76,611 research outputs found

    Scotch Pine Deterioration in Michigan Caused by Pine Root Weevil Complex

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    Pine root tip weevil, Hylobius rhizophagus, and pine root collar weevil, H. radicis, attack certain Scotch pine stands simultaneously causing more mortality than expected from either insect alone. Recommendations for curtailing this insect complex include favoring red pine, planting Scotch pine far from brood sources, and avoiding stump culture of Christmas trees

    Migration and the Employment and Wages of Native and Immigrant Workers

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    This paper assesses the association between migration (both international and internal) and the employment status and earnings of young noncollege-educated native white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and immigrant white-collar and blue-collar workers in the United States during the decade from 1980 to 1990. We seek to determine (1) whether internal and/or international migration contributed to the increased joblessness observed for blacks, Asians, and Hispanics in the 1980s, particularly among males, and (2) whether migration contributed to the decline in the hourly wages of both native and immigrant workers in the 1980s. We present results which only partly support the claim that internal migrants and immigrants are substitutes for native workers. On the one hand, we find that migration (flow) was not a major factor associated with the increased joblessness and decreased wages experienced by some native groups during the 1980s, particularly among blue-collar workers. On the other hand, we do find that changes in the foreign-born composition of an industrial sector (a measure of immigrant stock) were associated with increased joblessness of native workers and decreased joblessness of immigrant workers.

    Michigan\u27s Cooperative Forest Pest Management Program, A Team Approach to Improving Forest Management

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    A forest management team was organized in the late 1970\u27s by cooperative efforts of Michigan\u27s universities. the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and the USDA Forest Service.The goals were to devise new technologies, transfer available technology, and service and management alternatives to forest land managers in Michigan. The program throughout has emphasized forest management rather than pest management for prevention and control of pests. Dissemination of pest management information has been of importance and new research results have gone directly to land managers for immediate use. The team participates in forest compartmental reviews and helps prescribe management plans for land parcels, thus providing for preventative pest management. Services and management recommendations are provided mostly through forest pest specialists located in the field. They feed back results and problems to researchers and extension specialists of the team for further input. Preventive management information used by by local managers in recent years has nearly paid the cost of the program. Plans are to broaden the team effort by cooperating with organizations and in adjacent states through a computer network system and by other means

    Organic slug control using Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita

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    Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita is a lethal slug parasitic nematode that has been formulated into an effective biological control agent called Nemaslug®. We investigated the possibility of using different application methods of P. hermaphrodita to reduce cost and the number of nematodes applied. We also compared P. hermaphrodita with a new slug pellet called Ferramol®, which is available for use on organic farms

    The dimension of loop-erased random walk in 3D

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    We measure the fractal dimension of loop-erased random walk (LERW) in 3 dimensions, and estimate that it is 1.62400 +- 0.00005. LERW is closely related to the uniform spanning tree and the abelian sandpile model. We simulated LERW on both the cubic and face-centered cubic lattices; the corrections to scaling are slightly smaller for the face-centered cubic lattice.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. v2 has more data, minor additional change

    Systematic Renormalization in Hamiltonian Light-Front Field Theory

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    We develop a systematic method for computing a renormalized light-front field theory Hamiltonian that can lead to bound states that rapidly converge in an expansion in free-particle Fock-space sectors. To accomplish this without dropping any Fock sectors from the theory, and to regulate the Hamiltonian, we suppress the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian between free-particle Fock-space states that differ in free mass by more than a cutoff. The cutoff violates a number of physical principles of the theory, and thus the Hamiltonian is not just the canonical Hamiltonian with masses and couplings redefined by renormalization. Instead, the Hamiltonian must be allowed to contain all operators that are consistent with the unviolated physical principles of the theory. We show that if we require the Hamiltonian to produce cutoff-independent physical quantities and we require it to respect the unviolated physical principles of the theory, then its matrix elements are uniquely determined in terms of the fundamental parameters of the theory. This method is designed to be applied to QCD, but for simplicity, we illustrate our method by computing and analyzing second- and third-order matrix elements of the Hamiltonian in massless phi-cubed theory in six dimensions.Comment: 47 pages, 6 figures; improved referencing, minor presentation change

    Systematic Renormalization in Hamiltonian Light-Front Field Theory: The Massive Generalization

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    Hamiltonian light-front field theory can be used to solve for hadron states in QCD. To this end, a method has been developed for systematic renormalization of Hamiltonian light-front field theories, with the hope of applying the method to QCD. It assumed massless particles, so its immediate application to QCD is limited to gluon states or states where quark masses can be neglected. This paper builds on the previous work by including particle masses non-perturbatively, which is necessary for a full treatment of QCD. We show that several subtle new issues are encountered when including masses non-perturbatively. The method with masses is algebraically and conceptually more difficult; however, we focus on how the methods differ. We demonstrate the method using massive phi^3 theory in 5+1 dimensions, which has important similarities to QCD.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Corrected error in Eq. (11), v3: Added extra disclaimer after Eq. (2), and some clarification at end of Sec. 3.3. Final published versio

    Particle-in-cell simulations of collisionless magnetic reconnection with a non-uniform guide field

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    Results are presented of a first study of collisionless magnetic reconnection starting from a recently found exact nonlinear force-free Vlasov–Maxwell equilibrium. The initial state has a Harris sheet magnetic field profile in one direction and a non-uniform guide field in a second direction, resulting in a spatially constant magnetic field strength as well as a constant initial plasma density and plasma pressure. It is found that the reconnection process initially resembles guide field reconnection, but that a gradual transition to anti-parallel reconnection happens as the system evolves. The time evolution of a number of plasma parameters is investigated, and the results are compared with simulations starting from a Harris sheet equilibrium and a Harris sheet plus constant guide field equilibrium

    Heavy metal bioaccumulation by the important food plant, olea europaea L., in an ancient metalliferous polluted area of Cyprus

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    Aspects of the bioaccumulation of heavy metals are reviewed and possible evidence of homeostasis is highlighted. Examination and analysis of olive (Olea europaea L.) trees growing in close proximity to a copper dominated spoil tip dating from at least 2000 years BP, on the island of Cyprus, revealed both bioaccumulation and partitioning of copper, lead and zinc in various parts of the tree. A factor to quantify the degree of accumulation is illustrated and a possible seed protective mechanism suggested

    Similarity Renormalization, Hamiltonian Flow Equations, and Dyson's Intermediate Representation

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    A general framework is presented for the renormalization of Hamiltonians via a similarity transformation. Divergences in the similarity flow equations may be handled with dimensional regularization in this approach, and the resulting effective Hamiltonian is finite since states well-separated in energy are uncoupled. Specific schemes developed several years ago by Glazek and Wilson and contemporaneously by Wegner correspond to particular choices within this framework, and the relative merits of such choices are discussed from this vantage point. It is shown that a scheme for the transformation of Hamiltonians introduced by Dyson in the early 1950's also corresponds to a particular choice within the similarity renormalization framework, and it is argued that Dyson's scheme is preferable to the others for ease of computation. As an example, it is shown how a logarithmically confining potential arises simply at second order in light-front QCD within Dyson's scheme, a result found previously for other similarity renormalization schemes. Steps toward higher order and nonperturbative calculations are outlined. In particular, a set of equations analogous to Dyson-Schwinger equations is developed.Comment: REVTex, 32 pages, 7 figures (corrected references