22 research outputs found
Влияние дексаметазона на экспрессию и содержание гликозилированных компонентов в ткани головного мозга мышей
Introduction. Glucocorticoids are actively used in the treatment of various diseases, however their long-term use leads to numerous negative side-effects, the molecular mechanisms of which remain poorly understood.Aim. Study of the short-term (1–10 days) effects of various doses of dexamethasone (Dex) (0,1–10 mg/kg) on the expression of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR, Nr3c1), core proteins of main proteoglycans and heparan sulfate metabolism-involved genes, as well as the content of carbohydrate macromolecules of glycosaminoglycans in the brain tissue of experimental animals.Materials and methods. In the study, C57Bl/6 mice were used. The expression of GR, proteoglycan core proteins and heparan sulfate metabolism-involved genes was determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction with reverse transcription. The content and localization of GR protein molecule were studied by Western blot and immunohistochemical analysis, and the glycosaminoglycan content was determined by dot-blot analysis and Alcian Blue staining.Results. It was shown that a single Dex administration leads to fast (1–3 days) short-term activation of GR expression (+1.5 times, p <0.05), proteoglycan’s genes (syndecan-3, Sdc3; perlecan, Hspg2; phosphacan, Ptprz1; neurocan, Ncan; +2–3-fold; p <0.05) and heparan sulfate-metabolism-involved genes (Ndst1, Glce, Hs2st1, Hs6st1, Sulf1 / 2; +1.5–2-fold; p <0.05) in the mouse brain, with a return to control values by 7–10 days after Dex administration. At the same time, the effect of Dex on carbohydrate macromolecules of glycosaminoglycans was more delayed and stable, increasing the content of low-sulfated glycosaminoglycans in the brain tissue in a dose-dependent manner starting from day 1 after Dex administration. Highly-sulfated glycosaminoglycans showed more delayed response to Dex administration, and an increase in their content was observed only at higher doses (2.5 and 10 mg/kg) and only on 7–10 days after its administration, apparently, mainly due to an increase in heparan sulfate content.Conclusion. In general, the effect of a single injection of Dex on the transcriptional activity of GR, proteoglycan core proteins and heparan sulfate metabolism-involved genes were short-termed, and the genes expression quickly returned to the normal levels. However, even a single use of Dex significantly increased the content of total as well as highly sulfated glycosaminoglycans in the mouse brain tissue, which can lead to the changes in the composition and structure of the brain tissue, as well as its functional characteristics.Введение. Глюкокортикоиды активно используются при лечении различных заболеваний, однако их длительное применение приводит ко множеству побочных эффектов, молекулярные механизмы развития которых остаются недостаточно изученными.Цель исследования – изучение краткосрочного (1–10 сут) влияния различных доз дексаметазона (Dex) (0,1–10 мг/кг) на экспрессию глюкокортикоидного рецептора (GR, Nr3c1), коровых белков основных протеогликанов и ферментов биосинтеза углеводных цепей гепарансульфата, а также содержание углеводных макромолекул гликозаминогликанов в ткани головного мозга экспериментальных животных.Материалы и методы. В исследовании использовали мышей линии C57Bl/6. Экспрессию GR, коровых белков протеогликанов и генов, кодирующих ферменты биосинтеза гепарансульфата, определяли с помощью полимеразной цепной реакции с обратной транскрипцией в реальном времени. Содержание и локализация белковой молекулы GR были изучены методами Вестерн-блоттинга и иммуногистохимического анализа, а содержание гликозаминогликанов – с помощью дот-блот анализа и окраски альциановым синим.Результаты. Было показано, что однократное введение Dex приводило к быстрой (на 1–3-и сутки) кратковременной активации экспрессии GR (+1,5 раза; p <0,05) некоторых генов коровых белков протеогликанов (синдекан-3, Sdc3; перлекан, Hspg2; фосфакан, Ptprz1; нейрокан, Ncan; +2–3 раза; p <0,05) и генов ферментов биосинтеза гепарансульфатов (Ndst1, Glce, Hs2st1, Hs6st1, Sulf1 / 2; +1,5–2 раза; p <0,05) в мозге мышей с возвращением к контрольным показателям к 7–10-м суткам после введения Dex. При этом влияние данного препарата на углеводные макромолекулы гликозаминогликанов имело более отсроченный и стабильный характер, дозозависимо увеличивая содержание общих гликозаминогликанов в ткани мозга, начиная с 1-х суток после введения Dex. Высокосульфатированные гликозаминогликаны демонстрировали более медленный ответ на введение препарата, повышение их содержания наблюдалось только при более высоких дозах (2,5 и 10 мг/кг) и только на 7–10-е сутки после его введения в основном за счет повышения содержания гепарансульфата.Заключение. Влияние однократного применения Dex на транскрипционную активность GR, протеогликанов и ферментов биосинтеза гепарансульфата носит кратковременный характер, и экспрессия генов быстро возвращается к нормальному уровню. Однако даже однократное применение Dex значительно повышает содержание общих и высокосульфатированных гликозаминогликанов в ткани головного мозга мышей, что может привести к изменению состава и структуры ткани головного мозга, а также его функциональных характеристик
Numerical study of a very intensive eastern Mediterranean dust storm, 13-16 March 1998
Presented herein is an analysis of an exceptionally intensive central and eastern Mediterranean dust intrusion of 15-16 March, 1998. The intrusion has been associated with development of an intense cyclone over Africa. The weather and dust development processes were simulated with the Eta weather and dust prediction model. Also presented is a comparison of the model results with the Total Ozone Mass Spectrometer Aerosol Index (TOMS AI) pictures as well as with those of the surface and weather observations. The roles of the main processes responsible for the dust plume development and associated dust intrusion to the eastern Mediterranean (EM) are studied. The observation data as well as the model-simulated parameters are jointly analyzed. The analysis also includes the data from the back-trajectory computations. With the aid of the model-produced dust profiles we studied the significant variation in the altitudes of the dust layers within the cyclone sectors. In the warm sector of the cyclone located over the Mediterranean Sea the dust layer extended up to 8-10 km. Relatively low dust concentration values were found here. In the area of the cold front over Africa the dust was restricted to the lower troposphere and the planetary boundary layer. Here the model simulated high values of the dust concentrations. The sharp TOMS AI increase over Israel and the eastern Mediterranean up to 5.0 units, further away from the dust sources, is explained by the strong winds, by the increased cyclone convergence, and the formation of a two-layer dust plume. Copyright 2002 by the American Geophysical Union
Experimental investigation of coherent structures in a low-energy electron beam
A sharp transition to a space-charge dominated regime is induced in a low-energy electron beam produced in a Malmberg\u2013Penning trap by increasing the emission current of the source. The transition is characterized by the appearance of a region, around the axis of the beam, not accessible to beam electrons, and by the fast development of coherent structures in the remaining electron plasma, due to the sharp increase of local vorticity. The results are interpreted in the framework of a cold fluid drift\u2013Poisson model, and using a three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation code
Modeling Microphysical Signatures of Extreme Events in the Western Mediterranean to Provide a Basis for Diagnosing Precipitation from Space
[No abstract available