803 research outputs found

    Il comico e il patetico

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    L’articolo parte da alcuni richiami alla tradizione di pensiero che, da Aristotele a Bergson, ha insistito sulla cauterizzazione emotiva in quanto condizione necessaria per l’innesco del riso e ha privilegiato il senso di autocompiacimento e di superiorità dell’io rispetto alla vittima comica. L’articolo procede quindi a un tentativo di storicizzazione della relazione tra soggetto e oggetto del riso con particolare riferimento al mito cristiano il quale, ponendo al proprio centro la compassione per una figura umiliata e dolente (potenzialmente ridicola, secondo la visione antica), sconvolge le relazioni tra comico e serio e introduce il fattore dell’identificazione patetica quale elemento che pervade il comico. È in funzione d’una tale ‘contaminazione’ – è la conclusione – che alcuni risvolti ambivalenti della comicità risultano enfatizzati nella riflessione e nella letteratura moderne

    Prototypes of productivity tools for the jadescript programming language

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    Jadescript is an agent-oriented programming language built on top of JADE. So far, the focus of the development of the language was on design choices, on syntax refinements, and on the introduction of expressions and constructs for agent-related abstractions and tasks. In this paper, a proposal to achieve the crucial goal of making Jadescript suitable for professional use is presented. The success of Jadescript, as a solid language to build real-world agent-based software systems, is necessarily related to its effective integration with mainstream development tools. In this paper, some of the productivity tools developed to integrate Jadescript with a mainstream development environment are presented as a way to promote the successful adoption of the language towards the community of JADE users

    Economic sustainability of pig slaughtering firms in the production chain of denomination of origin hams in italy

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    Pork meat in Italy is one of the largest agri-food chains in Italy. In the swine production chain, slaughter plays an important role, because it has an impact on animal welfare, food safety and the sustainability of the agri-food chain. These companies also deal with pigs destined for typical Denomination of Origin products and therefore play an important role in the production chain of typical products and in the field of EU agricultural policy. In this context, the research aims to analyze the economic sustainability of the major pig slaughter firms in Italy, through data analysis of the annual account statement (AAS) on a sample of eight companies analyzed over a ten-year historical series. Financial ratios and margins (FRM) analysis is applied in the research. FRM analysis shows that firms have the largest absorption of financial resources in the net working capital cycle. The research highlights the high incidence of raw materials in companies in the sector. Consequently, the profit margins of the companies in the sample are modest and in some cases are lower than the cost of debt, suggesting a moderate capacity to attract capital. This result appears as a negative signal of the economic sustainability of the companies in the sector. The research, now limited to a small number of large companies, opens a line of research that can be developed by expanding the sample to small and medium-sized enterprises of the chain of Denomination of Origin hams in Italy to suggest improvement interventions, in particular for rural or marginal areas of production

    Per Marco Marchetti pittore di pale d’altare nella Faenza della Controriforma e alcuni disegni in rapporto con il "Martirio di Santa Caterina" in Sant’Antonio

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    La pala con il Martirio di Santa Caterina di Marco Marchetti risulta in rapporto con alcuni disegni inediti di Marco Marchetti agli Uffizi. Vengono presentate considerazioni sull'ambiente artistico faentino dell'epoca della Controriforma

    Contrast-enhanced mammography-guided biopsy: technical feasibility and first outcomes

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    Objectives To evaluate the feasibility of contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM)-guided biopsy at Hospital del Mar, a Spanish university hospital. Methods We retrospectively reviewed all consecutive women with a suspicious enhancing finding eligible for CEM-guided biopsy, who were prospectively enrolled in a pre-marketing clinical validation and feasibility study (October 2019 to September 2021). CEM-guided biopsy is a stereotactic-based procedure that, by using intravenous iodinated contrast media administration and dual-energy acquisition, provides localisation of enhancing lesions. All the biopsies were performed using a vacuum-assisted device. We collected procedural characteristics (patient position and type of approach), and histopathological results. Feasibility endpoints included success (visualisation of the enhancing lesion, post-procedural biopsy changes and clip placement), procedural time, number of scout acquisitions and complications. Results A total of 66 suspicious enhancing lesions (18.0% foci, 44.0% mass, 38.0% non-mass enhancement; median size 8.5 mm) in 64 patients (median age 59 years, mostly minimal [48.4%] or mild [32.8%] background parenchymal enhancement) were referred for CEM-guided biopsy in the study period. The success rate was 63/66 (95.4%). Amongst successful procedures, patients were most frequently seated (52/63, 82.5%) and the preferred approach was horizontal (48/63, 76.2%). Median total time per procedure was 15 min. Median number of acquisitions needed before targeting was 2 (range 1-4). Complications consisted of hematoma (17/63, 27%) and vasovagal reaction (2/63, 3.2%). At histology, the malignancy rate was 25/63 (39.7%). Conclusion In this first patient series, CEM-guided breast biopsy was feasible, with success and complication rates similar to those previously reported for magnetic resonance guidance

    Tocilizumab or glucocorticoids treatment for patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia: An observational study

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    Objective: To estimate the effect of tocilizumab or glucocorticoids in preventing death and intubation in patients hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia.Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study enrolling all consecutive patients hospitalized at Reggio Emilia AUSL between February the 11th and April 14th 2020 for severe COVID19 and treated with tocilizumab or glucocorticoids (at least 80 mg/day of methylprednisolone or equivalent for at least 3 days).The primary outcome was death within 30 days from the start of the considered therapies. The secondary outcome was a composite outcome of death and/or intubation. All patients have been followed-up until May 19th 2020, with a follow-up of at least 30 days for every patient. To reduce confounding due to potential non-comparability of the two groups, those receiving tocilizumab and those receiving glucocorticoids, a propensity score was calculated as the inverse probability weighting of receiving treatment conditional on the baseline covariates.Results and conclusion: Therapy with tocilizumab alone was associated with a reduction of deaths (OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.21-1.17) and of the composite outcome death/intubation (OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.13-0.90) compared to glucocorticoids alone. Nevertheless, this result should be cautiously interpreted due to a potential prescription bias.(c) 2021 Sociedade Brasileira de Infectologia. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

    Feasibility and Safety of Physical Exercise to Preserve Bone Health in Men With Prostate Cancer Receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: Men with prostate cancer (PCa) receiving androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) experience the loss of bone mineral density (BMD) and lean body mass, which can increase their risk of falls and fractures. Physical exercise programs with appropriate components and dosage are suggested to preserve BMD and muscle strength, thereby potentially reducing accidental falls and fractures and associated morbidity and mortality. These benefits can be obtained if exercise programs are feasible and safe and if patient adherence is adequate. This systematic review investigates the feasibility and safety of exercise programs aimed at preventing the risk of accidental falls and fractures and BMD loss in men with PCa undergoing ADT. Methods: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library were searched from database inception to June 7, 2021. Randomized controlled trials were included when they analyzed the feasibility and safety of experimental exercise programs targeting bone health in men with PCa receiving ADT. Two reviewers independently selected the studies, assessed their methodological quality, and extracted the data. Exercise feasibility was measured through recruitment, retention, and adherence rates. Exercise safety was measured through the number, type, and severity of adverse events. Furthermore, the components, setting, intensity, frequency, and duration of exercise programs were extracted. Results: Ten studies were included, with a total of 633 participants. Exercise consisted of a combination of aerobic, resistance, and impact-loading exercise or football training. Exercise is feasible in men with PCa undergoing ADT, although football training should be prescribed with caution for safety reasons. Conclusion: Multicomponent exercise programs targeting bone health seem feasible and safe in this population; however, adverse events should be systematically documented according to current guidelines. Impact: The study shows that men with PCa receiving ADT can safely perform exercise programs to preserve bone health and supports that those programs should become part of lifestyle habits. Lay Summary: Men with PCa who are receiving ADT can safely perform exercise programs to preserve bone health and should make exercise an important part of their lifestyle

    The Interplay between TRPM7 and MagT1 in Maintaining Endothelial Magnesium Homeostasis

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    The transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7 (TRPM7) is an ubiquitous channel fused to an α-kinase domain involved in magnesium (Mg) transport, and its level of expression has been proposed as a marker of endothelial function. To broaden our present knowledge about the role of TRPM7 in endothelial cells, we generated stable transfected Human Endothelial Cells derived from the Umbilical Vein (HUVEC). TRPM7-silencing HUVEC maintain the actin fibers’ organization and mitochondrial network. They produce reduced amounts of reactive oxygen species and grow faster than controls. Intracellular Mg concentration does not change in TRPM7-silencing or -expressing HUVEC, while some differences emerged when we analyzed intracellular Mg distribution. While the levels of the plasma membrane Mg transporter Solute Carrier family 41 member 1 (SLC41A1) and the mitochondrial channel Mrs2 remain unchanged, the highly selective Magnesium Transporter 1 (MagT1) is upregulated in TRPM7-silencing HUVEC through transcriptional regulation. We propose that the increased amounts of MagT1 grant the maintenance of intracellular Mg concentrations when TRPM7 is not expressed in endothelial cells

    Combined use of x-ray fluorescence microscopy, phase contrast imaging for high resolution quantitative iron mapping in inflamed cells

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    X-ray fluorescence microscopy (XRFM) is a powerful technique to detect and localize elements in cells. To derive information useful for biology and medicine, it is essential not only to localize, but also to map quantitatively the element concentration. Here we applied quantitative XRFM to iron in phagocytic cells. Iron, a primary component of living cells, can become toxic when present in excess. In human fluids, free iron is maintained at 10-18 M concentration thanks to iron binding proteins as lactoferrin (Lf). The iron homeostasis, involving the physiological ratio of iron between tissues/secretions and blood, is strictly regulated by ferroportin, the sole protein able to export iron from cells to blood. Inflammatory processes induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or bacterial pathoge inhibit ferroportin synthesis in epithelial and phagocytic cells thus hindering iron export, increasing intracellular iron and bacterial multiplication. In this respect, Lf is emerging as an important regulator of both iron and inflammatory homeostasis. Here we studied phagocytic cells inflamed by bacterial LPS and untreated or treated with milk derived bovine Lf. Quantitative mapping of iron concentration and mass fraction at high spatial resolution is obtained combining X-ray fluorescence microscopy, atomic force microscopy and synchrotron phase contrast imaging
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