982 research outputs found

    Experimental characterisation of fatigue damage in single Z-pins

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    Z-pins have been shown to significantly improve delamination resistance and impact strength of carbon fibre reinforced (CFRP) composites. In this paper, an experimental investigation of the influence of different fatigue parameters (mean opening/sliding displacement, amplitude, frequency, number of cycles) on the through-thickness reinforcement (TTR) is presented. For mode I, it is shown that the degradation on pin behaviour during fatigue is mostly affected by the applied displacement amplitude. The degradation is primarily caused by surface wear. Due to the brittleness of the Z-pins, mode II fatigue does not have a significant effect for very small sliding displacements. Exceeding a critical displacement causes the pin to rupture within the very first cycles

    Micro-mechanical finite element analysis of Z-pins under mixed-mode loading

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This paper presents a three-dimensional micro-mechanical finite element (FE) modelling strategy for predicting the mixed-mode response of single Z-pins inserted in a composite laminate. The modelling approach is based upon a versatile ply-level mesh, which takes into account the significant micro-mechanical features of Z-pinned laminates. The effect of post-cure cool down is also considered in the approach. The Z-pin/laminate interface is modelled by cohesive elements and frictional contact. The progressive failure of the Z-pin is simulated considering shear-driven internal splitting, accounted for using cohesive elements, and tensile fibre failure, modelled using the Weibulls criterion. The simulation strategy is calibrated and validated via experimental tests performed on single carbon/BMI Z-pins inserted in quasi-isotropic laminate. The effects of the bonding and friction at the Z-pin/laminate interface and the internal Z-pin splitting are discussed. The primary aim is to develop a robust numerical tool and guidelines for designing Z-pins with optimal bridging behaviour

    Stochastic analysis of the vibrations of an uncertain composite truss for space applications

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    A hybrid technique to model the effects of mechanical uncertainties on the structural response of large composite trusses for space application is presented and discussed: the proposed method is based on the Monte-Carlo evaluation of finite element stochastic weighted integrals, which allows decoupling the structural discretization mesh from the stochastic one. A benchmark problem, regarding the modal analysis and the harmonic response of an uncertain composite truss, is studied by means of the proposed method: the full statistics of the truss response variables are calculated ty Monte-Carlo based simulations and compared to those obtained by perturbative approximated approaches. The implications of the results here obtained onto the design strategy of structures affected by sensible uncertainty levels, as those made of composites, are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Dihydrotanshinone I exhibits antitumor effects via β-catenin downregulation in papillary thyroid cancer cell lines

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    Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine carcinoma and, among its different subtypes, the papillary subtype (PTC) is the most frequent. Generally, PTCs are well differentiated, but a minor percentage of PTCs are characterized by a worse prognosis and more aggressive behavior. Phytochemicals, naturally found in plant products, represent a heterogeneous group of bioactive compounds that can interfere with cell proliferation and the regulation of the cell cycle, taking part in multiple signaling pathways that are often disrupted in tumor initiation, proliferation, and progression. In this work, we focused on 15,16-dihydrotanshinone I (DHT), a tanshinone isolated from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (Danshen). We first evaluated DHT biological effect on PTC cells regarding cell viability, colony formation ability, and migration capacity. All of these parameters were downregulated by DHT treatment. We then investigated gene expression changes after DHT treatment by performing RNA-seq. The analysis revealed that DHT significantly reduced the Wnt signaling pathway, which plays a role in various diseases, including cancer. Finally, we demonstrate that DHT treatment decreases protein levels of β-catenin, a final effector of canonical Wnt signaling pathway. Overall, our data suggest a possible use of this nutraceutical as an adjuvant in the treatment of aggressive papillary thyroid carcinoma

    GSK2801 Reverses Paclitaxel Resistance in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Cell Lines through MYCN Downregulation

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    Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is a very rare, but extremely aggressive form of thyroid malignancy, responsible for the highest mortality rate registered for thyroid cancer. Treatment with taxanes (such as paclitaxel) is an important approach in counteracting ATC or slowing its progression in tumors without known genetic aberrations or those which are unresponsive to other treatments. Unfortunately, resistance often develops and, for this reason, new therapies that overcome taxane resistance are needed. In this study, effects of inhibition of several bromodomain proteins in paclitaxel-resistant ATC cell lines were investigated. GSK2801, a specific inhibitor of BAZ2A, BAZ2B and BRD9, was effective in resensitizing cells to paclitaxel. In fact, when used in combination with paclitaxel, it was able to reduce cell viability, block the ability to form colonies in an anchor-independent manner, and strongly decrease cell motility. After RNA-seq following treatment with GSK2801, we focused our attention on MYCN. Based on the hypothesis that MYCN was a major downstream player in the biological effects of GSK2801, we tested a specific inhibitor, VPC-70619, which showed effective biological effects when used in association with paclitaxel. This suggests that the functional deficiency of MYCN determines a partial resensitization of the cells examined and, ultimately, that a substantial part of the effect of GSK2801 results from inhibition of MYCN expression

    Driver roll speed influence in Ring Rolling process

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    Ring Rolling is an advanced local incremental forming technology to fabricate directly precise seamless ring-shape parts with various dimensions and materials. To produce a high-quality ring different speed laws should be defined: the speed laws of the Idle and Axial rolls must be set to control the ring cross section and the Driver roll angular velocity must be chosen to avoid too high localized deformation on the ring cross section. Usually, in industrial environment, a constant rotation is set for the Driver roll, but this approach does not guarantee a constant ring angular velocity because of its diameter expansion. In particular, the higher is the ring diameter the lower is its angular velocity. The main risk due to this constrain is the generation of a non-uniform ring geometry. An innovative approach is to design a Driver Roll speed law to obtain a constant ring angular velocity. In this paper a FEM approach was followed to investigate the Driver roll speed influence on the Ring Rolling process. Different Driver roll speed laws were tested starting from a model defined in an industrial plant. Results will be analyzed by a geometrical and physical point of view

    Exploring the influence of micro-structure on the mechanical properties and crack bridging mechanisms of fibrous tufts

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    AbstractA constitutive model for tufts bridging a mode I delamination is presented. The tuft is modelled as a rod, laterally supported by an elastic medium and clamped at both ends. A fracture mechanics approach is introduced to describe the progressive debonding of the tuft from the embedding laminate. The debonding model requires the identification of stiffness, strength and toughness properties, which depend both on the laminate/tuft architecture and the constituent materials. Such identification is carried out via experimental data obtained from tensile tests on single tufts inserted in a pre-delaminated non-crimp fabric composite. The experimental results are complemented by micro-scale finite element analysis. The mode I bridging law obtained from the constitutive model is implemented into a meso-scale cohesive zone formulation. This formulation is applied to predict the response to delamination of tufted Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) coupons. The cohesive zone approach is validated by means of experimental data from DCB tests. It is shown that the proposed micro- to meso-scale modelling approach yields results in good agreement with the experiments

    A novel model of delamination bridging via Z-pins in composite laminates

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    AbstractA new micro-mechanical model is proposed for describing the bridging actions exerted by through-thickness reinforcement on delaminations in prepreg based composite materials, subjected to a mixed-mode (I–II) loading regime. The model applies to micro-fasteners in the form of brittle fibrous rods (Z-pins) inserted in the through-thickness direction of composite laminates. These are described as Euler–Bernoulli beams inserted in an elastic foundation that represents the embedding composite laminate. Equilibrium equations that relate the delamination opening/sliding displacements to the bridging forces exerted by the Z-pins on the interlaminar crack edges are derived. The Z-pin failure meso-mechanics is explained in terms of the laminate architecture and the delamination mode. The apparent fracture toughness of Z-pinned laminates is obtained from as energy dissipated by the pull out of the through-thickness reinforcement, normalised with respect to a reference area. The model is validated by means of experimental data obtained for single carbon/BMI Z-pins inserted in a quasi-isotropic laminate

    An experimental study on micro-milling of a medical grade Co-Cr-Mo alloy produced by selective laser melting

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    Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum (Co-Cr-Mo) alloys are very promising materials, in particular, in the biomedical field where their unique properties of biocompatibility and wear resistance can be exploited for surgery applications, prostheses, and many other medical devices. While Additive Manufacturing is a key technology in this field, micro-milling can be used for the creation of micro-scale details on the printed parts, not obtainable with Additive Manufacturing techniques. In particular, there is a lack of scientific research in the field of the fundamental material removal mechanisms involving micro-milling of Co-Cr-Mo alloys. Therefore, this paper presents a micro-milling characterization of Co-Cr-Mo samples produced by Additive Manufacturing with the Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technique. In particular, microchannels with different depths were made in order to evaluate the material behavior, including the chip formation mechanism, in micro-milling. In addition, the resulting surface roughness (Ra and Sa) and hardness were analyzed. Finally, the cutting forces were acquired and analyzed in order to ascertain the minimum uncut chip thickness for the material. The results of the characterization studies can be used as a basis for the identification of a machining window for micro-milling of biomedical grade cobalt-chromium-molybdenum (Co-Cr-Mo) alloys
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