620 research outputs found

    Bewaring van lelieplantgoed : energiebesparing door vermindering van de circulatie

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    De veruit belangrijkste energiepost bij de teelt van lelies is het elektraverbruik voor koeling en circulatie tijdens de bewaring van november t/m april. Lelieplantgoed wordt bewaard in palletkisten bij een temperatuur van 2-4 oC in de eerste weken na het rooien tot gemiddeld -0.5 oC in de laatste maanden. Enige ventilatie is nodig voor het afvoeren van CO2 , water en warmte die in de ademhaling geproduceerd worden. Tot enkele jaren geleden werd geadviseerd om één keer per dag de celdeur korte tijd open te zetten om op deze manier te ventileren. Tegenwoordig is in veel leliecellen een PVC-pijpje in de buurt van de verdamper aangebracht om wat verse lucht aan te zuigen. De ventilatiebehoefte van lelies is dus kennelijk erg laag vergeleken met die van tulpenbollen, maar niet exact bekend. Doel van de circulatie is het creëren van een over alle kisten gelijkmatig en gunstig bewaarklimaat tussen de bollen in termen van temperatuur, RV, en CO 2 -gehalte. Voor de circulatie worden in de praktijk normen gehanteerd variërend van 50 tot 300 m3 lucht/uur per m3 leliebollen. Groot nadeel van de circulatie is dat de warmteproductie van de systeemventilatoren ook teruggekoeld moet worden. Doel van dit onderzoek is om voor circulatie en ventilatie tot normen te komen waarmee maximaal op energie wordt bespaard zonder dat dit ten koste gaat van de kwaliteit van het lelieplantgoed. Voor de verminderde circulatie is hierbij ook een vergelijking gemaakt tussen de aan/uit regeling en de frequentieregeling

    Influence of sensitization and allergen provocation procedures on the development of allergen-induced bronchial hyperreactivity in conscious, unrestrained guinea-pigs

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    The effects of different sensitization and allergen provocation regimens on the development of allergen-induced bronchial hyperreactivity (BHR) to histamine were investigated in conscious, unrestrained guinea-pigs. Similar early and late phase asthmatic reactions, BHR for inhaled histamine after the early (6 h) as well as after the late reaction (24 h), and airway inflammation were observed after a single allergen provocation in animals sensitized to produce mainly IgG or IgE antibodies, respectively. Repeating the allergen provocation in the IgE-sensitized animals after 7 days, using identical provocation conditions, resulted in a similar development of BHR to histamine inhalation. Repetition of the allergen provocation during 4 subsequent days resulted in a decreased development of BHR after each provocation, despite a significant increase in the allergen provocation dose necessary to obtain similar airway obstruction. The number of inflammatory cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage was not significantly changed after repeated provocation, when compared with a single allergen provocation. Finally, we investigated allergen-induced bronchial hyperreactivity by repetition of the sensitization procedure at day 7 and 14 (booster), followed by repeated allergen provocation twice a week for 5 weeks. Surprisingly, no BHR to histamine could be observed after either provocation, while the number of inflammatory cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after 5 weeks was enhanced compared with controls. These data indicate that both IgE and IgG sensitized guinea-pigs may develop bronchial hyperreactivity after a single allergen provocation. Repeated allergen exposure of IgE sensitized animals causes a gradual fading of the induced hyperreactivity despite the on-going presence of inflammatory cells in the airways, indicating a mechanism of reduced cellular activation

    Comparison of Longitudinal Membrane Function in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients According to Dialysis Fluid Biocompatibility

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    Introduction: Preservation of peritoneal function is essential in long-term peritoneal dialysis. Biocompatible dialysis solutions might prevent or postpone the membrane alteration resulting in ultrafiltration failure and consecutive morbidity and mortality. Methods: We conducted an observational cohort study in which we made a longitudinal comparison between the course of peritoneal solute and fluid transport during treatment with conventional and biocompatible solutions. Therefore, prospectively collected peritoneal transport data from the yearly standard peritoneal permeability analysis were analyzed in 251 incident patients treated between 1994 and censoring in 2016. Fluid transport included small pore and free water transport. Solute transport was assessed by creatinine mass transfer area coefficient and glucose absorption. Linear mixed models including change point analyses were performed. Interaction with peritonitis was examined. Results: One hundred thirty-five patients received conventional and 116 biocompatible solutions. Sixtyseven percent (conventional) and 64% (biocompatible) of these underwent minimally three transport measurements. Initially, biocompatible fluids showed higher small solute transport and lower ultrafiltration than conventional fluids up to 3 years. Thereafter, conventional fluids showed an increase in small solute transport (+2.7 ml/min per year; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.9 to 4.5) and a decrease of free water transport (-28.0 ml/min per year; 95% CI: -60.4 to 4.4). These were minor or absent in biocompatible treatment. Peritonitis induced a decrease of transcapillary ultrafiltration after 2 years on dialysis with conventional solutions (-291 ml/min per year; 95% CI: -550 to -32) while this was absent in biocompatible treatment. Conclusion: Despite a higher initial solute transport with biocompatible solutions, these have less influence on functional long-term peritoneal alterations than conventional solutions. (C) 2020 International Society of Nephrology. Published by Elsevier Inc


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    Transformational programming is a program development method which is usually applied using 'pen and paper'. Since this requires a lot of clerical work (copying expressions, con- sistent substitution) which is tiresome and prone to error, some form of machine support is desirable. In this paper a number of systems are described that have already been built to this aim. Some of their shortcomings and limitations are identified. Based on experience with program transformation and transformation systems, a long list of features is given that would be useful in an 'utopian' transformation system. This list is presented using an orthogonal division of the problem area. A number of problems with the realisation of some aspects of our 'utopian' system are identified, and some areas for further research are indicated

    Association between person-centred care and healthcare providers’ job satisfaction and work-related health

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    __Objective__ This scoping review aimed to explore and describe the research on associations between person- centred care (PCC) and healthcare provider outcomes, for example, job satisfaction and work- related health. __Design__ Scoping review. __Eligibility criteria__ Studies were included if they were empirical studies that analysed associations between PCC measurement tools and healthcare providers outcomes. __Search strategy__ Searches in PubMed, CINAHL, Psychinfo and SCOPUS databases were conducted to identify relevant studies published between 2001 and 2019. Two authors independently screened studies for inclusion. __Results__ Eighte

    Longer fixation duration while viewing face images

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    The spatio-temporal properties of saccadic eye movements can be influenced by the cognitive demand and the characteristics of the observed scene. Probably due to its crucial role in social communication, it is argued that face perception may involve different cognitive processes compared with non-face object or scene perception. In this study, we investigated whether and how face and natural scene images can influence the patterns of visuomotor activity. We recorded monkeys’ saccadic eye movements as they freely viewed monkey face and natural scene images. The face and natural scene images attracted similar number of fixations, but viewing of faces was accompanied by longer fixations compared with natural scenes. These longer fixations were dependent on the context of facial features. The duration of fixations directed at facial contours decreased when the face images were scrambled, and increased at the later stage of normal face viewing. The results suggest that face and natural scene images can generate different patterns of visuomotor activity. The extra fixation duration on faces may be correlated with the detailed analysis of facial features

    EM: effectieve microben of effectieve magie? : Een onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van Effectieve Micro-organismen (EM)

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    In dit onderzoek werden de effecten bepaald van het microbiële middel EM (Effectieve Microorganismen) op het verloop van het composteringsproces en op de ziektewerendheid tegen wortelziekten. EM werd ook toegevoegd aan biologisch beteelde gronden in de vorm van gefermenteerd organisch materiaal (bokashi). Verschillende experimenten en bodemanalyses werden gedaan om te bepalen welk effect EM zou hebben op de ziektewerendheid van de bodem
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