12 research outputs found
La couverture tertiaire du flanc nord du massif du Troodos et de la partie méridionale de la Mésaoria : étude stratigraphique et micropaléontologique The Terciary Sediments of the Northern Flank of the Stroodos Massif and the Southern Part of Mesaoria : Stratigraphic and Micropaleonlogical Study
Le massif pluto-volcanique du Troodos est ceinturé par une importante série sédimentaire le plus souvent à dominante crayeuse dont l'âge va du Maestrichtien au Messinien, époque à laquelle le Troodos émerge. La mer revient en transgression au Pliocène. Après une recherche bibliographique réinterprétant les principaux résultats des travaux antérieurs, une étude pétrographique, micropaléontologique et stratigraphique est réalisée à partir des échantillons recueillis suivant treize profils, sur le flanc N du Troodos et dans la partie méridionale de la Mésaoria. Cette étude montre que les craies résultent de la lithification de boues à Globigérinidés redéposées dans lesquelles les figures de courant et les slumps sont nombreux. Ces dépôts, qui s'organisent en un système progradantà partir du haut fond sous-marin du Troodos, forment sur son flanc N une série condensée présentant de nombreux et souvent spectaculaires hiatus stratigraphiques. Elle caractérise un environnement qui, bathyal inférieur au Maestrichtien-Paléocène, évolue en un milieu de dépôt néritique au Messinien. <br> The plutonic-volcanic Troodos Massif is surrounded by thick sedimentory series, often developed in a predominantly chalky facies ; their age ranges from Maastrichtian to Messinian during which period the Troodos Massif emerged. The sea transgressively returned in Pliocene times. Hoving studied the references which lead to a reinterpretation of the main findings of previous investigations, a petrogrophic, micropaleontological and stratigrophic study of rock somples hos been made, gathered along thirteen profiles on the northern flank of the Troodos Massif and in the southern part of Mesaoria. The study reveals that the chalky resulted from a lithification of redeposited glogigerina oozes, showing numerous current marks and slump structures. These progroding deposits laid down on a Troodos seamount at the time, form a condensed series on its northern flank, exhibiting numerous and often spectacular hiatuses. The environment of deposition shows on evolution from bathyal during the Maastrichtian-Paleocene, to neritic in Messinian times
Le néogène de la chaine du Pentadaktylos et de la partie nord de la Mésaoria (Chypre). Etude stratigraphique et micropaléontologique The Neofene in the Pentadaktylos Range and Nothern Mesaoria, Cyprus. Stratigraphic and Micropaleontological Investigations
La formation de Kithréa est une puissante série détritique, le plus souvent rythmique, déposée dans un bassin subsident, de part et d'autre de la chaîne du Pentadaktylos. Vers le nord, elle disparaît sous la mer; vers le sud, elle affleure largement dans la moitié nord de la Mesaoria jusque dans la région de i'Ovgos Potamos. Une étude lithologique et micropaléontologique a permis d'y distinguer 9, unités cartographiques correspondant à une échelle stratigraphique qui va de l'Eocène supérieur (?) au Messinien évaporitique. Le Pliocène transgressif inaugure un nouveau cycle de sédimentation. Plusieurs biozones de Foraminifères planctoniques ont été reconnues. Leur succession dans le temps est sensiblement analogue à celle déjà distinguée en Méditerranée occidentale depuis l'Oligocène jusqu'au Pliocène moyen. La formation de Kithréa appartient à deux domaines paléogéographiques séparés par l'importante faille de Kithréa, de direction E-O. Au nord, dans un domaine « pentadaktylien », une série relativement diversifiée se dépose en transgression sur la chaîne. Au sud, dans un domaine « mésaorien », la série sédimentaire repose en concordance sur des dépôts crayeux qui s'étendent, vers le sud, jusqu'au Troodos. <br> The Kithrea Formation is a thick detrital series, usually rhythmic deposited in subsident basin on both sides of teé Pentadaktylos Range. Toward the North it disappears underneath the sec. Toward the South it outcrops widely in the northern half of Mesaoria ranging to the Ovgos Potamos crea. A lithological and micropaleontological study reveals 9 formations corresponding to a stratigraphic scale ranging from fhe lace Eocene (?) to the evaporitic Messinian. With the transgression of Pliocene, appears a new sedimentation cycle. Several planktonic foraminifera biozones have been identified. Their succession on time is quite similar to what hod previously been found in the western Mediterranean from the Oligocene to the Middle Pliocene. The Kithrea Formation belongs to two poleogeographic units separated by the large East-West trending Kithrea fault. In the Northern « Pentadaktylian » unit, a relatively diversified series is deposited in transgression on the range. In the Southern « Mesaorian » unit, the sedimentary series lies conformably on top of chalky deposits extending southward to Troodos
A revised stratigraphic framework for later Cenozoic sequences in the northeastern Mediterranean region
This study describes the lithostratigraphic character of mid-Cenozoic (Oligocene-Pliocene) sequences in different parts of the northeastern Mediterranean area and offers a detailed stratigraphic correlation for this region. The sequences concerned are drawn from the Camardi area (south-central Anatolia), the Adana Basin, the Misis Mountains and the Kyrenia Range (northern Cyprus) and the submerged Florence Rise (west of Cyprus). The stratigraphic relationships identified here indicate the following: (a) Following the middle Eocene (Lutetian) regression there was uplift throughout the entire region; (b) Episodes of fluvial and lacustrine deposition in intramontane settings ensued in most of this region during the late Eocene/early Miocene interval; (c) Following a regionally extensive phase of tectonic compression, major marine transgression commenced in the late Oligocene in northern Cyprus and in the early Miocene in adjacent southern Turkey, with the exception of the Ecemi§ Fault Zone where continental deposition continued; (d) These Oligo-Miocene transgressive sequences comprise a broadly diachronous complex of both shallow and deeper marine facies, including reefal carbonates, littoral clastics, basinal shales and fan-turbidites; (e) Deeper marine Miocene facies persisted longer in the Misis area and in northern Cyprus; (f) A regional regression occurred throughout most of the area during the late Serravallian to Tortonian interval and is marked by the abrupt, locally discordant appearance of extensive shallow marine, deltaic and fluvial deposits; (g) Continued regression in the Messinian led to the formation of significant evaporite deposits in the western and southern parts of the region, but localized uplift of the Misis area is attested by the initial deformation of the Neogene rocks there and the absence of Messinian sediments from this area; (h) In the Pliocene there was extensive emergence of the northern parts of the region interrupted by brief marine incursions. The present-day drainage pattern was established at this time; (i) Marine conditions persisted longer in northern Cyprus, where emergence occurred only in the latest Pliocene. © 1995 Springer-Verlag
A revised stratigraphic framework for Later Cenozoic sequences in the northeastern Mediterranean region
This study describes the lithostratigraphic character of mid-Cenozoic (Oligocene-Pliocene) sequences in different parts of the northeastern Mediterranean area and offers a detailed stratigraphic correlation for this region. The sequences concerned are drawn from the Camardi area (south-central Anatolia), the Adana Basin, the Misis Mountains and the Kyrenia Range (northern Cyprus) and the submerged Florence Rise (west of Cyprus). The stratigraphic relationships identified here indicate the following: (a) Following the middle Eocene (Lutetian) regression there was uplift throughout the entire region; (b) Episodes of fluvial and lacustrine deposition in intramontane settings ensued in most of this region during the late Eocene/early Miocene interval; (c) Following a regionally extensive phase of tectonic compression, major marine transgression commenced in the late Oligocene in northern Cyprus and in the early Miocene in adjacent southern Turkey, with the exception of the Ecemis Fault Zone where continental deposition continued; (d) These Oligo-Miocene transgressive sequences comprise a broadly diachronous complex of both shallow and deeper marine facies, including reefal carbonates, littoral clastics, basinal shales and fan-turbidites; (e) Deeper marine Miocene facies persisted longer in the Misis area and in northern Cyprus; (f) A regional regression occurred throughout most of the area during the late Serravallian to Tortonian interval and is marked by the abrupt, locally discordant appearance of extensive shallow marine, deltaic and fluvial deposits; (g) Continued regression in the Messinian led to the formation of significant evaporite deposits in the western and southern parts of the region, but localized uplift of the Misis area is attested by the initial deformation of the Neogene rocks there and the absence of Messinian sediments from this area; (h) In the Pliocene there was extensive emergence of the northern parts of the region interrupted by brief marine incursions. The present-day drainage pattern was established at this time; (i) Marine conditions persisted longer in northern Cyprus, where emergence occurred only in the latest Pliocene