118 research outputs found

    A class of anisotropic (Finsler-) space-time geometries

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    A particular Finsler-metric proposed in [1,2] and describing a geometry with a preferred null direction is characterized here as belonging to a subclass contained in a larger class of Finsler-metrics with one or more preferred directions (null, space- or timelike). The metrics are classified according to their group of isometries. These turn out to be isomorphic to subgroups of the Poincar\'e (Lorentz-) group complemented by the generator of a dilatation. The arising Finsler geometries may be used for the construction of relativistic theories testing the isotropy of space. It is shown that the Finsler space with the only preferred null direction is the anisotropic space closest to isotropic Minkowski-space of the full class discussed.Comment: 12 pages, latex, no figure

    Subgroups of the Group of Generalized Lorentz Transformations and Their Geometric Invariants

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    It is shown that the group of generalized Lorentz transformations serves as relativistic symmetry group of a flat Finslerian event space. Being the generalization of Minkowski space, the Finslerian event space arises from the spontaneous breaking of initial gauge symmetry and from the formation of anisotropic fermion-antifermion condensate. The principle of generalized Lorentz invariance enables exact taking into account the influence of condensate on the dynamics of fundamental fields. In particular, the corresponding generalized Dirac equation turns out to be nonlinear. We have found two noncompact subgroups of the group of generalized Lorentz symmetry and their geometric invariants. These subgroups play a key role in constructing exact solutions of such equation.Comment: Published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    General Very Special Relativity is Finsler Geometry

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    We ask whether Cohen and Glashow's Very Special Relativity model for Lorentz violation might be modified, perhaps by quantum corrections, possibly producing a curved spacetime with a cosmological constant. We show that its symmetry group ISIM(2) does admit a 2-parameter family of continuous deformations, but none of these give rise to non-commutative translations analogous to those of the de Sitter deformation of the Poincar\'e group: spacetime remains flat. Only a 1-parameter family DISIM_b(2) of deformations of SIM(2) is physically acceptable. Since this could arise through quantum corrections, its implications for tests of Lorentz violations via the Cohen-Glashow proposal should be taken into account. The Lorentz-violating point particle action invariant under DISIM_b(2) is of Finsler type, for which the line element is homogeneous of degree 1 in displacements, but anisotropic. We derive DISIM_b(2)-invariant wave equations for particles of spins 0, 1/2 and 1. The experimental bound, ∣b∣<10−26|b|<10^{-26}, raises the question ``Why is the dimensionless constant bb so small in Very Special Relativity?''Comment: 4 pages, minor corrections, references adde

    Relativity principles in 1+1 dimensions and differential aging reversal

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    We study the behavior of clocks in 1+1 spacetime assuming the relativity principle, the principle of constancy of the speed of light and the clock hypothesis. These requirements are satisfied by a class of Finslerian theories parametrized by a real coefficient β\beta, special relativity being recovered for β=0\beta=0. The effect of differential aging is studied for the different values of β\beta. Below the critical values ∣β∣=1/c|\beta| =1/c the differential aging has the usual direction - after a round trip the accelerated observer returns younger than the twin at rest in the inertial frame - while above the critical values the differential aging changes sign. The non-relativistic case is treated by introducing a formal analogy with thermodynamics.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. Previous title "Parity violating terms in clocks' behavior and differential aging reversal". v2: shortened introduction, some sections removed, pointed out the relation with Finsler metrics. Submitted to Found. Phys. Let

    On cosmological-type solutions in multi-dimensional model with Gauss-Bonnet term

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    A (n + 1)-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) model is considered. For diagonal cosmological-type metrics, the equations of motion are reduced to a set of Lagrange equations. The effective Lagrangian contains two "minisuperspace" metrics on R^n. The first one is the well-known 2-metric of pseudo-Euclidean signature and the second one is the Finslerian 4-metric that is proportional to n-dimensional Berwald-Moor 4-metric. When a "synchronous-like" time gauge is considered the equations of motion are reduced to an autonomous system of first-order differential equations. For the case of the "pure" Gauss-Bonnet model, two exact solutions with power-law and exponential dependence of scale factors (with respect to "synchronous-like" variable) are obtained. (In the cosmological case the power-law solution was considered earlier in papers of N. Deruelle, A. Toporensky, P. Tretyakov and S. Pavluchenko.) A generalization of the effective Lagrangian to the Lowelock case is conjectured. This hypothesis implies existence of exact solutions with power-law and exponential dependence of scale factors for the "pure" Lowelock model of m-th order.Comment: 24 pages, Latex, typos are eliminate

    OPERA superluminal neutrinos and Kinematics in Finsler spacetime

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    The OPERA collaboration recently reported that muon neutrinos could be superluminal. More recently, Cohen and Glashow pointed that such superluminal neutrinos would be suppressed since they lose their energies rapidly via bremsstrahlung. In this Letter, we propose that Finslerian nature of spacetime could account for the superluminal phenomena of particles. The Finsler spacetime permits the existence of superluminal behavior of particles while the casuality still holds. A new dispersion relation is obtained in a class of Finsler spacetime. It is shown that the superluminal speed is linearly dependent on the energy per unit mass of the particle. We find that such a superluminal speed formula is consistent with data of OPERA, MINOS and Fermilab-1979 neutrino experiments as well as observations on neutrinos from SN1987a.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Viewpoints of Finslerian special relativity on OPERA superluminal neutrino
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