34 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial chaotic dynamics: Redox-energetic behavior at the edge of stability

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    Mitochondria serve multiple key cellular functions, including energy generation, redox balance, and regulation of apoptotic cell death, thus making a major impact on healthy and diseased states. Increasingly recognized is that biological network stability/instability can play critical roles in determining health and disease. We report for the first-time mitochondrial chaotic dynamics, characterizing the conditions leading from stability to chaos in this organelle. Using an experimentally validated computational model of mitochondrial function, we show that complex oscillatory dynamics in key metabolic variables, arising at the “edge” between fully functional and pathological behavior, sets the stage for chaos. Under these conditions, a mild, regular sinusoidal redox forcing perturbation triggers chaotic dynamics with main signature traits such as sensitivity to initial conditions, positive Lyapunov exponents, and strange attractors. At the “edge” mitochondrial chaos is exquisitely sensitive to the antioxidant capacity of matrix Mn superoxide dismutase as well as to the amplitude and frequency of the redox perturbation. These results have potential implications both for mitochondrial signaling determining health maintenance, and pathological transformation, including abnormal cardiac rhythms.publishedVersionKembro, Jackelyn Melissa. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina.Kembro, Jackelyn Melissa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas; Argentina.Cortassa, Sonia. National Institutes of Health. NIH · NIA Intramural Research Program; Estados Unidos.Lloyd, David. Cardiff University. School of Biosciences 1; Inglaterra.Sollot, Steven. Johns Hopkins University. Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science; Estados Unidos.Sollot, Steven. Johns Hopkins University. Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science; Estados Unidos

    Dynamic Phenotypic Clustering in Noisy Ecosystems

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    In natural ecosystems, hundreds of species typically share the same environment and are connected by a dense network of interactions such as predation or competition for resources. Much is known about how fixed ecological niches can determine species abundances in such systems, but far less attention has been paid to patterns of abundances in randomly varying environments. Here, we study this question in a simple model of competition between many species in a patchy ecosystem with randomly fluctuating environmental conditions. Paradoxically, we find that introducing noise can actually induce ordered patterns of abundance-fluctuations, leading to a distinct periodic variation in the correlations between species as a function of the phenotypic distance between them; here, difference in growth rate. This is further accompanied by the formation of discrete, dynamic clusters of abundant species along this otherwise continuous phenotypic axis. These ordered patterns depend on the collective behavior of many species; they disappear when only individual or pairs of species are considered in isolation. We show that they arise from a balance between the tendency of shared environmental noise to synchronize species abundances and the tendency for competition among species to make them fluctuate out of step. Our results demonstrate that in highly interconnected ecosystems, noise can act as an ordering force, dynamically generating ecological patterns even in environments lacking explicit niches

    Doñana. Acta vertebrata. vol 22 (1/2)

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    Relación entre el uso del espacio del mito (Aeghitalos caudatus) y la disponibilidad de artrópodos durante el periodo primavera-veranoHábitos frugívoros de la corzuela parda (Mazama gouazoubira, Ficher, 1814) (Mammalia: Cervidae), en un ambiente secundario de yungasComparación entre varias técnicas de estimación de la edad en zorros, Vulpes vulpes, de Doñana (sur de la Península Ibérica)Características morfológicas de los corzos (Capreolus capreolus) de las sierras de Cádiz-Málaga.Etograma y relación de la conducta con el hábitat y con la edad en el ñandú (Rhea americana)Variación estacional del área de campeo de Oxymycterus rufus (Rodentia: Cricetidae), en el delta del rio Paraná, ArgentinaTracking of a female american mink (Mustela vison, Schreber, 1777) in NE Spain.Nidificación de láridos en la provincia de Almeria (SE Ibérico)Expansión del área de distribución de Microtus arvalis asturianus Miller, 1908 (Rodentia, Arvicolidae) en la meseta norte (España)Diet of the thekla lark, Galerida theklae, in a shrubsteppe of southeastern SpainAlimentación de la lechuza campestre (Asio flammeus) en la submeseta norte (España), durante el periodo reproductorUso de cajas anidaderas por lirones grises (Glis glis) y ratones leonados (Apodemus flavicollis) en el norte de la Península Ibérica.Theoretical flight ranges of waders resting in the Ebro Delta during autumn migrationPeer reviewe


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    Visceral fat loss evaluated by total body magnetic resonance imaging in obese women operated with laparoscopic adjustable silicone gastric banding

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the changes of visceral fat, as compared with total and subcutaneous adipose tissue (AT) in obese patients operated with laparascopic adjustable silicone gastric banding (LAP-BAND). SUBJECTS: Six premenopausal morbid obese (body mass index range: 41.4-44.2 kg/m2) women, aged 38-42 y, operated with LAP-BAND, evaluated before, 8 weeks after, and 24 weeks after surgery. MEASUREMENTS: Fat distribution was analysed by total body multi-slices MRI. Total AT, gluteo-femoral subcutaneous AT, abdominal subcutaneous AT, and abdominal visceral AT volumes were measured. FM was calculated from MRI-determined total AT volume and AT density. RESULTS: A weight loss of 9.9+/-3.8 kg was observed in the first 8 weeks after LAP-BAND (0-8 weeks), and a further weight loss of 7.1+/-4.9 kg in the subsequent 16 weeks (8-24 weeks). Total AT showed a statistically significant reduction of 6.2+/-4.0 l in 0-8 weeks and a further significant reduction of 7.7+/-3.9 l in 8-24 weeks (P<0.01 from baseline). A similar trend was observed for both abdominal and gluteo-femoral subcutaneous AT. Visceral AT showed a statistically significant reduction of 1.0+/-0.9 l in the 0-8 weeks (P<0.05) and a further non-significant reduction of 0.6+/-0.7 l in 8-24 weeks (P<0.05 from baseline). In 0-8 weeks, the relative reduction of visceral AT was higher than the relative reduction of both total AT and gluteo-femoral subcutaneous AT. A highly significant correlation was observed between the reduction of total AT and the reduction of both abdominal and gluteo-femoral subcutaneous AT. By contrast, in 0-8 weeks, the reduction of total AT and the reduction of visceral AT were not correlated. In a subsequent analysis, both observations collected in the first 8 weeks after LAP-BAND and observations collected in the last 16 weeks are simultaneously considered, leading to a total of 12 time periods (two time periods for each individual patient). In order to identify factors associated with preferential visceral fat reduction, we calculated for each of the 12 time periods the difference between the percentage changes of visceral AT and the percentage changes of total AT. The relationship between this difference and several other variables were investigated by simple correlation analysis. The only variables found to be associated were the initial visceral AT volume, the absolute level of weight loss (kg) per week of observation, and the relative level of weight loss (%) per week of observation. CONCLUSION: In the phase of rapid weight loss following LAP-BAND, a preferential mobilization of visceral fat, as compared with total and subcutaneous AT, can occur. However, this preferential visceral fat reduction occurs only in those patients presenting higher levels of visceral fat deposition at baseline and higher levels of weight loss

    Surgical Implications in the tratment of liver adenoma and adenomatosis

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