867 research outputs found

    Towards String Predictions

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    The aim of superstring phenomenology is to develop the tools and methodology needed to confront string theory with experimental data. The first mandatory task is to find string solutions which reproduce the observable data. The subsequent goal is to extract potential signatures beyond the observable data. Recently, by studying exact flat directions of non-Abelian singlet fields, we demonstrated the existence of free fermionic heterotic-string models in which the SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)YSU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1)_Y-charged matter spectrum, just below the string scale, consists solely of the MSSM spectrum. In this paper we study the possibility that the exact flat directions leave a U(1)Z′U(1)_{Z^\prime} symmetry unbroken at the Planck scale. We demonstrate in a specific example that such unbroken U(1)Z′U(1)_{Z^\prime} is in general expected to be not of the GUT type but of intrinsic stringy origin. We study its phenomenological characteristics and the consequences in the case that U(1)Z′U(1)_{Z^\prime} remains unbroken down to low energies. We suggest that observation in forthcoming colliders of a Z′Z^\prime, with universal couplings for the two light generations but different couplings for the heavy generation may provide evidence for the Z2×Z2Z_2\times Z_2 orbifold which underlies the free fermionic models.Comment: 18 pages. Standard Latex. References adde

    Performance management system enhancement and maintenance

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    The research described in this report concludes a two-year effort to develop a Performance Management System (PMS) for the NCC computers. PMS provides semi-automated monthly reports to NASA and contractor management on the status and performance of the NCC computers in the TDRSS program. Throughout 1984, PMS was tested, debugged, extended, and enhanced. Regular PMS monthly reports were produced and distributed. PMS continues to operate at the NCC under control of Bendix Corp. personnel

    Investigation of Quasi--Realistic Heterotic String Models with Reduced Higgs Spectrum

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    Quasi--realistic heterotic-string models in the free fermionic formulation typically contain an anomalous U(1), which gives rise to a Fayet-Iliopolous term that breaks supersymmetry at the one--loop level in string perturbation theory. Supersymmetry is restored by imposing F- and D-flatness on the vacuum. In Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 046009, we presented a three generation free fermionic standard-like model which did not admit stringent F- and D-flat directions, and argued that the all the moduli in the model are fixed. The particular property of the model was the reduction of the untwisted Higgs spectrum by a combination of symmetric and asymmetric boundary conditions with respect to the internal fermions associated with the compactified dimensions. In this paper we extend the analysis of free fermionic models with reduced Higgs spectrum to the cases in which the SO(10) symmetry is left unbroken, or is reduced to the flipped SU(5) subgroup. We show that all the models that we study in this paper do admit stringent flat directions. The only examples of models that do not admit stringent flat directions remain the strandard-like models of reference Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 046009.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    Initial Systematic Investigations of the Landscape of Low Layer NAHE Extensions

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    The discovery that the number of physically consistent string vacua is on the order of 10^500 has prompted several statistical studies of string phenomenology. Contained here is one such study that focuses on the Weakly Coupled Free Fermionic Heterotic String (WCFFHS) formalism. Presented are systematic extensions of the well-known NAHE (Nanopoulos, Antoniadis, Hagelin, Ellis) set of basis vectors, which have been shown to produce phenomenologically realistic models. Statistics related to the number of U(1)'s, gauge group factors, non-Abelian singlets, ST SUSYs, as well as the gauge groups themselve are discussed for the full range of models produced as well as models containing GUT groups only. Prior results of other large-scale investigations are compared with these regarding the aforementioned quantities. Statistical coupling between the gauge groups and the number of ST SUSYs is also discussed, and it was found that for order-3 extensions there are more models with enhanced ST SUSY when there is an exceptional group present. Also discussed are some three-generation GUT models found in the data sets. These models are unique because they come from basis vectors which still have a geometric interpretation -- there are no "rank-cuts" in these models.Comment: 65 Pages, 31 Tables, 31 Figure

    Free Fermionic Heterotic Model Building and Root Systems

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    We consider an alternative derivation of the GSO Projection in the free fermionic construction of the weakly coupled heterotic string in terms of root systems, as well as the interpretation of the GSO Projection in this picture. We then present an algorithm to systematically and efficiently generate input sets (i.e. basis vectors) in order to study Landscape statistics with minimal computational cost. For example, the improvement at order 6 is approximately 10^{-13} over a traditional brute force approach, and improvement increases with order. We then consider an example of statistics on a relatively simple class of models.Comment: Standard Latex, 12 page

    Phenomenology of A Three-Family Standard-like String Model

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    We discuss the phenomenology of a three-family supersymmetric Standard-like Model derived from the orientifold construction, in which the ordinary chiral states are localized at the intersection of branes at angles. In addition to the Standard Model group, there are two additional U(1)' symmetries, one of which has family non-universal and therefore flavor changing couplings, and a quasi-hidden non-abelian sector which becomes strongly coupled above the electroweak scale. The perturbative spectrum contains a fourth family of exotic (SU(2)- singlet) quarks and leptons, in which, however, the left-chiral states have unphysical electric charges. It is argued that these decouple from the low energy spectrum due to hidden sector charge confinement, and that anomaly matching requires the physical left-chiral states to be composites. The model has multiple Higgs doublets and additional exotic states. The moduli-dependent predictions for the gauge couplings are discussed. The strong coupling agrees with experiment for reasonable moduli, but the electroweak couplings are too small.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    A Minimal Superstring Standard Model I: Flat Directions

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    Three family SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y string models in several constructions generically possess two features: (i) an extra local anomalous U(1)_A and (ii) numerous (often fractionally charged) exotic particles beyond those in the minimal supersymmetric model (MSSM). Recently, we demonstrated that the observable sector effective field theory of such a free fermionic string model can reduce to that of the MSSM, with the standard observable gauge group being just SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y and the SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y-charged spectrum of the observable sector consisting solely of the MSSM spectrum. An example of a model with this property was shown. We continue our investigation of this model by presenting a large set of different flat directions of the same model that all produce the MSSM spectrum. Our results suggest that even after imposing the conditions for the decoupling of exotic states, there may remain sufficient freedom to satisfy the remaining phenomenological constraints imposed by the observed data.Comment: 64 pages. Latex. Revisions to match version in Int. J. Mod. Physics

    Left-Right Symmetric Heterotic-String Derived Models

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    Recently it was demonstrated that free fermionic heterotic-strings can produce models with solely the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model states in the low energy spectrum. This unprecedented result provides further strong evidence for the possibility that the true string vacuum shares some of the properties of the free fermionic models. Past free fermionic models have focused on several possible unbroken observable SO(10) subgroups at the string scale, which include the flipped SU(5) (FSU5), the Pati-Salam (PS) string models, and the string Standard-like Models (SLM). We extend this study to include the case in which the SO(10) symmetry is broken to the Left-Right Symmetric (LRS) gauge group, SO(10) -> SU(3)_C X U(1)_{B-L} X SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R. We present several models of this type and discuss their phenomenological features. The most striking new outcome of the LRS string models, in contrast to the case of the FSU5, the PS, and the SLM string models, is that they can produce effective field theories that are free of Abelian anomalies. We discuss the distinction between the two types of free fermionic models which result in the presence, or absence, of an anomalous U(1). As a counter example we also present a LRS model that does contain an anomalous U(1). Additionally, we discuss how in string models the Standard Model spectrum may arise from the three \mbf 16 representations of SO(10), while the weak-hypercharge does not have the canonical SO(10) embedding.Comment: 39 pages. Standard Latex. Version to appear in PR

    Stringent Phenomenological Investigation into Heterotic String Optical Unification

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    For the weakly coupled heterotic string (WCHS) there is a well-known factor of twenty conflict between the minimum string coupling unification scale, Lambda_H ~5x10^(17) GeV, and the projected MSSM unification scale, Lambda_U ~ 2.5x10^(16) GeV, assuming an intermediate scale desert (ISD). Renormalization effects of intermediate scale MSSM-charged exotics (ISME) (endemic to quasi-realistic string models) can resolve this issue, pushing the MSSM scale up to the string scale. However, for a generic string model, this implies that the projected Lambda_U unification under ISD is accidental. If the true unification scale is 5.0x10^(17) GeV, is it possible that illusionary unification at 2.5x10^(17) GeV in the ISD scenario is not accidental? If it is not, then under what conditions would the assumption of ISME in a WCHS model imply apparent unification at Lambda_U when ISD is falsely assumed? Geidt's "optical unification" suggests that Lambda_U is not accidental, by offering a mechanism whereby a generic MSSM scale Lambda_U < Lambda_H is guaranteed. A WCHS model was constructed that offers the possibility of optical unification, depending on the availability of anomaly-cancelling flat directions meeting certain requirements. This paper reports on the systematic investigation of the optical unification properties of the set of stringent flat directions of this model. Stringent flat directions can be guaranteed to be F-flat to all finite order (or to at least a given finite order consistent with electroweak scale supersymmetry breaking) and can be viewed as the likely roots of more general flat directions. Analysis of the phenomenology of stringent flat directions gives an indication of the remaining optical unification phenomenology that must be garnered by flat directions developed from them.Comment: standard latex, 18 pages of tex
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