2,822 research outputs found

    GMRT and VLA observations at 49cm and 20cm of the HII region near l=24.4d, b=0.1d

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    We report multifrequency radio continuum and hydrogen radio recombination line observations of HII regions near l=24.8d b=0.1d using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 1.28 GHz (n=172), 0.61 GHz (n=220) and the Very Large Array (VLA) at 1.42 GHz (n=166). The region consists of a large number of resolved HII regions and a few compact HII regions as seen in our continuum maps, many of which have associated infrared (IR) point sources. The largest HII region at l=24.83d and b=0.1d is a few arcmins in size and has a shell-type morphology. It is a massive HII region enclosing ~ 550 solar mass with a linear size of 7 pc and an rms electron density of ~ 110 cm^-3 at a kinematic distance of 6 kpc. The required ionization can be provided by a single star of spectral type O5.5. We also report detection of hydrogen recombination lines from the HII region at l=24.83d and b=0.1d at all observed frequencies near Vlsr=100 km/s. We model the observed integrated line flux density as arising in the diffuse HII region and find that the best fitting model has an electron density comparable to that derived from the continuum. We also report detection of hydrogen recombination lines from two other HII regions in the field.Comment: 14 pages, 8 Figures. Uses JAA style file. Accepted for publication in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy. High resolution figures (fig 1a, fig 1b and fig 2b) can be downloaded from http://www.ncra.tifr.res.in/~ngk/G2

    Use of NOAA-N satellites for land/water discrimination and flood monitoring

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    A tool for monitoring the extent of major floods was developed using data collected by the NOAA-6 advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR). A basic understanding of the spectral returns in AVHRR channels 1 and 2 for water, soil, and vegetation was reached using a large number of NOAA-6 scenes from different seasons and geographic locations. A look-up table classifier was developed based on analysis of the reflective channel relationships for each surface feature. The classifier automatically separated land from water and produced classification maps which were registered for a number of acquisitions, including coverage of a major flood on the Parana River of Argentina

    High-resolution Observations of OH(1720 MHz) Masers Toward the Galactic Center

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    High-resolution VLA observations of 1720 MHz OH maser emission from Sgr A East and the circumnuclear disk with spatial and spectral resolutions of \approx 2\dasec5 ×\times 1\dasec3 and 0.27 \kms are reported. This follow-up observational study focuses on the recent discovery of a number of such OH maser features and their intense circularly polarized maser lines detected toward these Galactic center sources. The 1720 MHz maser line of OH arises from collisionally excited gas behind a C-type shock and is an important diagnostic of the interaction process that may occur between molecular clouds and associated X-ray emitting shell-type supernova remnants. The present observations have confirmed that the observed Stokes VV signal is due to Zeeman splitting and that the OH masers are angularly broadened by the scattering medium toward the Galactic center. The scale length of the magnetic field fluctuations in the scattering medium toward the Galactic center is estimated to be greater than 0.1-0.2 pc using the correlation of the position angles of the scatter-broadened maser spots. In addition, the kinematics of the maser spots associated with Sgr A East are used to place a 5 pc displacement between this extended radio structure and the Galactic center.Comment: 13 pages, 2 Tables and 2 figures, to be published in Ap

    Localization and characterization of phenamil-sensitive Na\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e influx in isolated rainbow trout gill epithelial cells

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    Percoll density-gradient separation, combined with peanut lectin agglutinin (PNA) binding and magnetic bead separation, was used to separate dispersed fish gill cells into sub-populations. Functional characterization of each of the sub-populations was performed to determine which displayed acid-activated phenamil- and bafilomycin-sensitive Na+ uptake. Analysis of the mechanism(s) of 22Na+ influx was performed in control and acid-activated (addition of 10 mmoll-1 proprionic acid) cells using a variety of Na+ transport inhibitors (ouabain, phenamil, HOE-694 and bumetanide) and a V-type ATPase inhibitor (bafilomycin). We found that cells migrating to a 1.03-1.05 g ml-1 Percoll interface [pavement cells (PVCs)] possessed the lowest rates of Na+ uptake and that influx was unchanged during either bafilomycin (10 nmoll-1) treatment or internal acidification with addition of proprionic acid (10 mmoll-1). Mitochondria-rich (MR) cells that migrated to the 1.05-1.09 g ml-1 interface of the Percoll gradient demonstrated acidification-activated bafilomycin and phenamil-sensitive Na+ influx. Further separation of the MR fraction into PNA+ and PNA- fractions using magnetic separation demonstrated that only the PNA- cells (α-MR cells) demonstrated phenamiland bafilomycin-sensitive acid-activated 22Na+ uptake. We confirm the coupling of a V-type H+-ATPase with phenamil-sensitive Na+ uptake activity and conclude that high-density α-MR cells function in branchial Na+ uptake in freshwater fish

    Ionized Gas Kinematics and Morphology in Sgr B2 Main on 1000 AU Scales

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    We have imaged the Sgr B2 Main region with the Very Large Array in the BnA configuration (θbeam\theta_{beam} = 0\farcs13) in both the H52α\alpha (45.453 GHz) radio recombination line (RRL) and 7 mm continuum emission. At a distance of 8500 pc, this spatial resolution corresponds to a physical scale of 0.005 pc (\sim1100 AU). The current observations detect H52α\alpha emission in 12 individual ultracompact (UC) and hypercompact (HC) HII regions. Two of the sources with detected H52 α\alpha emission have broad (Δ\DeltaVFWHM_{FWHM}\sim50 \kms) recombination lines, and two of the sources show lines with peaks at more than one velocity. We use line parameters from the H52α\alpha lines and our previous H66α\alpha line observations to determine the relative contribution of thermal, pressure and kinematic broadening, and electron density. These new observations suggest that pressure broadening can account for the broad lines in some of the sources, but that gas motions (e.g. turbulence, accretion or outflow) contribute significantly to the broad lines in at least one of the sources (Sgr B2 F3).Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Linear independence of Gamma values in positive characteristic

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    We investigate the arithmetic nature of special values of Thakur's function field Gamma function at rational points. Our main result is that all linear independence relations over the field of algebraic functions are consequences of the known relations of Anderson and Thakur arising from the functional equations of the Gamma function.Comment: 51 page

    Spatial and Temporal Variations in Small-Scale Galactic HI Structure Toward 3C~138

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    We present three epochs of VLBA observations of Galactic HI absorption toward the quasar 3C~138 with resolutions of 20 mas (~ 10 AU). This analysis includes VLBA data from observations in 1999 and 2002 along with a reexamination of 1995 VLBA data. Improved data reduction and imaging techniques have led to an order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity compared to previous work. With these new data we confirm the previously detected milliarcsecond scale spatial variations in the HI opacity at the level of Delta(tau_{max}) =0.50 \pm 0.05. The typical size scale of the optical depth variations is ~ 50 mas or 25 AU. In addition, for the first time we see clear evidence for temporal variations in the HI opacity over the seven year time span of our three epochs of data. We also attempted to detect the magnetic field strength in the HI gas using the Zeeman effect. From this analysis we have been able to place a 3 sigma upper limit on the magnetic field strength per pixel of ~45 muG. We have also been able to calculate for the first time the plane of sky covering fraction of the small scale HI gas of ~10%. We also find that the line widths of the milliarcsecond sizescale HI features are comparable to those determined from previous single dish measurements toward 3C~138, suggesting that the opacity variations cannot be due to changes in the HI spin temperature. From these results we favor a density enhancement interpretation for the small scale HI structures, although these enhancements appear to be of short duration and are unlikely to be in equilibrium.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures. Figures 3 & 4 are in color. Accepted to A

    The Dynamics of Molecular Material Within 15 pcs of the Galactic Center

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    We report the results of a 5-field mosaic of the central 15pc of the Galaxy in the (1,1) and (2,2) lines of NH3. Two narrow filaments or streamers are seen running parallel to the Galactic plane. The southern streamer appears to carry gas directly toward the nuclear region from the 20 km/s cloud. The eastern streamer, which we will denote the molecular ridge, appears to be the denser part of the 50 km/s cloud which lies immediately east of the Sgr A East complex and extends in the south towards the 20 km/s cloud. This ridge of gas carries the kinematical signatures of interactions with Sgr A East as well as a SNR which lies south of the Galactic center. The bulk motion of the gas, the enhanced line widths, and the heating of the molecular material all suggest an active evolutionary phase for the gas immediately adjacent to the nucleus.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    VLA observations of carbon 91α recombination line emission in W49 north

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    We have detected C91α (8.5891 GHz) emission toward four ultracompact H II regions (UCHs; W49G, J, L, and C) in the W49 North massive star-forming region with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 3" resolution. No carbon line emission was detected toward UCHs W49F, A, O, S, and Q at this frequency to a 3 σ level of 2 mJy. We also observed the same region in the C75α line (15.3 GHz) with no detection at a 3 σ level of 6 mJy with a 1".7 beam. Detection of line emission toward these sources add supporting data to the 2005 result of Roshi et al. that many UCHs have an associated photodissociation region (PDR). The similarity of the LSR velocities of carbon recombination lines and H2CO absorption toward UCHs in W49 North suggests that the PDRs reside in the dense interface zone surrounding these H II regions. Combining the observed carbon line parameters at 8.6 GHz with the upper limits on line emission at 15.3 GHz, we obtain constraints on the physical properties of the PDRs associated with W49G and J. The upper limit on the number density of hydrogen molecule obtained from carbon line models is ~5 × 106 cm-3