310 research outputs found

    Monetary Policy, Global Liquidity and Commodity Price Dynamics

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    This paper examines the interactions between money, interest rates, goods and commodity prices at a global level. For this purpose, we aggregate data for major OECD countries and follow the Johansen/Juselius cointegrated VAR approach. Our empirical model supports the view that, when controlling for interest rate changes and thus different monetary policy stances, money (defined as a global liquidity aggregate) is still a key factor to determine the long-run homogeneity of commodity prices and goods prices movements. The cointegrated VAR model fits with the data for the analysed period from the 1970s until 2008 very well. Our empirical results appear to be overall robust since they pass inter alia a series of recursive tests and are stable for varying compositions of the commodity indices. The empirical evidence is in line with theoretical considerations. The inclusion of commodity prices helps to identify a significant monetary transmission process from global liquidity to other macro variables such as goods prices. We find further support of the conjecture that monetary aggregates convey useful information about variables such as commodity prices which matter for aggregate demand and thus inflation. Given this clear empirical pattern it appears justified to argue that global liquidity merits attention in the same way as the worldwide level of interest rates received in the recent debate about the world savings and liquidity glut as one of the main drivers of the current financial crisis, if not possibly more.Commodity prices, cointegration, CVAR analysis, global liquidity, inflation, international spillovers

    Monetary Policy, Global Liquidity and Commodity Price Dynamics

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    This paper examines the interactions between money, interest rates, goods and commodity prices at a global level. For this purpose, we aggregate data for major OECD countries and follow the Johansen/Juselius cointegrated VAR approach. Our empirical model supports the view that, when controlling for interest rate changes and thus different monetary policy stances, money (defi ned as a global liquidity aggregate) is still a key factor to determine the long-run homogeneity of commodity prices and goods prices movements. The cointegrated VAR model fi ts with the data for the analysed period from the 1970s until 2008 very well. Our empirical results appear to be overall robust since they pass inter alia a series of recursive tests and are stable for varying compositions of the commodity indices. The empirical evidence is in line with theoretical considerations. The inclusion of commodity prices helps to identify a signifi cant monetary transmission process from global liquidity to other macro variables such as goods prices. We fi nd further support of the conjecture that monetary aggregates convey useful information about variables such as commodity prices which matter for aggregate demand and thus infl ation. Given this clear empirical pattern it appears justifi ed to argue that global liquidity merits attention in the same way as the worldwide level of interest rates received in the recent debate about the world savings and liquidity glut as one of the main drivers of the current fi nancial crisis, if not possibly more.Commodity prices; cointegration; CVAR analysis; global liquidity; infl ation; international spillovers

    Global Liquidity and Commodity Prices: A Cointegrated VAR Approach for OECD Countries

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    This paper examines the interactions between money, consumer prices and commodity prices at a global level from 1970 to 2008. Using aggregated data for major OECD countries and a cointegrating VAR framework, we are able to establish long run and short run relationships among these variables while the process is mainly driven by global liquidity. According to our empirical findings, different price elasticities in commodity and consumer goods markets can explain the recently observed overshooting of commodity over consumer prices. Although the sample period is rather long, recursive tests corroborate that our CVAR fits the data very well.Commodity prices, cointegration, CVAR analysis, global liquidity, inflation, international spillovers

    Hypnosis Before Wake-up Call? The Revival of Sovereign Credit Risk Perception in the EMU-Crisis

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    This paper qualifies the view of pronounced overpricing of sovereign bonds for the so-called GIIPS countries during the financial crisis. We use annual data for 21 OECD countries from 1980 to 2012. As opposed to related studies, our data set allows us to contrast the pricing of macroeconomic fundamentals between three distinct phases: The period before the signing of the Maastricht treaty, the EMU-convergence era, and the financial crisis. In detail, we find: (i) Since the 1980s the role of public debt for the pricing of government bonds has changed twice: Firstly following the signing of the Maastricht treaty, and again with the wake-up call due to the onset of the financial crisis. (ii) Before the financial crisis EMU member countries had - de facto - been perceived as a homogenous group with regard to the role of public debt for sovereign risk pricing. (iii) With the reconsideration of country-specfic fundamentals the role of public debt has not only been revived but its impact upon bond yield spreads has become comparable to the time before the Maastricht treaty

    Hypnosis Before Wake-up Call?! The Revival of Sovereign Credit Risk Perception in the EMU-Crisis

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    This paper qualifies the view of pronounced overpricing of sovereign bonds for the so-called GIIPS countries during the financial crisis. We use annual data for 21 OECD countries from 1980 to 2012. As opposed to related studies, our data set allows us to contrast the pricing of macroeconomic fundamentals between three distinct phases: The period before the signing of the Maastricht treaty, the EMU convergence era, and the financial crisis. In detail, we find: (i) Since the 1980s the role of public debt for the pricing of government bonds has changed twice: Firstly following the signing of the Maastricht treaty, and again with the wake-up call due to the onset of the financial crisis. (ii) Before the financial crisis EMU member countries had - de facto - been perceived as a homogenous group with regard to the role of public debt for sovereign risk pricing. (iii) With the reconsideration of country-specific fundamentals the role of public debt has not only been revived but its impact upon bond yield spreads has become comparable to the time before the Maastricht treaty

    Prospective membership and institutional change in transition countries

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    This paper quantifies the impact of incentives related to potential membership on institutional change as measured by the World Bank Governance Indicators (WBGI). Based on a panel of 25 transition countries for the period from 1996 to 2008 we show that pre-accession incentives provided by EU and NATO clearly matter for institutional development. In addition, path-dependency determined by cultural norms may be overcome by economic liberalization while foreign aid seems to hamper institutional development

    Winkler model for predicting the dynamic response of caisson foundations

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    The paper presents a Winkler-based numerical model for the analysis of the dynamic response of caisson foundations. The model allows the evaluation of the impedance functions and of the foundation input motion (FIM), which can be used in the framework of the substructure approach to compute inertial soil-foundation superstructure interaction analyses. In addition, kinematic stress resultants due to seismic shear waves propagating into the soil can be estimated. The caisson is modelled as a Timoshenko beam and the soil-caisson interaction forces are derived from the analyses of the plane-strain vibration problem of an annular rigid ring embedded into the soil. The problem solution is obtained in the frequency domain exploiting the finite element approach and generic soil stratigraphies can be considered in the applications. The model, which is characterised by a very low computational effort, is validated by performing a parametric investigation, comparing results with those obtained from more rigorous BEM-FEM models of the soil-caissons systems. Finally, some applications to real caisson foundations of offshore wind turbines (OWTs) are shown to demonstrate the model accuracy in capturing the seismic response of the foundations obtained from more rigorous models


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    Розглянуто процеси в багатофазно-однофазних реверсивних електромашинно-вентильних перетворю- вачах безконтактних машин подвійного живлення. Рассмотрены процессы в многофазно-однофазных реверсивных электромашинно-вентильных преобра- зователях бесконтактных машин двойного питания