44 research outputs found

    Dialogical interaction between family and school: The content aspect

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    Introduction. The development of modern education is connected with the convergence of social institutions of family and school, involvement of parents in the educational process, and realization of the role and importance of education by parents. The harmonisation of family and school relations is possible if the development of educational relations is based on the principle of dialogue aimed at bringing together the interests of the subjects of education, elaboration of a unified educational strategy and identification of the common values and goals of education. In this regard, it is necessary to discuss a number of issues and problems that require promotion of dialogue between teachers and parents. Aim. The aim of this research is to determine the content of dialogical interaction between teachers and parents in the modern socio-cultural environment of the educational process and the directions of updating the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents. Methodology and research methods. To determine the content of the interaction between teachers and parents, the authors used theoretical provisions of philosophical anthropology about the essence of dialogue: the intention of dialogue, the «encounter» views in the process of dialogue and the openness of dialogue. An existential approach was applied to determine the value-semantic foundations of the co-existence of family and school. Results. This study has revealed educational needs of parents that consist in the promotion of dialogue with teachers on the problems of education and upbringing, relations between students in class and between students and teachers. It has also identified the problems of creation of conditions that improve moral and psychological well-being of a child at school, as well as the issues of a child’s development and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Parents view interaction with teachers as coordination of pedagogical attitudes, values and goals of education. The survey reveals the priorities of parents connected with the necessity of perception and comprehension of values and meanings of their own upbringing methods, and the need for enrichment of their psychological and pedagogical background with axiological and practice-focused components. Scientific novelty. The interaction of family and school is analysed in the context of dialogue between parents and teachers, who are subjects of educational relations. The educational choice of parents is connected with the assessment of the meaning of their own upbringing methods via the dialogue with teachers. The authors found that dialogue is a way of subjects’ interaction, which is characterized by mutuality due to their co-existence, incompleteness and openness and preservation of the dialogical nature in the process of interaction. Dialogical interaction between teachers and parents contributes to the development of the common existential educational values – love, freedom and responsibility, and collegiality. Practical significance. The results of the present study can be used by teachers to build a dialogical interaction between family and school. The content of the interaction between the family and the school will allow teachers to plan the topics of consultations, parent conferences, meetings and other forms of interaction.Введение. Мировая тенденция развития образования связана с конвергенцией социальных институтов семьи и школы, растущей вовлеченностью родителей в образовательный процесс, осознанием родителями значимости образования. Гармонизация отношений семьи и школы возможна, если развитие образовательных отношений выстраивается по принципу диалога, направленного на сближение интересов субъектов образования, выработку единой образовательной стратегии, общих ценностей и целей образования. В связи с этим, необходимо рассмотреть круг вопросов и проблем, требующих активизации диалогической позиции педагогов и родителей. Цель настоящей работы – определение содержания диалогического взаимодействия педагогов и родителей в современной социально-культурной ситуации образовательного процесса и направлений обновления психолого-педагогического знания родителей. Методология и методы. При определении содержательного аспекта взаимодействия педагогов и родителей учитывались теоретические положения философской антропологии о сущности диалога: интенциональность диалога, «встреча» сознаний в процессе диалога, открытость диалога. В исследовании использовался экзистенциальный подход, позволяющий определить ценностно-смысловые основания события семьи и школы. Результаты исследования. В ходе исследования были определены образовательные потребности родителей, состоящие в необходимости организации диалогического взаимодействия с педагогами по вопросам воспитания, взаимоотношений в коллективе учеников и взаимоотношениями с педагогами, вопрос о создании условий, способствующих улучшению морально-психологического состояния ребенка в школе, вопросы развития ребенка и формирования здорового образа жизни. Отмечено, что родители определяют взаимодействие с педагогами как согласование педагогических позиций, ценностей и целей образования. Приоритеты родителей, участвовавших в исследовании, связаны с необходимостью осмысления ценностей и смыслов собственной воспитательной деятельности, насыщением аксиологической и практико-ориентированной составляющей содержания психолого-педагогического знания родителей. Научная новизна. Взаимодействие семьи и школы рассмотрено в контексте активизации диалогической позиции родителей и педагогов как субъектов образовательных отношений. Образовательный выбор родителей связан с переживанием смысла собственной воспитательной деятельности через диалог с педагогами. Обосновано, что диалог является способом взаимодействия субъектов, для которого характерна обращенность на основе их события, незаконченность и открытость, сохранение диалогической позиции в процессе взаимодействия. Диалогическое взаимодействие педагогов и родителей способствует выработке общих экзистенциальных ценностей – любви, свободы и ответственности, соборности. Практическая значимость. Результаты данного исследования могут быть использованы педагогами для выстраивания диалогического взаимодействия семьи и школы. Определение содержания взаимодействия семьи и школы позволит учителям планировать тематику консультаций, родительских конференций, собраний и других форм взаимодействия

    Investigating diagnosis, treatment, and burden of disease in patients with ankylosing spondylitis in Central Eastern Europe and the United States: a real-world study.

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    INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVES: Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory immune-mediated condition. We compared AS diagnosis, treatment, and burden in Central Eastern European countries (CEE), where this has been less researched, and the United States (US) from a real-world perspective. METHODS: Point-in-time survey of rheumatologists and their AS patients was conducted in the US (Apr-Oct 2018) and CEE (Aug-Nov 2019) via physician- and patient-completed record forms, including clinical and patient-reported outcomes. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, t-tests, Fisher's exact tests, and generalized linear models. RESULTS: In total, 487 patients were recruited from 88 rheumatologists in the US and 922 patients from 126 rheumatologists in CEE. Time from onset of symptoms to final AS diagnosis was longer in CEE than the US (4.2 vs 2.7 years, p < 0.05). At diagnosis, a greater use of conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and injected steroids was reported in CEE vs the US (43.7% vs 27.6%, p < 0.05; 19.3% vs 8.7%, p < 0.05). 22.9% of US patients received a biologic DMARD at diagnosis vs 10% of CEE patients (p < 0.05). At current consultation, biologic DMARD use in CEE was lower vs the US (27.9% vs 71.0%, p < 0.05). CEE vs US patients had greater disease activity (mean Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index 4.2 vs 3.1, p < 0.05) and worse quality of life (QoL; mean Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life Questionnaire score 6.2 vs 8.4, p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: AS patients in CEE vs the US faced slower diagnosis and worse access to biologics, disease activity, and QoL. Whether early access to biologics can improve symptoms, QoL, and daily activities in AS patients in CEE remains to be seen. Key Points • The study provided evidence on the real-world approach to the diagnosis, treatment, and burden of axSpA (axial spondyloarthritis) in CEE compared with the US. • The study reported patients in CEE experienced longer delays in diagnosis and poorer access to biologics than in the US. • This may have resulted in higher disease activity, greater levels of pain, and poorer outcomes, as reported by patients with axSpA in CEE

    Оценка чувствительности и специфичности ASAS-критериев для периферического спондилоартрита у пациентов с ранним псориатическим артритом

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    Objective: to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of ASAS (Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society) criteria for peripheral spondyloarthritis (SpA) in patients with early psoriatic arthritis (ePsA).Subjects and methods. Examinations was made in 45 patients (17 men and 28 women) with ePsA meeting the CASPAR (ClASsification criteria for Psoriatic ARthritis) criteria (mean age, 37 years; disease duration, 1 year) and in 20 patients (9 men and 11 women) with signs of peripheral SpA meeting the ESSG (European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group) criteria (mean age, 23 years; disease duration, 2.25 years; control group). The investigators estimated 78/76 tender/swollen joints and enthuses using MASES (Maastricht Ankylosing Spondylitis Enthesitis Score) and assessed the presence of inflammatory spinal pain according to the ASAS criteria, psoriasis, uveitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, genitourinary and/or enteric infections, and a family history of SpA. They also performed X-ray studies of the hand and distal portions of the foot and pelvis and graded sacroilitis using the Kellgren scores. HLA-B27, C-reactive protein, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were determined. The sensitivity/specificity, likelihood ratios, and clinical value of criteria were calculated.Results. 41/4 and 31/14 patents with ePsA met/unmet Criteria Sets I and II. The sensitivity/specificity of Sets I and II was 91.1/10% and 68.8/95%, respectively. One patient with ePsA and two patients in the control group did not meet one of the sing sets. The total sensitivity/specificity was 97.8/10%. In the control group, the sensitivity/specificity of Sets I and II was 91.1/100% and 68.8/100%, respectively. For ePsA, the positive likelihood ratio proved to be high for Set II (13.78%) and low for Set I (1.01).Conclusion. ASAS Criteria Set I for peripheral SpA is of low value in identifying ePsA and Sign Set II shows a high value in diagnosing ePsA as it includes the major clinical manifestations of the disease. Both the ASAS for peripheral SpA and CASPAR criteria may be used for the classification of PsA.Цель исследования – определение чувствительности и специфичности критериев ASAS (Assesment of Spondyloarthriitis International Society) для периферического спондилоартрита (СпА) при раннем псориатическом артрите (рПсА).Материал и методы. Обследовано 45 больных (17 мужчин и 28 женщин) с рПсА, соответствующих критериям CASPAR (ClASsification criteria for Psoriatic ARthritis), средний возраст – 37 лет, длительность заболевания – 1 год и 20 больных (9 мужчин и 11 женщин) с признаками периферического СпА, соответствующих критериям ESSG (European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group), средний возраст – 23 года, длительность заболевания – 2,25 года (контрольная группа). Оценивали 78/76 болезненных/припухших суставов, энтезисы по MASES (Maastricht Ankylosing Spondylitis Enthesitis Score), наличие воспалительной боли в позвоночнике по критериям ASAS, псориаза, увеита, воспалительных заболеваний кишечника, мочеполовой и/или кишечной инфекции, семейный анамнез по СпА. Выполняли рентгенографию кистей, дистальных отделов стоп и таза, стадию сакроилиита оценивали по Kellgren. Опреде- ляли HLA-B27, СРБ, СОЭ. Рассчитывали чувствительность/специфичность, отношение правдоподобия результатов, клиническую значимость критериев.Результаты. 41/4 и 31/14 пациентов с рПсА соответствовали/не соответствовали I и II сету критериев. Чувствительность/специфичность I сета – 91,1/10%, II сета – 68,8/95%. 1 пациент с рПсА и 2 пациента в контрольной группе не соответствовали ни одному из сетов признаков. Общая чувствительность/специфичность – 97,8/10%. В контрольной группе чувствительность/специфичность I сета составила 91,1/100%, II сета – 68,8/100%. Для рПсА отношение правдоподобия положительного результата оказалось высоким для II (13,78) и низким для I (1,01) сета признаков.Заключение. I сет признаков критериев ASAS для периферического СпА имеет низкое значение для выявления рПсА, II сет показал высокую значимость для диагностики рПсА, так как включает основные клинические проявления заболевания. Для классификации ПсА могут быть использованы как критерии ASAS для периферического СпА, так и CASPAR

    MPTP-Treated Zebrafish Recapitulate ‘Late-Stage’ Parkinson’s-like Cognitive Decline

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    The zebrafish is a promising model species in biomedical research, including neurotoxicology and neuroactive drug screening. 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) evokes degeneration of dopaminergic neurons and is commonly used to model Parkinson’s disease (PD) in laboratory animals, including zebrafish. However, cognitive phenotypes in MPTP-evoked experimental PD models remain poorly understood. Here, we established an LD50 (292 mg/kg) for intraperitoneal MPTP administration in adult zebrafish, and report impaired spatial working memory (poorer spontaneous alternation in the Y-maze) in a PD model utilizing fish treated with 200 µg of this agent. In addition to conventional behavioral analyses, we also employed artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches to independently and without bias characterize MPTP effects on zebrafish behavior during the Y-maze test. These analyses yielded a distinct cluster for 200-µg MPTP (vs. other) groups, suggesting that high-dose MPTP produced distinct, computationally detectable patterns of zebrafish swimming. Collectively, these findings support MPTP treatment in adult zebrafish as a late-stage experimental PD model with overt cognitive phenotypes. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: The experiments were implemented using the equipment and unique scientific installation “Biological collection–Genetic biomodels of neuropsychiatric disorders” (No. 493387) of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Scientific Research Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine” theme no. AAAA-A21-121011990039-2 (2021–2025). The study partially used the facilities and equipment of the Resource Fund of Applied Genetics MIPT (support grant 075-15-2021-684)


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    By the end of the first decade of the 21st century, spondyloarthritis studies have accumulated a certain number of terms that are obsolete, but used by physicians in their everyday speech, on the one hand, and a great variety of different definitions, on the other hand. In January 2014, the first organizational meeting of the Expert Group on Spondyloarthritis, Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, decided that its primary task should be to order the terminology used in this area. The authors primarily collected the terms, which had been already used in medical vocabulary, and then divided them into two categories: obsolete definitions and terms to be finalized and unified. This publication gives guidelines for using the medical terms relevant to spondyloarthritis and separately discusses how to correctly write the term sacroiliitis

    Результаты неинтервенционного наблюдательного многоцентрового исследования тактики ведения пациентов с аксиальным псориатическим артритом в условиях реальной клинической практики (NiSaXPA)

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    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic immunoinflammatory disease of the joints, spine and entheses from the group of spondyloarthritis, which is usually observed in patients with psoriasis. In recent years, the axial form of PsA (axPsA) has been actively researched. However, there is insufficient data on approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with axPsA in real-life clinical practice. This article presents the results of an interim analysis of data from a non-interventional multicenter observational study on the treatment of patients with axPsA in real-life clinical practice (NiSaXPA) in Russian centers.Objective: to identify patients with axPsA, their characteristics and describe treatment tactics in real-life clinical practice.Material and methods. Patients with PsA who met the inclusion criteria were prospectively followed up during routine visits to a rheumatologist. Participants' axial radiographs were uploaded to a database in order for it to be confirmed the presence or absence of axPsA by two independent experts, a rheumatologist and a radiologist. Patients with a confirmed axPsA diagnosis participated in a further data collection phase (Visit 2, week 24).Results and discussion. Six hundred patients were enrolled into the study. At the time of analysis, 386 (64.3%) of them (209 men and 177 women) were screened for axPsA. The diagnosis of axPsA was confirmed in 241 (62.4%) cases; these patients formed the Per Protocol (PP) population. The mean age of patients with axPsA in the PP population was 46.30±12.6 years and the body mass index (BMI) was 27.4±5.2 kg/m2 . In 14.9% of patients, the duration of psoriasis was less than 1–5 years, in 21.5% – 5–10 years and in 63.6% – more than 10 years. The duration of PsA symptoms was less than 1–5 years in 31.2 % of patients, 5–10 years in 31.6 % and more than 10 years in 37.2 %. Low disease activity (BASDAI ˂ 4) was achieved in 33.3 % of patients with axPsA at visit 1 and in 64.3 % at visit 2; the BASDAI index declined on average from 4.67±1.95 to 3.31±1.89 points.In real-life clinical practice, patients were most frequently prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – 88.7% and 71.7% (visits 1 and 2, respectively), and synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (sDMARDs) –79.1% and 70.7%, respectively; therapy with biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) was initiated in 40.2% and 60.6% of patients, respectively.Conclusion. The results of the interim analysis of this observational study showed that in 87.2% of patients who met the CASPAR criteria for PsA there was a suspicion of axial manifestations of PsA on the primary care level. However, only 62.4% of them had a confirmed diagnosis of axPsA on centralized expert assessment, which may indicate a possible overdiagnosis of axial lesions in real-life practice and emphasizes the importance of collaboration between a rheumatologist and a radiologist when analyzing the results of imaging studies. 33.3% of patients with axPsA had low disease activity according to BASDAI at baseline and 64.3% after 24 weeks, meaning that the disease was only adequately controlled in one third of cases despite therapy; the number of these patients doubled after a change in therapy. In real-world clinical practice, patients with axPsA are most commonly prescribed drugs from the NSAID and sDMARD groups; the frequency of use of biologic drugs varied between 40.2 and 60.6% by the end of the observation period.Псориатический артрит (ПсА) – хроническое иммуновоспалительное заболевание суставов, позвоночника и энтезисов из группы спондилоартритов, которое обычно наблюдается у больных псориазом. В последние годы активно изучается аксиальная форма ПсА (аксПсА). Вместе с тем данных о подходах к диагностике и ведению пациентов с аксПсА в реальной клинической практике недостаточно. В настоящей публикации представлены результаты промежуточного анализа данных неинтервенционного наблюдательного многоцентрового исследования тактики ведения пациентов с аксПсА в условиях реальной клинической практики (NiSaXPA) в российских центрах.Цель исследования – выявление пациентов с аксПсА, их характеристика и описание тактики ведения в условиях реальной клинической практики.Материал и методы. Во время плановых визитов к ревматологу проводилось проспективное наблюдение пациентов с ПсА, соответствовавших критериям включения. Аксиальные рентгенограммы участников были загружены в базу данных для подтверждения наличия или отсутствия аксПсА двумя независимыми экспертами – ревматологом и рентгенологом. Пациенты с подтвержденным диагнозом аксПсА участвовали в дальнейшей фазе сбора данных (визит 2, неделя 24).Результаты и обсуждение. В исследование включено 600 пациентов. На момент проведения анализа с целью выявления аксПсА обследовано 386 (64,3%) из них (209 мужчин и 177 женщин). Диагноз аксПсА подтвержден в 241 (62,4%) случае; эти больные составили популяцию по протоколу (PP, Per Protocol). У 145 (37,6%) пациентов аксПсА не выявлен. Возраст пациентов с аксПсА в популяции РР составил в среднем 46,30±12,6 года, индекс массы тела (ИМТ) – 27,4±5,2 кг/м2 . У 14,9% пациентов длительность псориаза была менее 1–5 лет, у 21,5% – 5–10 лет и у 63,6% – более 10 лет. Давность симптомов ПсА у 31,2% пациентов составляла менее 1–5 лет, у 31,6% – 5–10 лет и у 37,2% – более 10 лет. Низкой активности заболевания (BASDAI ˂ 4) к визиту 1 достигли 33,3% больных аксПсА, к визиту 2 – 64,3%; было отмечено снижение индекса BASDAI в среднем с 4,67±1,95 до 3,31±1,89 балла. В реальной клинической практике пациентам наиболее часто назначали нестероидные противовоспалительные препараты (НПВП) – 88,7% и 71,7% (визиты 1 и 2 соответственно) и синтетические базисные противовоспалительные препараты (сБПВП) – 79,1% и 70,7% соответственно; терапия генно-инженерными биологическими препаратами (ГИБП) была инициирована 40,2% и 60,6% больных соответственно.Заключение. Результаты промежуточной оценки данного наблюдательного исследования показали, что у 87,2% пациентов, отвечавших критериям CASPAR для ПсА, исходно при обследовании по месту жительства были заподозрены аксиальные проявления ПсА. Однако при центральной экспертной оценке диагноз аксПсА был верифицирован только у 62,4% из них, что может свидетельствовать о возможной гипердиагностике аксиального поражения в реальной практике и подчеркивает важность кооперации ревматолога и рентгенолога при анализе результатов визуализационных методов обследования. 33,3% пациентов с аксПсА имели низкую активность заболевания по BASDAI исходно и 64,3% – через 24 нед. Таким образом, несмотря на проводимую терапию, адекватно контролировать заболевание удавалось только в трети случаев, после смены терапии число таких пациентов увеличилось вдвое. В реальной клинической практике пациентам с аксПсА наиболее часто назначают препараты из группы НПВП и сБПВП, частота использования ГИБП варьировалась от 40,2 до 60,6% к концу наблюдения


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    The purpose of the study was to provide of diagnostic profiles of harmful effects caused by long inhalation of 1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane (TBE). Material and methods. The object of research was white rats exposed to the roundthe-clock inhalation of TBE within three months. The TBE concentration in air samples from exposure chambers was determined by means of the Agilent 7890 B chromatograph (France). Urine analysis and biochemical blood test were conducted by means of the standard and unified laboratory methods. Results and discussion. TBE inhalation (concentration 0.2 ± 0.01, 0.6 ± 0.03 and 1.8 ± 0.07 mg/m3) leads to structural and functional changes in target organs. The expressiveness and the changes range grew with the toxic effect level increase. We have defined group of deviations of biochemical indicators connected with the mechanism of toxic action and pathological changes in target organs. When planning clinical trials with high probability it is necessary to expect the diagnoses relating to critical organs and systems – nervous system, liver and kidneys

    Estimation of the sensitivity and specificity of ASAS criteria for peripheral spondyloarthritis in patients with early psoriatic arthritis

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    Objective: to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of ASAS (Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society) criteria for peripheral spondyloarthritis (SpA) in patients with early psoriatic arthritis (ePsA).Subjects and methods. Examinations was made in 45 patients (17 men and 28 women) with ePsA meeting the CASPAR (ClASsification criteria for Psoriatic ARthritis) criteria (mean age, 37 years; disease duration, 1 year) and in 20 patients (9 men and 11 women) with signs of peripheral SpA meeting the ESSG (European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group) criteria (mean age, 23 years; disease duration, 2.25 years; control group). The investigators estimated 78/76 tender/swollen joints and enthuses using MASES (Maastricht Ankylosing Spondylitis Enthesitis Score) and assessed the presence of inflammatory spinal pain according to the ASAS criteria, psoriasis, uveitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, genitourinary and/or enteric infections, and a family history of SpA. They also performed X-ray studies of the hand and distal portions of the foot and pelvis and graded sacroilitis using the Kellgren scores. HLA-B27, C-reactive protein, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were determined. The sensitivity/specificity, likelihood ratios, and clinical value of criteria were calculated.Results. 41/4 and 31/14 patents with ePsA met/unmet Criteria Sets I and II. The sensitivity/specificity of Sets I and II was 91.1/10% and 68.8/95%, respectively. One patient with ePsA and two patients in the control group did not meet one of the sing sets. The total sensitivity/specificity was 97.8/10%. In the control group, the sensitivity/specificity of Sets I and II was 91.1/100% and 68.8/100%, respectively. For ePsA, the positive likelihood ratio proved to be high for Set II (13.78%) and low for Set I (1.01).Conclusion. ASAS Criteria Set I for peripheral SpA is of low value in identifying ePsA and Sign Set II shows a high value in diagnosing ePsA as it includes the major clinical manifestations of the disease. Both the ASAS for peripheral SpA and CASPAR criteria may be used for the classification of PsA

    Effect of the Pitot Tube on Measurements in Supersonic Axisymmetric Underexpanded Microjets

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    This paper describes the results of methodical investigations of the effect of the Pitot tube on measurements of gas-dynamic parameters of supersonic axisymmetric underexpanded real and model microjets. Particular attention is paid to distortions of Pitot pressure variations on the jet axis associated with the wave structure of the jet and to distortions of the supersonic core length. In experiments with model jets escaping from nozzles with diameters ranging from 0.52 to 1.06 mm into the low-pressure chamber, the measurements are performed by the Pitot tubes 0.05 to 2 mm in diameter. The results are analyzed together with the earlier obtained data for real microjets escaping from nozzles with diameters ranging from 10 to 340 &#181;m where the parameters of real microjets were determined by the Pitot microtube 12 &#181;m in diameter. Interaction of the Pitot tube with an unsteady jet in the laminar-turbulent transition region is investigated; the influence of this interaction on Pitot pressure measurements is determined, and a physical interpretation of this phenomenon is provided