133 research outputs found

    Mapping ionospheric backscatter measured by the SuperDARN HF radars - Part 1: A new empirical virtual height model

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    Accurately mapping the location of ionospheric backscatter targets (density irregularities) identified by the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) HF radars can be a major problem, particularly at far ranges for which the radio propagation paths are longer and more uncertain. Assessing and increasing the accuracy of the mapping of scattering locations is crucial for the measurement of two-dimensional velocity structures on the small and meso-scale, for which overlapping velocity measurements from two radars need to be combined, and for studies in which SuperDARN data are used in conjunction with measurements from other instruments. The co-ordinates of scattering locations are presently estimated using a combination of the measured range and a model virtual height, assuming a straight line virtual propagation path. By studying elevation angle of arrival information of backscatterred signals from 5 years of data (1997-2001) from the Saskatoon SuperDARN radar we have determined the actual distribution of the backscatter target locations in range-virtual height space. This has allowed the derivation of a new empirical virtual height model that allows for a more accurate mapping of the locations of backscatter targets

    Magnetic local time variation and scaling of poleward auroral boundary dynamics

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    The balance of dayside and nightside reconnection processes within the Earth's magnetosphere, and its effect on the amount of open magnetic flux threading the ionosphere is well understood in terms of the expanding-contracting polar cap model. However, the nature and character of the consequential fluctuations in the polar cap boundary are poorly understood. By using the poleward auroral luminosity boundary (PALB), as measured by the FUV instrument of the IMAGE spacecraft, as a proxy for the polar cap boundary we have studied the motion of this boundary for more than two years across the complete range of magnetic local time. Our results show that the dayside PALB dynamics are broadly self-similar on timescales of 12 minutes to 6 hours and appear to be monofractal. Similarity with the characteristics of solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) variability suggest that this dayside monofractal behaviour is predominantly inherited from the solar wind via the reconnection process. The nightside PALB dynamics exhibit scale-free behaviour at intermediate timescales (12-90 minutes) and appear to be multifractal. We propose that this character is a result of the intermittent multifractal structure of magnetotail reconnection

    IMF clock angle control of multifractality in ionospheric velocity fluctuations

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    We present an analysis of 8 years of meridional line-of-sight ionospheric plasma velocity measurements from the Halley SuperDARN radar which investigates the effect of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) clock angle on the scaling exponents of the first three order velocity structure functions. We only use velocity measurements made poleward of the open/closed magnetic field line boundary in the nightside ionosphere. The measured scaling exponents are consistent with multifractal Kraichnan-Iroshnikov turbulence for all clock angles but with varying intermittency that decreases to zero during purely northward IMF conditions. We thus propose that intermittency is inherited from the solar wind but also discuss other possible reasons for this relationship. Citation: Abel, G. A., M. P. Freeman, and G. Chisham (2009), IMF clock angle control of multifractality in ionospheric velocity fluctuations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L19102, doi:10.1029/2009GL040336

    A statistical model of vorticity in the polar ionosphere and implications for extreme values

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    Measurements of vorticity in the Earth’s ionosphere enable the characterisation of turbulent structure in the ionospheric plasma flow and how it varies spatially in relation to large-scale magnetic field-aligned current (FAC) systems. We have determined the spatial variation of the probability density function (PDF) of ionospheric vorticity measurements made by the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) across the northern polar ionosphere for the 6-year interval 2000-2005 inclusive. These PDFs are highly leptokurtic, with heavy tails, and are well-modelled by Tsallis q-exponential probability distributions. The parameters of the model q-exponential distributions have been determined using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), resulting in a statistical model of ionospheric vorticity that covers the polar ionosphere. The spatial variation of the model parameters is highly variable, with the shape and scale of the model distributions varying systematically in relation to the well-known FAC regions, showing that FACs have a major influence on the character of ionospheric plasma vorticity. From the model distributions we estimate the probability of observing extreme vorticity values with the SuperDARN radars (beyond thresholds of 5, 10, 20, and 40 mHz) across the northern polar ionosphere

    The spatial variation of large- and meso-scale plasma vorticity statistics in the high-latitude ionosphere and implications for ionospheric plasma flow models

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    The ability to understand and model ionospheric plasma flow on all spatial scales has important implications for operational space weather models. This study exploits a recently developed method to statistically separate large-scale and meso-scale contributions to probability density functions (PDFs) of ionospheric flow vorticity measured by the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN). The SuperDARN vorticity data are first sub-divided depending on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) direction, and the separation method is applied to PDFs of vorticity compiled in spatial regions of size 1° of geomagnetic latitude by 1 hr of magnetic local time, covering much of the high-latitude ionosphere in the northern hemisphere. The resulting PDFs are fit by model functions using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and the spatial variations of the MLE estimators for both the large-scale and meso-scale components are presented. The spatial variations of the large-scale vorticity estimators are ordered by the average ionospheric convection flow, which is highly dependent on the IMF direction. The spatial variations of the meso-scale vorticity estimators appear independent of the senses of vorticity and IMF direction, but have a different character in the polar cap, the cusp, the auroral region, and the sub-auroral region. The paper concludes by discussing the rources of the vorticity components in the different regions, and the consequences for the fidelity of ionospheric plasma flow models

    Data‐driven basis functions for SuperDARN ionospheric plasma flow characterisation and prediction

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    The archive of plasma velocity measurements from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) provides a rich dataset for investigation of magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling. However, systematic gaps in this archive exist in space, time, and radar look-direction. These gaps are generally infilled using climatological averages, spatially smoothed models, or a priori relationships determined from solar wind drivers. We describe a new technique for infilling the data gaps in the SuperDARN archive which requires no external information and is based solely on the SuperDARN measurements. We also avoid the use of climatological averaging or spatial smoothing when computing the infill. In this regard, our approach captures the true variability in the SuperDARN measurements. Our technique is based on data-interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis. This method discovers from the SuperDARN data a series of dynamical modes of plasma velocity variation. We compute the modes of a sample month of northern hemisphere winter data, and investigate these in terms of solar wind driving. We find that the By component of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) dominates the variability of the plasma velocity. The IMF Bz component is the dominant driver for the background mean field, and a series of non-leading modes which describe the two-cell convection variability, and the substorm. We recommend our new technique for reanalysis investigations of polar-scale plasma drift phenomena, particularly those with rapid temporal fluctuations and an indirect relationship to the solar wind

    A Comparison of Auroral Oval Proxies With the Boundaries of the Auroral Electrojets

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    The boundaries of the auroral oval and auroral electrojets are an important source of information for understanding the coupling between the solar wind and the near-earth plasma environment. Of these two types of boundaries the auroral electrojet boundaries have received comparatively little attention, and even less attention has been given to the connection between the two. Here we introduce a technique for estimating the electrojet boundaries, and other properties such as total current and peak current, from 1-D latitudinal profiles of the eastward component of equivalent current sheet density. We apply this technique to a preexisting database of such currents along the 105° magnetic meridian, estimated using ground-based magnetometers, producing a total of 11 years of 1-min resolution electrojet boundaries during the period 2000–2020. Using statistics and conjunction events we compare our electrojet boundary data set with an existing electrojet boundary data set, based on Swarm satellite measurements, and auroral oval proxies based on particle precipitation and field-aligned currents. This allows us to validate our data set and investigate the feasibility of an auroral oval proxy based on electrojet boundaries. Through this investigation we find the proton precipitation auroral oval is a closer match with the electrojet boundaries. However, the bimodal nature of the electrojet boundaries as we approach the noon and midnight discontinuities makes an average electrojet oval poorly defined. With this and the direct comparisons differing from the statistics, defining the proton auroral oval from electrojet boundaries across all local and universal times is challenging