580 research outputs found

    Origen e historia de la introducción del castor en América del Sur

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    The introduction of the North American beaver (Castor canadensis) to Tierra del Fuego is a widely known example of a successful biological invasion. However, the origin and history of this introduction bears closer scrutiny. Using historical documentation we provide evidence that beaver introduction occurred as a single release event of 20 beavers from northern Manitoba, Canada. This not only clarifies the origin of the invasion, but also suggests that the beaver population of Patagonia descends from a smaller number of individuals than previously assumed.La introducción del castor norteamericano (Castor canadensis) en Tierra del Fuego es un ejemplo ampliamente conocido de una invasión biológica exitosa. Sin embargo, el origen y la historia de su introducción merecen mayor análisis. Usando documentación histórica, presentamos evidencia de que la introducción del castor se originó en un único evento de liberación de 20 castores que arribaron desde el norte de Manitoba en Canadá. Esto no solo aclara el origen de la invasión, sino que sugiere que la población de castores en Patagonia deriva de un número de individuos menor que el que se asumía hasta el momento.Fil: Pietrek, Alejandro G.. University Of Duke; Estados UnidosFil: Fasola, Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentin

    A Methodological Framework to Discover Pharmacogenomic Interactions Based on Random Forests

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    The identification of genomic alterations in tumor tissues, including somatic mutations, deletions, and gene amplifications, produces large amounts of data, which can be correlated with a diversity of therapeutic responses. We aimed to provide a methodological framework to discover pharmacogenomic interactions based on Random Forests. We matched two databases from the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopaedia (CCLE) project, and the Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC) project. For a total of 648 shared cell lines, we considered 48,270 gene alterations from CCLE as input features and the area under the dose-response curve (AUC) for 265 drugs from GDSC as the outcomes. A three-step reduction to 501 alterations was performed, selecting known driver genes and excluding very frequent/infrequent alterations and redundant ones. For each model, we used the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) for assessing the predictive performance, and permutation importance for assessing the contribution of each alteration. In a reasonable computational time (56 min), we identified 12 compounds whose response was at least fairly sensitive (CCC > 20) to the alteration profiles. Some diversities were found in the sets of influential alterations, providing clues to discover significant drug-gene interactions. The proposed methodological framework can be helpful for mining pharmacogenomic interactions

    Pharmacogenomics: A Step forward Precision Medicine in Childhood Asthma

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    Personalized medicine, an approach to care in which individual characteristics are used for targeting interventions and maximizing health outcomes, is rapidly becoming a reality for many diseases. Childhood asthma is a heterogeneous disease and many children have uncontrolled symptoms. Therefore, an individualized approach is needed for improving asthma outcomes in children. The rapidly evolving fields of genomics and pharmacogenomics may provide a way to achieve asthma control and reduce future risks in children with asthma. In particular, pharmacogenomics can provide tools for identifying novel molecular mechanisms and biomarkers to guide treatment. Emergent high-throughput technologies, along with patient pheno-endotypization, will increase our knowledge of several molecular mechanisms involved in asthma pathophysiology and contribute to selecting and stratifying appropriate treatment for each patient

    Radiation Recall Pneumonitis Anticipates Bilateral Immune-Induced Pneumonitis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Radiation recall pneumonitis (RRP) is a rare inflammatory reaction that occurs in previously irradiated fields, and it may be caused by various triggering agents. Immunotherapy has been reported to potentially be one of these triggers. However, precise mechanisms and specific treatments have not been explored yet due to a lack of data in this setting. Here, we report a case of a patient who received radiation therapy and immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy for non-small cell lung cancer. He developed first radiation recall pneumonitis and subsequently immune-checkpoint inhibitor-induced pneumonitis (IIP). After presenting the case, we discuss the currently available literature on RRP and the challenges of differential diagnosis between RRP, IIP, and other forms of pneumonitis. We believe that this case is of particular clinical value since it highlights the importance of including RRP in a differential diagnosis of lung consolidation during immunotherapy. Furthermore, it suggests that RRP might anticipate more extensive ICI-induced pneumonitis

    Custo de implantação dos sistemas intensivos de criação de suínos confinado e ao ar livre.

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    Association between Asthma Control and Exposure to Greenness and Other Outdoor and Indoor Environmental Factors: A Longitudinal Study on a Cohort of Asthmatic Children

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    Achieving and maintaining asthma control (AC) is the main goal of asthma management. Indoor and outdoor environmental factors may play an important role on AC. The aim of this longitudinal study was to evaluate the association between AC and exposure to greenness and other outdoor or indoor environmental factors in a cohort of asthmatic children. This study involved 179 asthmatic children (5–16 years). Parents were interviewed through a modified version of the SIDRIA questionnaire. AC was assessed at each visit. Exposure to greenness was measured using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). A logistic regression model was applied for assessing risk factors for uncontrolled asthma (UA). Low NDVI exposure was a risk factor for UA (OR: 2.662, 95% CI (1.043–6.799)); children exposed to passive smoke during pregnancy had a higher risk of UA than those non-exposed to passive smoke during pregnancy (OR: 3.816, 95% CI (1.114–13.064)); and a unit increase in the crowding index was associated with an increased risk of UA (OR: 3.376, 95% CI (1.294–8.808)). In conclusion, the current study provided a comprehensive assessment of urban-related environmental exposures on asthma control in children, using multiple indicators of greenness and other outdoor or indoor environmental factors

    What to do in an oncology department to face the new COVID-19 era challenges?

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    9noItaly was the first European country to be hit by COVID-19 pandemic. As a consequence, Italian oncologists had to guarantee essential treatments although minimizing exposure to the virus, and accidental infection, of patients and healthcare professionals. As Department of Medical Oncology of the University Hospital of Udine, in this short report, we describe the measures that we have taken, and gradually updated, since February 26, 2020. All accesses to our Oncology facilities are currently regulated by entrance check-points where patients are screened for infections following dedicated algorithms. Up to date, after 6 weeks of systematic execution of swabs no physician, nurse or other individual of the staff has been found positive to COVID-19. Only one patient admitted for therapy has been identified as COVID-19 positive. The aim of our work is to propose a model, made up of a set of operative procedures, that may be adopted by all the oncologists that daily struggle to guarantee safety and care in Oncology during this COVID-19 emergency.openopenGarattini S.K.; Bin A.; Donato R.; Mansutti M.; Rizzato S.; Troiero G.; Candoni A.; Fanin R.; Fasola G.Garattini, S. K.; Bin, A.; Donato, R.; Mansutti, M.; Rizzato, S.; Troiero, G.; Candoni, A.; Fanin, R.; Fasola, G

    Rare and Insidious Toxicities from New Combination Therapies in Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer: Lessons Learned from Real-Practice

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    The advent of immune checkpoint inhibitors in combination with multitarget tyrosine kinase inhibitors has become a standard first-line treatment for metastatic renal cell cancer. Along with survival improvement, new toxicities have emerged. Such adverse events are still complex to be managed and some of them are rare and could be insidious or even fatal. Medical oncologists dispose of guidelines about the management of toxicities from immune checkpoint inhibitors but not for combinations. Therefore, it is still difficult to properly attribute and manage additive or overlapping adverse events. We report two clinical cases regarding rare treatment-related endocrine toxicities—hypophysitis and thyroiditis—with particular focus on their management. To this purpose, immune checkpoint-related toxicities guidelines represent the starting point. However, their implementation with additional measures is needed, considering the increasing complexity of current clinical scenarios. The goal is to correctly recognize adverse events and address side effects, so as not to discontinue effective treatments. We, therefore, aim at discussing the points of proper management of toxicities and individuating potential areas of improvement

    Complexity of biogeographic pattern in the endangered crayfish Austropotamobius italicus in northern Italy: molecular insights of conservation concern.

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    The protection of freshwater biodiversity has become a priority task for conservation practices, as freshwater ecosystems host high levels of cryptic diversity, while also record similarly high rates of extinction. The Italian white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius italicus is an endemic freshwater crustacean, threatened by several anthropogenic impacts such as habitat fragmentation, pol- lution, invasion of exotics, and climate change. Previous phylogenetic studies conducted in Italy pointed out a complex phylogeographic framework for the species, with four different subspecies currently recognized. Conserva- tion efforts, particularly when involving restocking and reintroduction, require a detailed knowledge of their pop- ulation genetics. In this study we describe the genetic structure of A. italicus populations in northern Italy (Lombardy Alpine foothills and northern Apennines) by using the informative mitochondrial marker cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, in order to assess their current evolu- tionary diversity and past phylogeographic history from a conservation perspective. Our results contribute to the mapping of the contact area among A. i. carsicus and A. i. carinthiacus in the Orobie Larian Prealps. Moreinterestingly, we highlight the existence of two deeply differentiated evolutionary lineages within A. i. carsicus, showing alternative phylogeographic patterns and past demographic trends. We propose to consider these two clades as distinct molecular operational taxonomic units for the conservation of this endangered crayfish