24,892 research outputs found

    Quantum Levy flights and multifractality of dipolar excitations in a random system

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    We consider dipolar excitations propagating via dipole-induced exchange among immobile molecules randomly spaced in a lattice. The character of the propagation is determined by long-range hops (Levy flights). We analyze the eigen-energy spectra and the multifractal structure of the wavefunctions. In 1D and 2D all states are localized, although in 2D the localization length can be extremely large leading to an effective localization-delocalization crossover in realistic systems. In 3D all eigenstates are extended but not always ergodic, and we identify the energy intervals of ergodic and non-ergodic states. The reduction of the lattice filling induces an ergodic to non-ergodic transition, and the excitations are mostly non-ergodic at low filling.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum secret sharing between m-party and n-party with six states

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    We propose a quantum secret sharing scheme between mm-party and nn-party using three conjugate bases, i.e. six states. A sequence of single photons, each of which is prepared in one of the six states, is used directly to encode classical information in the quantum secret sharing process. In this scheme, each of all mm members in group 1 choose randomly their own secret key individually and independently, and then directly encode their respective secret information on the states of single photons via unitary operations, then the last one (the mmth member of group 1) sends 1/n1/n of the resulting qubits to each of group 2. By measuring their respective qubits, all members in group 2 share the secret information shared by all members in group 1. The secret message shared by group 1 and group 2 in such a way that neither subset of each group nor the union of a subset of group 1 and a subset of group 2 can extract the secret message, but each whole group (all the members of each group) can. The scheme is asymptotically 100% in efficiency. It makes the Trojan horse attack with a multi-photon signal, the fake-signal attack with EPR pairs, the attack with single photons, and the attack with invisible photons to be nullification. We show that it is secure and has an advantage over the one based on two conjugate bases. We also give the upper bounds of the average success probabilities for dishonest agent eavesdropping encryption using the fake-signal attack with any two-particle entangled states. This protocol is feasible with present-day technique.Comment: 7 page

    Circular quantum secret sharing

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    A circular quantum secret sharing protocol is proposed, which is useful and efficient when one of the parties of secret sharing is remote to the others who are in adjacent, especially the parties are more than three. We describe the process of this protocol and discuss its security when the quantum information carrying is polarized single photons running circularly. It will be shown that entanglement is not necessary for quantum secret sharing. Moreover, the theoretic efficiency is improved to approach 100% as almost all the instances can be used for generating the private key, and each photon can carry one bit of information without quantum storage. It is straightforwardly to utilize this topological structure to complete quantum secret sharing with multi-level two-particle entanglement in high capacity securely.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    The binary mass transfer origin of the red blue straggler sequence in M30

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    Two separated sequences of blue straggler stars (BSSs) have been revealed by Ferraro et al. (2009) in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of the Milky Way globular cluster M30. Their presence has been suggested to be related to the two BSS formation channels (namely, collisions and mass-transfer in close binaries) operating within the same stellar system. The blue sequence was indeed found to be well reproduced by collisional BSS models. In contrast, no specific models for mass transfer BSSs were available for an old stellar system like M30. Here we present binary evolution models, including case-B mass transfer and binary merging, specifically calculated for this cluster. We discuss in detail the evolutionary track of a 0.9+0.5M0.9+0.5 M_\odot binary, which spends approximately 4 Gyr in the BSS region of the CMD of a 13 Gyr old cluster. We also run Monte-Carlo simulations to study the distribution of mass transfer BSSs in the CMD and to compare it with the observational data. Our results show that: (1) the color and magnitude distribution of synthetic mass transfer BSSs defines a strip in the CMD that nicely matches the observed red BSS sequence, thus providing strong support to the mass transfer origin for these stars; (2) the CMD distribution of synthetic BSSs never attains the observed location of the blue BSS sequence, thus reinforcing the hypothesis that the latter formed through a different channel (likely collisions); (3) most (60%\sim 60\%) of the synthetic BSSs are produced by mass-transfer models, while the remaining <40%< 40\% requires the contribution from merger models.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Ap

    Characterising Probabilistic Processes Logically

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    In this paper we work on (bi)simulation semantics of processes that exhibit both nondeterministic and probabilistic behaviour. We propose a probabilistic extension of the modal mu-calculus and show how to derive characteristic formulae for various simulation-like preorders over finite-state processes without divergence. In addition, we show that even without the fixpoint operators this probabilistic mu-calculus can be used to characterise these behavioural relations in the sense that two states are equivalent if and only if they satisfy the same set of formulae.Comment: 18 page

    Efficient electronic entanglement concentration assisted with single mobile electron

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    We present an efficient entanglement concentration protocol (ECP) for mobile electrons with charge detection. This protocol is quite different from other ECPs for one can obtain a maximally entangled pair from a pair of less-entangled state and a single mobile electron with a certain probability. With the help of charge detection, it can be repeated to reach a higher success probability. It also does not need to know the coefficient of the original less-entangled states. All these advantages may make this protocol useful in current distributed quantum information processing.Comment: 6pages, 3figure

    The double Ringel-Hall algebra on a hereditary abelian finitary length category

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    In this paper, we study the category H(ρ)\mathscr{H}^{(\rho)} of semi-stable coherent sheaves of a fixed slope ρ\rho over a weighted projective curve. This category has nice properties: it is a hereditary abelian finitary length category. We will define the Ringel-Hall algebra of H(ρ)\mathscr{H}^{(\rho)} and relate it to generalized Kac-Moody Lie algebras. Finally we obtain the Kac type theorem to describe the indecomposable objects in this category, i.e. the indecomposable semi-stable sheaves.Comment: 29 page

    High-contrast dark resonance on the D2 - line of 87Rb in a vapor cell with different directions of the pump - probe waves

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    We propose a novel method enabling to create a high-contrast dark resonance in the 87Rb vapor D2-line. The method is based on an optical pumping of atoms into the working states by a two-frequency, linearly-polarized laser radiation propagating perpendicularly to the probe field. This new scheme is compared to the traditional scheme involving the circularly-polarized probe beam only, and significant improvement of the dark resonance parameters is found. Qualitative considerations are confirmed by numerical calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Probabilistic teleportation of unknown two-particle state via POVM

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    We propose a scheme for probabilistic teleportation of unknown two-particle state with partly entangled four-particle state via POVM. In this scheme the teleportation of unknown two-particle state can be realized with certain probability by performing two Bell state measurements, a proper POVM and a unitary transformation.Comment: 5 pages, no figur

    Comparing the Host Galaxies of Type Ia, Type II and Type Ibc Supernovae

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    We compare the host galaxies of 902 supernovae, including SNe Ia, SNe II and SNe Ibc, which are selected by cross-matching the Asiago Supernova Catalog with the SDSS Data Release 7. We further selected 213 galaxies by requiring the light fraction of spectral observations >>15%, which could represent well the global properties of the galaxies. Among them, 135 galaxies appear on the Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich diagram, which allows us to compare the hosts in terms of star-forming, AGNs (including composites, LINERs and Seyfert 2s) and "Absorp" (their related emission-lines are weak or non-existence) galaxies. The diagrams related to parameters Dn_n(4000), HδA\delta_A, stellar masses, SFRs and specific SFRs for the SNe hosts show that almost all SNe II and most of SNe Ibc occur in SF galaxies, which have a wide range of stellar mass and low Dn_n(4000). The SNe Ia hosts as SF galaxies follow similar trends. A significant fraction of SNe Ia occurs in AGNs and Absorp galaxies, which are massive and have high Dn_n(4000). The stellar population analysis from spectral synthesis fitting shows that the hosts of SNe II have a younger stellar population than hosts of SNe Ia. These results are compared with those of the 689 comparison galaxies where the SDSS fiber captures less than 15% of the total light. These comparison galaxies appear biased towards higher 12+log(O/H) (\sim0.1dex) at a given stellar mass. Therefore, we believe the aperture effect should be kept in mind when the properties of the hosts for different types of SNe are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure