169 research outputs found

    One-Loop NMHV Amplitudes involving Gluinos and Scalars in N=4 Gauge Theory

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    We use Supersymmetric Ward Identities and quadruple cuts to generate n-pt NMHV amplitudes involving gluinos and adjoint scalars from purely gluonic amplitudes. We present a set of factors that can be used to generate one-loop NMHV amplitudes involving gluinos or adjoint scalars in N=4 Super Yang-Mills from the corresponding purely gluonic amplitude.Comment: 16 pages, JHEP versio

    SUSY Ward identities for multi-gluon helicity amplitudes with massive quarks

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    We use supersymmetric Ward identities to relate multi-gluon helicity amplitudes involving a pair of massive quarks to amplitudes with massive scalars. This allows to use the recent results for scalar amplitudes with an arbitrary number of gluons obtained by on-shell recursion relations to obtain scattering amplitudes involving top quarks.Comment: 22 pages, references adde

    MHV-Vertices for Gravity Amplitudes

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    We obtain a CSW-style formalism for calculating graviton scattering amplitudes and prove its validity through the use of a special type of BCFW-like parameter shift. The procedure is illustrated with explicit examples.Comment: 21 pages, minor typos corrected, proof added in section

    Prying into the intimate secrets of animal lives; software beyond hardware for comprehensive annotation in ‘Daily Diary’ tags

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    Smart tags attached to freely-roaming animals recording multiple parameters at infra-second rates are becoming commonplace, and are transforming our understanding of the way wild animals operate. However, interpretation of such data is complex and currently limits the ability of biologists to realise the value of their recorded information. This work presents a single program, FRAMEWORK 4, that uses a particular sensor constellation described in the?Daily Diary? tag (recording tri-axial acceleration, tri-axial magnetic field intensity, pressure and e.g. temperature and light intensity) to determine the 4 key elements considered pivotal within the conception of the tag. These are; animal trajectory, behaviour, energy expenditure and quantification of the environment in which the animal operates. The program takes the original data recorded by the Daily Dairy and transforms it into dead-reckoned movements,template-matched behaviours, dynamic body acceleration-derived energetics and positionlinked environmental data before outputting it all into a single file. Biologists are thus left with a single data set where animal actions and environmental conditions can be linked across time and space.Fil: Walker, James S.. Swansea University. College Of Sciences; Reino UnidoFil: Jones, Mark W.. Swansea University. College Of Sciences; Reino UnidoFil: Laramee, Robert S.. Swansea University. College Of Sciences; Reino UnidoFil: Holton, Mark D.. Swansea University; Reino UnidoFil: Shepard, Emily L. C.. Swansea University. College Of Sciences; Reino UnidoFil: Williams, Hannah J.. Swansea University. College Of Sciences; Reino UnidoFil: Scantlebury, D. Michael. The Queens University Of Belfast; IrlandaFil: Marks, Nikki, J.. The Queens University Of Belfast; IrlandaFil: Magowan, Elizabeth A.. The Queens University Of Belfast; IrlandaFil: Maguire, Iain E.. The Queens University Of Belfast; IrlandaFil: Grundy, Ed. Swansea University. College Of Sciences; Reino UnidoFil: Di Virgilio, Agustina Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn En Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Wilson, Rory P.. Swansea University. College Of Sciences; Reino Unid

    MHV Rules for Higgs Plus Multi-Gluon Amplitudes

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    We use tree-level perturbation theory to show how non-supersymmetric one-loop scattering amplitudes for a Higgs boson plus an arbitrary number of partons can be constructed, in the limit of a heavy top quark, from a generalization of the scalar graph approach of Cachazo, Svrcek and Witten. The Higgs boson couples to gluons through a top quark loop which generates, for large top mass, a dimension-5 operator H tr G^2. This effective interaction leads to amplitudes which cannot be described by the standard MHV rules; for example, amplitudes where all of the gluons have positive helicity. We split the effective interaction into the sum of two terms, one holomorphic (selfdual) and one anti-holomorphic (anti-selfdual). The holomorphic interactions give a new set of MHV vertices -- identical in form to those of pure gauge theory, except for momentum conservation -- that can be combined with pure gauge theory MHV vertices to produce a tower of amplitudes with more than two negative helicities. Similarly, the anti-holomorphic interactions give anti-MHV vertices that can be combined with pure gauge theory anti-MHV vertices to produce a tower of amplitudes with more than two positive helicities. A Higgs boson amplitude is the sum of one MHV-tower amplitude and one anti-MHV-tower amplitude. We present all MHV-tower amplitudes with up to four negative-helicity gluons and any number of positive-helicity gluons (NNMHV). These rules reproduce all of the available analytic formulae for Higgs + n-gluon scattering (n<=5) at tree level, in some cases yielding considerably shorter expressions.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures; v2, references correcte

    Proof of the MHV vertex expansion for all tree amplitudes in N=4 SYM theory

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    We prove the MHV vertex expansion for all tree amplitudes of N=4 SYM theory. The proof uses a shift acting on all external momenta, and we show that every N^kMHV tree amplitude falls off as 1/z^k, or faster, for large z under this shift. The MHV vertex expansion allows us to derive compact and efficient generating functions for all N^kMHV tree amplitudes of the theory. We also derive an improved form of the anti-NMHV generating function. The proof leads to a curious set of sum rules for the diagrams of the MHV vertex expansion.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figure

    Recursive Calculation of One-Loop QCD Integral Coefficients

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    We present a new procedure using on-shell recursion to determine coefficients of integral functions appearing in one-loop scattering amplitudes of gauge theories, including QCD. With this procedure, coefficients of integrals, including bubbles and triangles, can be determined without resorting to integration. We give criteria for avoiding spurious singularities and boundary terms that would invalidate the recursion. As an example where the criteria are satisfied, we obtain all cut-constructible contributions to the one-loop n-gluon scattering amplitude, A_n^{oneloop}(...--+++...), with split-helicity from an N=1 chiral multiplet and from a complex scalar. Using the supersymmetric decomposition, these are ingredients in the construction of QCD amplitudes with the same helicities. This method requires prior knowledge of amplitudes with sufficiently large numbers of legs as input. In many cases, these are already known in compact forms from the unitarity method.Comment: 36 pages; v2 clarification added and typos fixed, v3 typos fixe

    Multigluon tree amplitudes with a pair of massive fermions

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    We consider the calculation of n-point multigluon tree amplitudes with a pair of massive fermions in QCD. We give the explicit transformation rules of this kind of massive fermion-pair amplitudes with respect to different reference momenta and check the correctness of them by SUSY Ward identities. Using these rules and onshell BCFW recursion relation, we calculate the analytic results of several n-point multigluon amplitudes.Comment: 15page

    Solution to the Ward Identities for Superamplitudes

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    Supersymmetry and R-symmetry Ward identities relate on-shell amplitudes in a supersymmetric field theory. We solve these Ward identities for (Next-to)^K MHV amplitudes of the maximally supersymmetric N=4 and N=8 theories. The resulting superamplitude is written in a new, manifestly supersymmetric and R-invariant form: it is expressed as a sum of very simple SUSY and SU(N)_R-invariant Grassmann polynomials, each multiplied by a "basis amplitude". For (Next-to)^K MHV n-point superamplitudes the number of basis amplitudes is equal to the dimension of the irreducible representation of SU(n-4) corresponding to the rectangular Young diagram with N columns and K rows. The linearly independent amplitudes in this algebraic basis may still be functionally related by permutation of momenta. We show how cyclic and reflection symmetries can be used to obtain a smaller functional basis of color-ordered single-trace amplitudes in N=4 gauge theory. We also analyze the more significant reduction that occurs in N=8 supergravity because gravity amplitudes are not ordered. All results are valid at both tree and loop level.Comment: 29 pages, published versio
