8,614 research outputs found
Balian-Low Theorems in Several Variables
Recently, Nitzan and Olsen showed that Balian-Low theorems (BLTs) hold for
discrete Gabor systems defined on . Here we extend these results
to a multivariable setting. Additionally, we show a variety of applications of
the Quantitative BLT, proving in particular nonsymmetric BLTs in both the
discrete and continuous setting for functions with more than one argument.
Finally, in direct analogy of the continuous setting, we show the Quantitative
Finite BLT implies the Finite BLT.Comment: To appear in Approximation Theory 16 conference proceedings volum
Effects of blood transfusion on exercise capacity in thalassemia major patients
Anemia has an important role in exercise performance. However, the direct link between rapid changes of hemoglobin and exercise performance is still unknown.To find out more on this topic, we studied 18 beta-thalassemia major patients free of relevant cardiac dysfunction (age 33.5±7.2 years,males = 10). Patients performed a maximal cardiopulmolmonary exercise test (cycloergometer, personalized ramp protocol, breath-by-breath measurements of expired gases) before and the day after blood transfusion (500 cc of red cell concentrates). After blood transfusion, hemoglobin increased from 10.5±0.8 g/dL to 12.1±1.2 (p<0.001), peak VO2 from 1408 to 1546mL/min (p<0.05), and VO2 at anaerobic threshold from 965 to 1024mL/min (p<0.05). No major changes were observed as regards heart and respiratory rates either at peak exercise or at anaerobic threshold. Similarly, no relevant changes were observed in ventilation efficiency, as evaluated by the ventilation vs. carbon dioxide production relationship, or in O2 delivery to the periphery as analyzed by the VO2 vs. workload relationship. The relationship between hemoglobin and VO2 changes showed, for each g/dL of hemoglobin increase, a VO2 increase = 82.5 mL/min and 35 mL/min, at peak exercise and at anaerobic threshold, respectively. In beta-thalassemia major patients, an acute albeit partial anemia correction by blood transfusion determinates a relevant increase of exercise performance, observed both at peak exercise and at anaerobic threshold
Dark Universe and distribution of Matter as Quantum Imprinting: the Quantum Origin of Universe
In this paper we analyze the Dark Matter problem and the distribution of
matter through two different approaches, which are linked by the possibility
that the solution of these astronomical puzzles should be sought in the quantum
imprinting of the Universe. The first approach is based on a cosmological model
formulated and developed in the last ten years by the first and third authors
of this paper; the so-called Archaic Universe. The second approach was
formulated by Rosen in 1933 by considering the Friedmann-Einstein equations as
a simple one-dimensional dynamical system reducing the cosmological equations
in terms of a Schroedinger equation. As an example, the quantum memory in
cosmological dynamics could explain the apparently periodic structures of the
Universe while Archaic Universe shows how the quantum phase concernts not only
an ancient era of the Universe, but quantum facets permeating the entire
Universe today.Comment: 18 page
Quid Tum? Riflessioni sulla didattica della progettazione architettonica
Il saggio costituisce una riflessione sulle personali esperienze didattiche, svolte nell\u2019ambito dei laboratori di progettazione architettonica del terzo anno, ma anche del laboratorio di laurea, del Corso di Studi in Architettura magistrale a ciclo unico quinquennale, dell\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Palermo, partendo da una premessa che con frequenza ha costituito il prologo agli stessi corsi e si riassume nel motto ciceroniano Quid Tum? Corsi dedicati in prevalenza al tema delle architetture e degli spazi esequiali ma anche al recupero di aree oggi al margine di insediamenti urbani, segnate da stratificazioni e da ancestrali processi di antropizzazione: dal sistema dei borghi rurali dell\u2019entroterra palermitano alle architetture rupestri del quartiere Rabato e del parco dell\u2019Addolorata ad Agrigento, dalle Latomie di Marsala, alle cave di Cusa e dei monti Sicani a quelle di Mazzara e di Favignana. Luoghi individuati, essenzialmente come campo di sperimentazione progettuale dei laboratori finalizzati a utilizzare la particolare dimensione fisica di specifiche aree come materia formativa e strutturante della stessa idea di progetto
Relative entropy via non-sequential recursive pair substitutions
The entropy of an ergodic source is the limit of properly rescaled 1-block
entropies of sources obtained applying successive non-sequential recursive
pairs substitutions (see P. Grassberger 2002 ArXiv:physics/0207023 and D.
Benedetto, E. Caglioti and D. Gabrielli 2006 Jour. Stat. Mech. Theo. Exp. 09
doi:10.1088/1742.-5468/2006/09/P09011). In this paper we prove that the cross
entropy and the Kullback-Leibler divergence can be obtained in a similar way.Comment: 13 pages , 2 figure
Ospedale psichiatrico di Sassari
Il testo \ue8 relativo all'Ospedale psichiatrico di Sassari, sorto alla fine dell'Ottocento e rimasto in funzione sino al 1998, \ue8 stata redatta nell'ambito della ricerca (PRIN 2008), "I complessi manicomiali in Italia tra Otto e Novecento. Atlante del patrimonio storico-architettonico ai fini della conoscenza e della valorizzazione", sviluppata da ricercatori della Seconda Universit\ue0 di Napoli (coordinamento nazionale), dei Politecnici di Milano e Torino, delle Universit\ue0 di Camerino, Palermo, Pisa e Reggio Calabria. La scheda illustra, attraverso i diversi testi e un vasto repertorio iconografico, costituito da disegni, immagini d\u2019epoca e fotografie \u2013 sia l\u2019origine sia le trasformazioni dei complesso manicomiale fino alla sua dismissione, con rinvii alle fonti bibliografiche e archivistiche, al suo attuale stato di conservazione e agli usi pi\uf9 recenti. link: http://www.spazidellafollia.eu/it/complesso-manicomiale/ospedale-psichiatrico-di-sassar
A Minimal Object Oriented Real-Time Operating System in C++
Most embedded software is currently developed using the C
programming language, even though its low level of abstrac-
tion requires a lot of effort to the programmer. The C++
language is a better choice because: it raises the level of
abstraction; it is strongly typed, so it prevents many com-
mon programming mistakes; it can be made as efficient as C
through fine-grained customisation of memory mechanisms;
it can be easily adapted to domain-specific needs. In ad-
dition, recent compilers have grown in maturity and per-
formance, and the new standard considerably improves the
language by introducing new concepts and an easier syntax.
In this paper we present ADOK, a minimal Real-Time Op-
erating System entirely written in C++ with the exception
of a few lines of assembler code. It directly offers a C++
interface to the developer, and it provides a flexible schedul-
ing framework which allows the developer to customise the
scheduling to its needs. In particular, we implement a two-
level scheduler based on Earliest Deadline First, the Stack
Resource Policy protocol for sharing resources and support
for mode changes. We demonstrate through examples and
a small case-study that ADOK can substantially improve
productivity without sacrificing on performance
Promotion of proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma by LncRNA00673 based on the targeted-regulation of notch signaling pathway
we read with great interest the paper by Dr. Chen et al1, recently published in European
Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences and titled ‘‘Promotion of proliferation and
metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma by LncRNA00673 based on the targeted-regulation
of notch signaling pathway’’. Authors concluded that lncRNA00673 is highly expressed and
may be a potential target for the treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Moreover,
according to authors, it can promote the proliferation and metastasis of HCC by the regulation
of Notch signaling pathway. We congratulate the authors for their interesting work
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