405 research outputs found

    Use of complementary medicine among patients with allergic rhinitis: an Italian nationwide survey.

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    Background: A growing use of complementary alternative medicine (CAM) has been found in Europe as well in Italy for chronic diseases, including the allergic rhinitis. The study aims at investigating the prevalence and the pattern of use of CAM amongst patient with allergic rhinitis. Methods: A 12-item questionnaire was developed by a panel of experts and administered to patients with moderate/severe allergic rhinitis consecutively referring during the study time-frame to seven allergy clinics placed all around Italy. The items covered several topics including reason for choosing CAM, its clinical efficacy, schedule of treatment, costs, type of therapy. Results: Overall 359 questionnaires were analysed. 20% of patients declared CAM use. A significant correlation between the use of CAM and female sex (p\u2009<\u20090.01) and with a higher level of education (p\u2009<\u20090.01) was observed. CAM users were adults (36% in the range between 20 and 40 years and 32% between 41 and 60 years). Youngsters (<\u200920 years) (7%) and elderly (>\u200960) (25%) less frequently used CAM.The most used type of CAM was homoeopathy (77% of patients). 60% of users would recommend CAM despite a poor clinical efficacy according to 67% of them. Conclusions: Although no evidence supports CAM efficacy and safety, the number of patients who relies on it is not negligible. As allergic rhinitis is not a trivial disease, the use of CAM as the only treatment for it should be discouraged at any level, but by general practitioner and specialist in particular

    The association between air pollution and the incidence of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Northern Italy

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    Acute exacerbations and worsening of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) have been associated with exposure to ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter, but chronic exposure to air pollution might also affect the incidence of IPF. We investigated the association between chronic exposure to NO2, O3 and particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <10 \u3bcm (PM10) and IPF incidence in Northern Italy between 2005 and 2010. Daily predictions of PM10 concentrations were obtained from spatiotemporal models, and NO2 and O3 hourly concentrations from fixed monitoring stations. We identified areas with homogenous exposure to each pollutant. We built negative binomial models to assess the association between area-specific IPF incidence rate, estimated through administrative databases, and average overall and seasonal PM10, NO2, and 8-hour maximum O3 concentrations. Using unadjusted models, an increment of 10 \u3bcg\ub7m-3 in NO2 concentration was associated with an increase between 7.93% (95% CI 0.36-16.08%) and 8.41% (95% CI -0.23-17.80%) in IPF incidence rate, depending on the season. After adjustment for potential confounders, estimated effects were similar in magnitude, but with larger confidence intervals. Although confirmatory studies are needed, our results trace a potential association between exposure to traffic pollution and the development of IPF

    Factores de riesgo y determinantes de la salud

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    Este trabajo examina, el grado de relación existente entre indicadores de riesgo y sociodemográficos de los distritos políticos de Argentina y su variabilidad entre 2005 y 2009. Alcance descriptivo y correlacional. Diseño retrospectivo longitudinal. Se encontraron correlaciones múltiples entre indicadores de cobertura, controles médicos, urbanización, PGB y hábitos no saludables como consumo de riesgo de sal, tabaco y alcohol. Por otro lado una población con NBI, analfabetismo y autopercepción de salud regular/mala, aún con establecimientos públicos de salud sin internación. Argentina presenta tres tipologías de provincias, las centrales y patagónicas, con buena cobertura y hábitos no saludables, las norteñas con alta vulnerabilidad social y un grupo intermedio. Entre 2005 y 2009, si bien aumentó la cobertura de salud, y los controles de la misma, disminuyendo la autopercepción de salud/regular mala, no se evidencian mejoras en los parámetros fisiológicos poblacionales, aumentó la inactividad física, el consumo de sal y la obesidad

    Lung cryobiopsy for the diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases: A series contribution to a debated procedure

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    Introduction: Transbronchial cryobiopsy is an alternative to surgical biopsy for the diagnosis of fibrosing interstitial lung diseases, although the role of this relatively new method is rather controversial. Aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic performance and the safety of transbronchial cryobiopsy in patients with fibrosing interstitial lung disease. Materials and methods: The population in this study included patients with interstitial lung diseases who underwent cryobiopsy from May 2015 to May 2018 at the Division of Pneumology of San Giuseppe Hospital in Milan and who were retrospectively studied. All cryobiopsy procedures were performed under fluoroscopic guidance using a flexible video bronchoscope and an endobronchial blocking system in the operating room with patients under general anaesthesia. The diagnostic performance and safety of the procedure were assessed. The main complications evaluated were endobronchial bleeding and pneumothorax. All cases were studied with a multidisciplinary approach, before and after cryobiopsy. Results: Seventy-three patients were admitted to this study. A specific diagnosis was reached in 64 cases, with a diagnostic sensitivity of 88%; 5 cases (7%) were considered inadequate, 4 cases (5%) were found to be non-diagnostic. Only one major bleeding event occurred (1.4%), while 14 patients (19%) experienced mild/moderate bleeding events while undergoing bronchoscopy; 8 cases of pneumothorax (10.9%) were reported, of which 2 (2.7%) required surgical drainage. Conclusions: When performed under safe conditions and in an experienced center, cryobiopsy is a procedure with limited complications having a high diagnostic yield in fibrotic interstitial lung disease

    Patients and doctors group meetings: an innovative way to explore severe asthma backstage

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    Severe asthma patients' life is heavily influenced by the disease, which has impact on personal and professional choic-es or general lifestyle. Despite the available tools to help physicians investigating the patient-reported outcomes there is a need for a more standardised and structured approach to include the evaluation of quality of life together with the emotions of patients into the routine clinical interaction. We hereby report the use of an active listening and insight approach to understand the emotions of patients with severe asthma through dedicated in-person meetings involving a group of patients with their doctors, caregivers and an external moderator. The initiative "Patients insight meeting" was organized within 17 specialist referral centres for severe asthma in Italy in 2019 and involved 149 patients. Insights related to 4 different items were collected and a task force composed by the external moderators produced a general report including the suggestions from the participating centres. This experience of group-meetings involving both patients and doctors together represents an innovative way to investigate real life experience and the emotions of asthmatic patients, highlighting unmet needs related to patient's experience of his/her disease that need to be included in severe asthmatics' management strategy

    Drop-out rate among patients treated with omalizumab for severe asthma: Literature review and real-life experience

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    BACKGROUND: In patients with asthma, particularly severe asthma, poor adherence to inhaled drugs negatively affects the achievement of disease control. A better adherence rate is expected in the case of injected drugs, such as omalizumab, as they are administered only in a hospital setting. However, adherence to omalizumab has never been systematically investigated. The aim of this study was to review the omalizumab drop-out rate in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and real-life studies. A comparative analysis was performed between published data and the Italian North East Omalizumab Network (NEONet) database. RESULTS: In RCTs the drop-out rate ranged from 7.1 to 19.4 %. Although the reasons for withdrawal were only occasionally reported, patient decision and adverse events were the most frequently reported causes. In real-life studies the drop-out rate ranged from 0 to 45.5 %. In most cases lack of efficacy was responsible for treatment discontinuation. According to NEONet data, 32 % of treated patients dropped out, with an increasing number of drop outs observed over time. Patient decision and lack of efficacy accounted for most treatment withdrawals. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment adherence is particularly crucial in patients with severe asthma considering the clinical impact of the disease and the cost of non-adherence. The risk of treatment discontinuation has to be carefully considered both in the experimental and real-life settings. Increased knowledge regarding the main reasons for patient withdrawal is important to improve adherence in clinical practice