220 research outputs found

    Il monastero bizantino e la chiesa di San Nicola a Mesopotam: un caso a sé.

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    Presentazione di un monumento bizantino di grande rilevanza, pressoché ignoto alla critica del XIII sec., ipotesi di datazione e patrocinio

    Un caso a sé: San Nicola di Mesopotam (Albania)

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    Studio storico-critico su un monumento bizantino del XIII sec ignoto alla critica occidentale: il monastero e il katholikon di Mesopotam in Albania del sud. Di esso si tenta un'ipotesi ricostruttiva sulla base delle ricerche condotte per 4 anni assieme ad una équipe di studiosi e specialisti di varie Università italiane e stranier


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    Eukaryotic genomes transcribe up to 90% of the genomic DNA but only 1\u20132% of these transcripts encode for proteins, whereas the vast majority are transcribed as non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). They are divided into short ncRNA, particularly microRNA (miRNA) and small interference RNA (siRNA), and long ncRNAs. Noteworthy, they are unexpectedly stable since they are protected from degradation through different mechanisms: package in exosomes/microvesicles structures, in apoptotic bodies, in HDL lipoprotein, or by RNA binding proteins. For several years already, biomarkers have been used to detect biological disease; in the last years, a requirement appeared to find some of them to unearth the signs of doping. The potential of ncRNAs as a biological candidate is strongly debated and it seems to have become the right tool in the anti-doping hands. In the recent years, the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology was used by the World Anti-Doping Agency to draft the athlete biological passport (ABP), measuring the circulating miRNAs and applying these new biomarkers in anti-doping. NGS technology does not require any prior knowledge of ncRNAs, but the limit to employ this biomarker to detect performance-enhancing drug use must consider the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that might affect measurements. Key words: pbiomarkers, doping, HDL, ncRNA, exosom


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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that affects central nervous system (CNS) \u2013 coexists in brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. It can process in three different courses: remitting, progressive and progressive-relapsing. Although there is still no cure for MS, effective strategies are available to modify the disease course, reduce number of relapses, rate of progressions and development of new lesions. Nowadays, moderate physical performance is strongly recommended: besides having positive effects on the body, it can have a positive effect on the psychophysical wellbeing. Essentially there are 3 types of training protocols: aerobic (endurance training), strength training (resistance training) and combined training. The majority of the studies suggests that regular physical activity can improve fatigue, depression and quality of life in people with MS, however most of the researchers worked without any guidelines for physical activity adapted to the MS, which are still under review by the scientific communit

    From Academia Armena Sancti Lazari to the Establishment of Armenian Studies at Ca’ Foscari

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    The Armenian Studies have a very long tradition in Italy. However, the establishment of the official teaching of Armenian at Ca’ Foscari is particularly significant. It is a direct continuation of many Armenian traces present in the lagoon city for centuries, such as the birth of the first Casa Armena in Europe in 1245, the prosperous diplomatic relations between the Republic of Serenissima and the Kingdom of Armenia, the printing of the first Armenian book in 1512, the arrival of Armenian merchants from Julfa, who highly contributed to the economy of Venice, and finally the institution of the Mekhitarist Congregation of the Armenian monks on the island of San Lazzaro, recognised by Napoleon as Academia Armena Sancti Lazari. After an historical excursus, the paper will go on to detail some significant periods of Armenian Studies at Ca’ Foscari