the experimenthal design was a 4x4 Latin square with 2 replicates per diet. During the experimental periods, lasting one week each, the ewes were milked twice daily (8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.). Milk yield was not affected by diet quality, but milk fat percentage and 6.5% fat corrected milk yield were higher in diets L, M and ML with respect to diet C (P<0.05). Milk protein content was depressed and blood urea increased following the Ca soap diet alone or with protected methionine. Diet M worsened (P lesser than 0.05) Rennet clotting time (r) and curd firmness after 30 minutes (A30). Saturated fatty acids C10:0, C12:0, C14:0 and C16:0 were depressed in milk fat with the Ca soap supple- mented diet, some of them significantly. C18:1 increased (P lesser than 0.05) with diet L only, whereas the association of Ca salts and methionine in diet ML significantly affected the linoleic acid and CLA content. It is concluded that the use of olive oil fatty acids as a protected fat source seems to improve the milk fatty acid char- acteristics towards a safer pattern, but the presence of this type of Ca salts in the diet appears to worsen the metabol- ic utilisation of amino acids

    Preclinical study of dimebon on β-amyloid-mediated neuropathology in Alzheimer's disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dimebon is a retired non-selective antihistamine drug currently being investigated as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Results from several completed clinical trials are mixed and contradictory. Proper interpretations of these clinical observations, as well as future development of dimebon in AD treatment are complicated by the lack of concrete information on the mechanisms by which dimebon might benefit AD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The present studies are designed specifically to assess whether dimebon might modulate β-amyloid (Aβ)-mediated responses which are central to the development and progression of AD dementia. We found that dimebon is bioavailable in the brains of mice following oral administration. AD mice chronically treated with dimebon exhibited a trend of improvement in spatial memory function without affecting the levels of total Aβ as well as soluble oligomeric Aβ in the brain. The same trend of behavior improvement is also seen in wild type animals chronically treated with dimebon.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Collectively, our preclinical studies using the TgCRND8 AD mouse model demonstrated that dimebon might have some beneficial effect in improving cognitive function independent of Alzheimer's disease-type Aβ-related mechanisms or global energy metabolism in the brain. Observations from our study and others suggesting dimebon might improve cognition in wild type mice and rats raises the possibility that dimebon might be able to benefit cognitive function in patients with other neurodegenerative disorders, such as Huntington's disease, or in the aging population. Additional studies will be necessary to clarify the mechanisms by which dimebon might directly or indirectly benefit cognitive function.</p

    Caratteristiche qualitative del latte e del formaggio Caciocavallo nella razza bovina Podolica

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    Introduction: In recent years the Podolica cattle has increased the demand for dairy products: milk and Caciocavallo cheese are highly appreciated by consumers. In order to high quality product the Podolica breed is a growing interest, it has produces in southern Italian regions as Basilicata. Caciocavallo Silano DOP is one of the 400 cheese varieties produced in Italy, it's produced from "pasta filata". Aim: Aim of the study was analyzed chemical and technological aspects of Podolica milk, moreover fatty acid composition of Caciocavallo cheese was carried out. Materials and methods: The trial was conducted in three farms in province of Potenza, Italy, during two seasons. In winter season when animals were reared in stable and in spring-summer season when cows were reared in outdoor system. During two experimental period milk was sampled from cows in each farm. Samples were analyzed for chemical and technological aspects. The whole of the milk derived from the different farms, during two periods, were used for processing dairy to obtain Caciocavallo Silano DOP cheese in a local dairy. The variance analysis according t-Student test was used to assess statistical differences. Results and discussion: The grazing system during spring and summer improved total fat in milk sampled and increased cheese yield. No difference was observed for technological characteristics, results showed acceptable values in all farms for both farming systems. The fatty acid composition of cheese showed difference in saturated class, mainly for palmitic acid as evinced for stable group that received integration of concentrate. Monounsaturated fatty acid has highlighted significant differences between the experimental groups. Oleic acid C18:1c9 contributes most to the increase of the other also to the total of unsaturated fatty acids. Statistical difference was found for ALA (α-Linolenic acid) a member of the group of essential fatty acids that must be acquired through diet. Conclusion: Different rearing systems led to an improvement of the fat content in the milk and greater cheese yield processing. Pasture group showed a better dietary composition ad showed favorable content specially for ALA. There is some evidence ALA consumption might have a slight preventative effect against cardiovascular diseases. These aspects represented better nutritional quality aspect of Caciocavallo cheese and an economic advantage for breeders

    African Adansonia digitata fruit pulp (baobab) modifies provitamin A carotenoid bioaccessibility from composite pearl millet porridges

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    Food-to-food fortification of staple cereal products using nutrient-dense plants shows promise to address multiple micronutrient deficiencies including vitamin A, iron and zinc in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, there is limited information on the potential interaction effects that such food-to-food fortified strategies may have on individual micronutrient bioavailability. The main objective of the current study was to investigate the impact of incorporating Adansonia digitata (baobab fruit pulp), a mineral-rich plant material, on the delivery of carotenoids from a composite cereal porridge. Formulations of native fruit/vegetable-cereal composites were screened for interactions which could influence both bioaccessibility and subsequent intestinal uptake of provitamin A carotenoids. Proportions of pearl millet flour and plant materials were dry blended to provide composite cereal porridges with total provitamin A carotenoid concentrations ranging from 3590.7 ± 23.4 to 3698.5 ± 26.5 μg/100 g (fw) and baobab concentrations ranging from 0 to 25% (dw).While there were no significant differences in provitamin A carotenoid bioaccessibility from porridge formulations containing 5 or 15% baobab, inclusion of 25% baobab resulted in a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in bioaccessibility (13.3%) as compared to the control (23.8%). Despite the reduced bioaccessibility, 6 h uptake efficiency of provitamin A carotenoids by Caco-2 human intestinal cells was not significantly altered by 25% baobab inclusion. These findings suggest that the inhibitory effects on carotenoid micellarization (bioaccessibility) observed with increased baobab addition may not ultimately limit the bioavailability of carotenoids.The USAID FoodProcessing & Post Harvest Innovation Lab (FPLAID-0AA-L-14-00003) and Sorghum & Millet Innovation Lab (SMILAID-0AA-A-13-00047) through United States Agency for International Development (USAID).http://link.springer.com/journal/131972020-11-22hj2020Consumer ScienceFood Scienc

    Concentrating Solar Power: The State of the Art, Research Gaps and Future Perspectives

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    In recent decades, the fight against climate change and the commitment to reduce greenhouse gases have shed a light on the production of energy from renewable sources, in particular those derived from solar energy. This has required the involvement of all stakeholders (producers, but also energy operators, authorities, distributors, and final consumers) which has led to the outline of a new scenario characterized by more efficient technologies, dedicated strategies and business models, and the research of alternatives solutions. Within solar technology, great attention has been given in recent years to concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies, both from research studies and technological development sides. This paper provides a theoretical framework based on a CSP literature review to define the state of the art and to identify research gaps and future research steps related to this technology. The work is based on an innovative bibliometric study to explore technical fields related to CSP, providing both a comprehensive framework with reference to the state of the art of the technology investigated, and a detailed analysis on CSP commercial applications, making the review a very useful tool for stakeholders and decision makers The results of the analysis: (1) help to clarify the technological advances of CSP, the strengths and weaknesses of the current technologies used (parabolic and tower systems are the most widespread), and indications of the prospects for dish systems; (2) identify an alternative to the economic problem that represents an obstacle to the diffusion of CSP, for example, by identifying the ability to couple it with thermal storage as a valid method to increase the flexibility of the system and reduce costs; (3) suggested hybrids, both with renewable and non-renewable technologies, identifying strengths and weaknesses for all the proposed proposals; (4) show that it is possible to identify new ongoing research such as that related to hydrogen production. This paper represents the first part of a larger research study developed within the SOLARGRID Project, which promotes and supports the development of innovative solutions for systems and components for CSP and concentrated photovoltaics (CPV) technologies, with the aim to enhance their energetic performances and economic competitiveness in applications for the distributed generation of both electric and thermal energy frameworks. The main findings of our study highlight that, though there is an increasing number of papers on the topic of CSP, several issues remain neglected

    Hemidesmus indicus induces apoptosis via proteasome inhibition and generation of reactive oxygen species.

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    Proteasome inhibition represents an important anticancer strategy. Here, we studied the mechanisms at the basis of the pro-apoptotic activity of the standardized decoction of Hemidesmus indicus, a plant evoking a complex anticancer activity, and explored its inhibition of proteasome activity in human leukemia cells. Additionally, we preliminary tested the cytotoxicity of some H. indicus's phytochemicals on leukemia cells and their intestinal absorption on a human intestinal epithelium model consisting of a monolayer of differentiated Caco2 cells. We observed a potent antileukemic effect for H. indicus, imputable to the modulation of different critical targets at protein and mRNA levels and the reduction of the 26S proteasome expression. We found that some phytomarkers of H. indicus decoction passed through the enterocyte monolayer. Overall, our study supports the pharmacological potential of H. indicus, which can represent an interesting botanical drug in the oncological area

    Concept and optical design of the cross-disperser module for CRIRES

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Oliva, Ernesto, A. Tozzi, D. Ferruzzi, L. Origlia, A. Hatzes, R. Follert, T. Loewinger et al. "Concept and optical design of the cross-disperser module for CRIRES+." In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes+ Instrumentation, pp. 91477R-91477R. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014, which has been published in final form at 10.1117/12.2054381