9,640 research outputs found

    Encoding of temporal probabilities in the human brain

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    Anticipating the timing of future events is a necessary precursor to preparing actions and allocating resources to sensory processing. This requires elapsed time to be represented in the brain and used to predict the temporal probability of upcoming events. While neuropsychological, imaging, magnetic stimulation studies, and single-unit recordings implicate the role of higher parietal and motor-related areas in temporal estimation, the role of earlier, purely sensory structures remains more controversial. Here we demonstrate that the temporal probability of expected visual events is encoded not by a single area but by a wide network that importantly includes neuronal populations at the very earliest cortical stages of visual processing. Moreover, we show that activity in those areas changes dynamically in a manner that closely accords with temporal expectations

    Compton dragged gamma-ray bursts: the spectrum

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    We calculate the spectrum resulting from the interaction of a fireball with ambient soft photons. These photons are assumed to be produced by the walls of a funnel in a massive star. By parameterizing the radial dependence of the funnel temperature we calculate the deceleration of the fireball self-consistently, taking into account the absorption of high energy gamma-rays due to interaction with the softer ambient photons. The resulting spectrum is peaked at energies in agreement with observations, has a nu^2 slope in the X-ray band and a steep power-law high energy tail.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, pink page

    Formation and Disruption of Cosmological Low Mass Objects

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    We investigate the evolution of cosmological low mass (low virial temperature) objects and the formation of the first luminous objects. First, the `cooling diagram' for low mass objects is shown. We assess the cooling rate taking into account the contribution of H_2, which is not in chemical equilibrium generally, with a simple argument of time scales. The reaction rates and the cooling rate of H_2 are taken from the recent results by Galli & Palla (1998). Using this cooling diagram, we also estimate the formation condition of luminous objects taking into account the supernova (SN) disruption of virialized clouds. We find that the mass of the first luminous object is several times 10^7 solar mass, because smaller objects may be disrupted by the SNe before they become luminous. Metal pollution of low mass (Ly-alpha) clouds also discussed. The resultant metallicity of the clouds is about 1/1000 of the solar metallicity.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, To appear in ApJ

    The Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Center as a Model for Membrane Proteins

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    Membrane proteins participate in many fundamental cellular processes. Until recently, an understanding of the function and properties of membrane proteins was hampered by an absence of structural information at the atomic level. A landmark achievement toward understanding the structure of membrane proteins was the crystallization (1) and structure determination (2-5) the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) from the purple bacteria Rhodopseudomonas viridis, followed by that of the RC from Rhodobacter sphaeroides (6-17). The RC is an integral membrane protein-pigment complex, which carries out the initial steps of photosynthesis (reviewed in 18). RCs from the purple bacteria Rps. viridis and Rb. sphaeroides are composed of three membrane-associated protein subunits (designated L, M, and H), and the following cofactors: four bacteriochlorophylls (Bchl or B), two bacteriopheophytins (Bphe or [phi]), two quinones, and a nonheme iron. The cofactors are organized into two symmetrical branches that are approximately related by a twofold rotation axis (2, 8). A central feature of the structural organization of the RC is the presence of 11 hydrophobic [alpha]-helixes, approximately 20-30 residues long, which are believed to represent the membrane-spanning portion of the RC (3, 9). Five membrane-spanning helixes are present in both the L and M subunits, while a single helix is in the H subunit. The folding of the L and M subunits is similar, consistent with significant sequence similarity between the two chains (19-25). The L and M subunits are approximately related by the same twofold rotation axis that relates the two cofactor branches. RCs are the first membrane proteins to be described at atomic resolution; consequently they provide an important model for discussing the folding of membrane proteins. The structure demonstrates that [alpha]-helical structures may be adopted by integral membrane proteins, and provides confirmation of the utility of hydropathy plots in identifying nonpolar membrane-spanning regions from sequence data. An important distinction between the folding environments of water-soluble proteins and membrane proteins is the large difference in water concentration surrounding the proteins. As a result, hydrophobic interactions (26) play very different roles in stabilizing the tertiary structures of these two classes of proteins; this has important structural consequences. There is a striking difference in surface polarity of membrane and water-soluble proteins. However, the characteristic atomic packing and surface area appear quite similar. A computational method is described for defining the position of the RC in the membrane (10). After localization of the RC structure in the membrane, surface residues in contact with the lipid bilayer were identified. As has been found for soluble globular proteins, surface residues are less well conserved in homologous membrane proteins than the buried, interior residues. Methods based on the variability of residues between homologous proteins are described (13); they are useful (a) in defining surface helical regions of membrane and water-soluble proteins and (b) in assigning the side of these helixes that are exposed to the solvent. A unifying view of protein structure suggests that water-soluble proteins may be considered as modified membrane proteins with covalently attached polar groups that solubilize the proteins in aqueous solution

    Multiverse Understanding of Cosmological Coincidences

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    There is a deep cosmological mystery: although dependent on very different underlying physics, the timescales of structure formation, of galaxy cooling (both radiatively and against the CMB), and of vacuum domination do not differ by many orders of magnitude, but are all comparable to the present age of the universe. By scanning four landscape parameters simultaneously, we show that this quadruple coincidence is resolved. We assume only that the statistical distribution of parameter values in the multiverse grows towards certain catastrophic boundaries we identify, across which there are drastic regime changes. We find order-of-magnitude predictions for the cosmological constant, the primordial density contrast, the temperature at matter-radiation equality, the typical galaxy mass, and the age of the universe, in terms of the fine structure constant and the electron, proton and Planck masses. Our approach permits a systematic evaluation of measure proposals; with the causal patch measure, we find no runaway of the primordial density contrast and the cosmological constant to large values.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures; discussion of measures extended, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Negative vacuum energy densities and the causal diamond measure

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    Arguably a major success of the landscape picture is the prediction of a small, non-zero vacuum energy density. The details of this prediction depends in part on how the diverging spacetime volume of the multiverse is regulated, a question that remains unresolved. One proposal, the causal diamond measure, has demonstrated many phenomenological successes, including predicting a distribution of positive vacuum energy densities in good agreement with observation. In the string landscape, however, the vacuum energy density is expected to take positive and negative values. We find the causal diamond measure gives a poor fit to observation in such a landscape -- in particular, 99.6% of observers in galaxies seemingly just like ours measure a vacuum energy density smaller than we do, most of them measuring it to be negative.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor error fixed (results essentially unchanged), reference added; v3: published version, includes a few clarification

    High Energy Emission and Cosmic Rays from Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    The paper is devoted to the analysis of particle acceleration in Gamma-Ray Bursts and its radiative consequences. Therefore we get on one hand constraints on the physics and on the other hand possible signatures of particle acceleration that could be recorded by the new gamma ray instruments. We have previously shown that UHECRs can be generated in GRBs even with conservative assumptions on the magnetic field and the scattering capability of its perturbations, provided that a suitable relativistic Fermi process is at work during the so-called "internal shock" phase. We extend here the analysis of the consequences of these assumptions to the whole prompt emission of both electrons and protons. Indeed, assuming that the magnetic field decays in 1/r21/r^2 and that the scattering time of particles is longer than the Bohm's assumption, in particular with a rule derived from Kolmogorov scaling, we show with no other parameter adaptation that the intensity of the subequipartition magnetic field, that: i) UHECRs can be generated with a sufficient flux within the GZK-sphere to account for the CR-spectrum at the ankle. ii) The peak energy of the gamma spectrum around 100 keV, namely the so-called EpeakE_{peak}, is conveniently explained. iii) A thermal component below the EpeakE_{peak} is often unavoidable. iv) The cosmic rays could radiate gamma rays around 67 MeV (in the co-moving frame, which implies 20\simeq 20 GeV for the observer) due to π0\pi^0-decay and a low energy neutrino emission (around 0.2 GeV) associated to neutron decay and also neutrinos of energy between 5 and 150 GeV from muon decay. v) The UHECRs radiate high energy gamma rays between a few tens of MeV and 10 GeV (taking the pair creation process into account) due to their synchrotron emission with a sufficient flux to be observable.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Metal Cooling in Simulations of Cosmic Structure Formation

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    The addition of metals to any gas can significantly alter its evolution by increasing the rate of radiative cooling. In star-forming environments, enhanced cooling can potentially lead to fragmentation and the formation of low-mass stars, where metal-free gas-clouds have been shown not to fragment. Adding metal cooling to numerical simulations has traditionally required a choice between speed and accuracy. We introduce a method that uses the sophisticated chemical network of the photoionization software, Cloudy, to include radiative cooling from a complete set of metals up to atomic number 30 (Zn) that can be used with large-scale three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. Our method is valid over an extremely large temperature range (10 K < T < 10^8 K), up to hydrogen number densities of 10^12 cm^-3. At this density, a sphere of 1 Msun has a radius of roughly 40 AU. We implement our method in the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) hydrodynamic/N-body code, Enzo. Using cooling rates generated with this method, we study the physical conditions that led to the transition from Population III to Population II star formation. While C, O, Fe, and Si have been previously shown to make the strongest contribution to the cooling in low-metallicity gas, we find that up to 40% of the metal cooling comes from fine-structure emission by S, when solar abundance patterns are present. At metallicities, Z > 10^-4 Zsun, regions of density and temperature exist where gas is both thermally unstable and has a cooling time less than its dynamical time. We identify these doubly unstable regions as the most inducive to fragmentation. At high redshifts, the CMB inhibits efficient cooling at low temperatures and, thus, reduces the size of the doubly unstable regions, making fragmentation more difficult.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, significant revision, including new figure

    Setting up tracking tools for NuFact bowtie decay ring studies

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    This paper describes the setting up of ray-tracing tools, and preliminary beam dynamics studies concerning the NuFact bowtie decay ring