820 research outputs found

    Proses Penentuan Headline Surat Kabar (Studi Pada Harian Manado Post)

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    This study aims to determine how the process of determining the headline news in daily newspapers Manado Post. The research question posed is how the process of determining the daily Headline News in Manado Post, and the presence or absence of domination of the media in determining pemilk Headline news. This is a qualitative research method konstruktivism, which konstruktivism qualitative research is research that uses natural background with the intention of interpreting phenomena and the way melibatkkan existing methods in order to understand the phenomena. Research subjects in accordance with the interests of the members of the editorial board writers Manado Post. Data collection was acquired through observation, in-depth interviews carried out against members of the editorial board of the informant. Data were obtained through library research and documentation of the various media, both print and online. The results showed that the process of determining the Manado Post headline on the whole set in the editorial board meeting. In determining Headline processed first, briefly to say begins with the process of planning, designing and then mixed and matured in the editorial board meeting. In determining Headline also has specific criteria for determining the appropriateness of the event or to become headline news. From the testimony of the informant after going through the process of observation and interview mentions no domination of media owners (owner) in determining Headline news. Conclusion of research is still revere Manado Post idealism press and perform the duties and powers in accordance with the appropriate media companies so that it can be said, and almost certainly no particular interests and the dominance of media owners in determining Headline news. Theoretical suggestion is a continuation of research on the process of determining the headline in the print media deeper. Practical advice, news idealism expected to be adhered to by media companies are no exception Manado Post

    PENGARUH STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN TERHADAP PENGUNGKAPAN TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufacturing Secondary Sectors yang Listing di BEI tahun 2009)

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    The aim of this research is to prove the relationship between the ownership structure on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility on manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The ownership structure which are examined are institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and foreign ownership, and firm size, leverage, and ROA( Return On Asset as control variable. The extent of CSR Disclosure based on the method that used by Saleh et.al (2010). The population of this research is the companies listed in BEI (Bursa Efek Indonesia) in the year of 2009. Reasons for using 2009 data because this year there is increasing development of CSR disclosure. Based on purposive sampling method, sample size of this research is 45 companies while data source is the annual reports of companies in Indonesia. Data analysis is used contents analysis, process by classic assumption, and then hypothesis test is used multiple linear regression method in SPPS 16.0 software. This research’s results show that only foreign ownership which have a positive and significant effect to CSR disclosure. In other hand, institutional ownership and management ownership have no positive and no significant effect to CSR disclosure

    Upaya Pengembangan Tanaman Pisang Mas (Musa Paradisiaca L) Bebas Patogen melalui Metode Kultur Meristem

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    Pisang mas (Musa paradisiaca L) merupakan salah satu tanaman pisang unggul lokal yang banyak dikembangkan di Kabupaten Banyumas khususnya di Kecamatan Baturraden. Namun petani pisang mas di Kecamatan Baturraden mengalami permasalah dalam hal penyediaan bibit yang berkualitas. Permasalahan tersebut disebabkan masih kurang tersedianya bahan tanam yang berasal dari indukan bebas penyakit busuk Fusarium oxisphorum serta kemampuan anakan yang diperoleh melalui metode konvensional memiliki produksi yang kurang baik akibat produktifitas bibit yang mengalami penurunan. Alternatif yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan pengadaan bibit pisang bermutu, bebas bibit penyakit dan berproduksi tinggi adalah dengan kultur meristem, yaitu kultur dengan menggunakan meristem apikal sebagai eksplan. Kelebihan kultur meristem adalah mampu menghasilkan bibit tanaman bebas virus, penyakit yang disebabkan oleh jamur dan bakteri serta identik dengan induknya.Tujuan khusus dari penelitian ini adalah Menginduksi dan memperbanyak tunas tanaman pisang mas dari ekplan berupa jaringan meristem pisang serta memperoleh planlet tanaman pisang mas bebas patogen melalui kultur meristem.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode percobaan di laboratorium, dengan menggunakan beberapa perlakuan diantaranya induksi tunas, multiplikasi tunas dan induksi akar yang terdiri atas dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi BAP dan NAA. Kombinasi perlakuan untuk induksi tunas yaitu BAP dengan taraf 2,4 dan 6 ppm serta NAA 0,1 ppm; , kombinasi perlakuan untuk multiplikasi tunas yaitu BAP dengan taraf 2,4,6 ppm serta NAA dengan taraf 0,1; 0,2 dan 0,3 ppm dan kombinasi perlakuan untuk induksi akar dengan kombinasi perlakuan NAA dengan taraf 0; 0,1; 0,2; 0,3; 0,4 dan 0,5 ppm dengan tanpa penambahan BAP ( 0 ppm). Semuanya disusun secara faktorial dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan tiga ulangan, dan setiap unit perlakuan menggunakan 5 botol kultur. Pemberian kombinasi NAA dan BAP berpengaruh pada peningkatan keberhasilan perkembangbiakan eksplan tanaman pisang mas dengan metode kultur meristem, diantaranya pada peningkatan kecepatan waktu yang diperlukan untuk induksi tunas, jumlah tunas yang terbentuk dari eksplan jaringan meristem yang digunakan dan peningkatan jumlah tunas yang terbentuk pada berbagai media yang digunakan serta mampu terbentukan akar pada medium induksi akar. Perlakuan BAP 4 ppm yang diberikan pada medium induksi tunas memberikan hasil terbaik hampir pada semua variabel pengamatan diantaranya waktu induksi tunas selama 4.67 minggu, jumlah tunas dari jaringan meristem sebanyak 2,0 tunas. Sedangkan pada medium multiplikasi tunas kombinasi perlakuan NAA dan BAP yang ditambahkan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah tunas dan panjang . Sedangkan untuk jumlah akar terbanyak terdapat pada kombinasi perlakuan NAA 0.4 ppm dan NAA 0,5 ppm yaitu sebanyak 3,2 akar. Dalam penelitian ini penggunaan eksplan meristem pisang mas pada perbanyakan secara in vitro diperoleh bibit pisang mas yang bebas patogen , hal ini dapat dilihat dari persentase eksplan yang dapat tumbuh cukup tinggi yaitu rata-rata diatas 80 %

    Development of Fusarium Disease Control Technology with Biological Agent in Mas Cultivar Banana in Land Infected

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    Based on the data of General Director of Production and Horticulture, the damage of plantation areas in banana plantation centers in Indonesia always increases in years, this is due to Fusarium attack caused by fungus Fusarium oxisphorum and causing damage of 30- 70 % banana plantation areas.The aim of this empirically for due to biological control technology Fusarium wilt effective and environmentally friendly to the infected area in District Baturaden, Banyumas through soil solarization treatments and utilization of biological agents..The Research was conducted at the wilt disease endemic Fusarium land located in the village Pamijen, District Baturraden, Banyumas. The research design was a Split Plot Design consisting of 2 treatments, the main plot treatments is soil solarization, whereas treatment subplot is the type and dose of biological agents antagonist. The results showed that the treatment given soil solarization proved to increase the temperature of the surface of the soil up to 8.8 ° C compared with without solarization and reduces demand Fussarium population at ground level up to 53.61%, whereas without solarization Fussarium population decline by 22, 33%. Provision of biological agents Trichoderma, Gliocladium and P. Fluoroscens during the study proved to provide inhibition of the development of Fussarium on seedling disease, indicated by the appearance of symptoms of the disease until the end of the study. This is possible due to the formation of phenolic compounds such as tannins, saponins and glicosida and colonization between biological agents with the root system of plants in which the contact between pathogen inhibition with banana plant seedlings root system so that it protects the roots of the disease-causing pathogen infection Fussarium wilt. Treatment of biological agents proved capable of providing better vegetative growth when compared to the untreated biological agents (control) in which had significant effect on the number of root parameters, but had no significant effect on plant height parameter, number of leave's, and stem's diameter. However, the provision of Trichoderma 100 g / planting hole showed the best results in almost all plant vegetative growth parameters at the end of the reseach. Key word: solarize, biological agents, banana plants, infected with Fusarium lan

    The Effectiveness Of Providing Vulanic Ash (Tuff Vulcan) And Dolomite As Amelioran Materials On The Growth Of Immature Liberica Coffee Plants In Peat Land Of Mekar Jaya Village

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    Liberika coffee is one type of coffee that is widely cultivated by people in wetland areas (peat)  precisely in Betara District, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency. In recent years, this district has become a development center and provider of Liberika coffee seeds for coffee plantation farmers from various regions such as Palembang, Kalimantan and Riau. Liberika coffee is a type of coffee that is able to adapt and produce quite well in peatlands with areca nut as a cover crop. The productivity of coffee in this area is still low at an average of 715 / kg when compared to the potential yield of Liberika coffee which can reach 950 kg / ha. Increasing production and productivity can be done through intensification and extensification. One of the efforts to improve the physical and chemical properties of peat soils so as to increase the growth and production of coffee plants is the use of ameliorants (soil enhancers). This study aims to develop a technology for using ameliorant to improve the chemical properties of peat soil. Specifically, through this study, the dosage combination of vulcan tuff ash and dolomite can be identified. which can substitute the use of artificial fertilizers (inorganic) so that it can increase the growth and production of immature liberica coffee plants on peatlands. especially the coffee plantation of farmers in the village of mekar jaya, betara district, tanjung jabung west district. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the treatment of volcanic ash and dolomite did not show significant differences in plant height parameters and, stem diameter. but it gives a real difference to the growth of live area, the number of flowers per bunch and the number of flowers in each bunch. treatment of volcanic ash 500 / gr / tree and dolomite 500 / gr / tree and a combination of volcanic ash 250 / gr / tree + dolomite 250 / gr / tree after 7 weeks of application can significantly spur on the initiation of flowering an average of 7 bunches of branch flowers if compare with control (no treatment). Likewise, observations 8 weeks after application showed the same thing, there was an increase in the number of flowers formed an average of 11 flower clumps branching. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the provision of ameliorant from vulcan tuff ash and dolomite can improve the chemical properties of peat soil so as to increase nutrient availability for growth and production of the Liberika coffee plant. From the results of this study, it can also be suggested that the use of volcanic ash and dolomite at a dose of 250-500 gr / tree to accelerate the productive phase of immature liberica coffee plants (young plants) in peatlands

    Stability of Intensity Ratio of Line Pairs

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    Telaah Kritis Atas Konsep Good Corporate Governance Ditinjau dari Shari’ate Enterprise Theory

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    GCG (Good Corporate Governance) is the most popular principle to keep integrity for organization in the world. Almost all countries in the world keep this principle for building accountability and transparency. Unfortunately, in the practice, GCG has less interpretation about the value of stakeholder. This research is aiming at reconstruction GCG (OECD version) and looking for the more acceptable concept for Islamic values. Hopefully, it can give solution for the problem itself. Having analyzed values and characters of SET, we construct new GCG based on sharia’s values. These values are; first; understanding about stakeholder company more deeply, second; the principle about stakeholder rights; third; the equality about stakeholder behaviour; fourth; principle of transparency;fifth; about accountability of company