1,023 research outputs found

    Tratamiento de la luxación congénita de cadera inveterada según la técnica de klisic

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    En este trabajo se valoran retrospectivamente un grupo de 15 pacientes, con edades superiores a los 6 años, afectos de luxación congenita inveterada y que fueron intervenidos (16 caderas) mediante la técnica de Klisic. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 4 años. En 12 caderas se habían realizado previamente distintas técnicas quirúrgicas sin obtener resultados satisfactorios. Tras efectuar la técnica de Klisic, 11 caderas presentaban un centraje coxofemoral satisfactorio. Se objetivos necrosis epifisaria en 6 casos, aunque en 5 de ellos ya existía antes de la intervención. Valorando los resultados con una escala clínico-radiológica (Trevor y cols. 1975), se obtuvieron resultados excelentes o buenos en el 50% de los casos. En el 3 1% de los pacientes el resultado fue pobre desde el punto de vista radiológico y clínico. En conclusión, la técnica de Klisic supone una alternativa recomendable para el tratamiento de la luxación inveterada de cadera. Su indicación más adecuada sería la luxación alta con acetábulo hipoplásico.A group of 15 patients, over 6 years of age, with neglected congenital hip dislocation (16 hips) were operated on using the Klisic''''s technique. The mean follow-up was 4 years. Prior this surgery, 12 hips had undergone different surgical treatments without satisfactory results. At the end of follow-up 11 hips were satisfactory reduced. In 6 cases necrosis of the femoral head was detected, but necrotic signs were seem in the preoperative radiographs of 5 of these cases. According to a clinico-radiographic score (Trevor et al. 1975), either excellent or good results were obtained in 50% of cases. In 3 1% the outcome was poor from both clinical and radiographic point of view. In conclusion, Klisic''''s technique seems to be a suitable alternative for the treatment of reglected congenital dislocation of the hip. The more proper indication would be a high dislocation of the hip with hypoplasic acetabulum

    A multi-input UV-VIS airborne GASCOD/A4r spectroradiometer for the validation of satellite remote sensing measurements

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    The present paper describes a UV-VIS spectroradiometer named GASCOD/A4r developed at ISAC-CNR for remote sensing measurements aboard stratospheric M55-Geophysica aircraft, flying up to 21 km. Obtained experimental data are used for retrieving of NO2, O3 and of other minor gases atmospheric content, applying the DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) method. UV actinic flux and J(NO2) are also derived. All these parameters are used for satellite data validation tasks. The specific results obtained during dedicated aircraft missions in different geographical areas have already been utilized for ENVISAT validation

    Accurate classification of 75 counterparts of objects detected in the 54 month Palermo Swift/BAT hard X-ray catalogue

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    Through an optical campaign performed at 4 telescopes located in the northern and the southern hemispheres, we have obtained optical spectroscopy for 75 counterparts of unclassified or poorly studied hard X-ray emitting objects detected with Swift/BAT and listed in the 54 month Palermo BAT catalogue. All these objects have also observations taken with Swift/XRT, ROSAT or Chandra satellites which allowed us to reduce the high energy error box and pinpoint the most likely optical counterpart/s. We find that 69 sources in our sample are Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs); of them, 35 are classified as type 1 (with broad and narrow emission lines), 33 are classified as type 2 (with only narrow emission lines) and one is an high redshift QSO; the remaining 6 objects are galactic cataclysmic variables (CVs). Among type 1 AGNs, 32 are objects of intermediate Seyfert type (1.2-1.9) and one is Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy; for 29 out of 35 type 1 AGNs, we have been able to estimate the central black hole mass and the Eddington ratio. Among type 2 AGNs, two display optical features typical of the LINER class, 3 are classified as transition objects, 1 is a starburst galaxy and 2 are instead X-ray bright, optically normal galaxies. All galaxies classified in this work are relatively nearby objects (0.006 - 0.213) except for one at redshift 1.137.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publications on Astronomy and Astrophysics, main journal. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1206.509

    Another short-burst host galaxy with an optically obscured high star formation rate: The case of GRB 071227

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    We report on radio continuum observations of the host galaxy of the short gamma-ray burst 071227 (z=0.381) with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). We detect the galaxy in the 5.5 GHz band with an integrated flux density of Fnu = 43 +/- 11 microJy, corresponding to an unobscured star-formation rate (SFR) of about 24 Msun/yr, forty times higher than what was found from optical emission lines. Among the ~30 well-identified and studied host galaxies of short bursts this is the third case where the host is found to undergo an episode of intense star formation. This suggests that a fraction of all short-burst progenitors hosted in star-forming galaxies could be physically related to recent star formation activity, implying a relatively short merger time scale.Comment: 6 pages, ApJ, accepted for publicatio

    Broad band X-ray spectral properties of Gamma-ray bursts with BeppoSAX

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    In about one year, five gamma-ray bursts were simultaneously observed with the Wide Field Cameras and Gamma Ray Burst Monitor aboard the BeppoSAX satellite. From some of them X-ray afterglow emission has been clearly detected with the same satellite. In order to understand how GRB emission is related to the X-ray afterglow, we are performing a systematic study of the spectral properties of these events. We report here preliminary results of this study.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 4th Huntsville Gamma-ray Burst Symposiu

    Aquifer recharge in the Piedmont Alpine zone: Historical trends and future scenarios

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    The spatial and temporal variability of air temperature, precipitation, actual evapotranspiration (AET) and their related water balance components, as well as their responses to anthropogenic climate change, provide fundamental information for an effective management of water resources and for a proactive involvement of users and stakeholders, in order to develop and apply adaptation and mitigation strategies at the local level. In this study, using an interdisciplinary research approach tailored to water management needs, we evaluate the past, present and future quantity of water potentially available for drinking supply in the water catchments feeding the about 2.3 million inhabitants of the Turin metropolitan area (the former Province of Turin, north-western Italy), considering climatologies at the quarterly and yearly timescales. Observed daily maximum surface air temperature and precipitation data from 1959 to 2017 were analysed to assess historical trends, their significance and the possible cross-correlations between the water balance components. Regional climate model (RCM) simulations from a small ensemble were analysed to provide mid-century projections of the difference between precipitation and AET for the area of interest in the future CMIP5 scenarios RCP4.5 (stabilization) and RCP8.5 (business as usual). Temporal and spatial variations in recharge were approximated with variations of drainage. The impact of irrigation, and of snowpack variability, on the latter was also assessed. The other terms of water balance were disregarded because they are affected by higher uncertainty. The analysis over the historical period indicated that the driest area of the study region displayed significant negative annual (and spring) trends of both precipitation and drainage. Results from field experiments were used to model irrigation, and we found that relatively wetter watersheds in the northern and in the southern parts behave differently, with a significant increase of AET due to irrigation. The analysis of future projections suggested almost stationary conditions for annual data. Regarding quarterly data, a slight decrease in summer drainage was found in three out of five models in both emission scenarios. The RCM ensemble exhibits a large spread in the representation of the future drainage trends. The large interannual variability of precipitation was also quantified and identified as a relevant risk factor for water management, expected to play a major role also in future decades

    Search for correlations between BATSE Gamma-Ray Bursts and Supernovae

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    We report on complex statistical research of space-time correlated supernovae and CGRO-BATSE gamma-ray bursts. We show that there exists a significantly higher abundanceof core-collapsesup ernovaeamong thecorre lated supernovae, but the subset of all correlated objects does not seem to be physically different from the whole set