998 research outputs found

    First experimental evidence of 2He decay from 18Ne excited states

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    Two-proton decay from 18Ne excited states has been studied by complete kinematical detection of the decay products. The 18Ne nucleus has been produced as a radioactive beam by 20Ne projectile fragmentation at 45 AMeV on a 9Be target, using the FRIBs in-flight facility of the LNS. The 18Ne at 33 AMeV incident energy has been excited via Coulomb excitation on a natPb target. The correlated 2p emission has been disentangled from the uncorrelated 2p emission using a high granularity particle detector setup allowing the reconstruction of momentum and angle correlations of the two emitted protons. The obtained results unambiguously show that the 6.15 MeV 18Ne state two-proton decay proceeds through 2He emission (31%) and democratic or virtual sequential decay (69%)

    Alpha-particle clustering in excited expanding self-conjugate nuclei

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    The fragmentation of quasi-projectiles from the nuclear reaction 40Ca + 12C at 25 MeV/nucleon was used to produce alpha-emission sources. From a careful selection of these sources provided by a complete detection and from comparisons with models of sequential and simultaneous decays, strong indications in favour of α\alpha-particle clustering in excited 16O, 20Ne and 24}Mg are reported.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus collisions (NN2015), 21-26 June 2015, Catania, Ital

    Past, present and future of radioactive ion beams produced In-Flight at LNS

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    The FRIBs@LNS facility produces Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) at intermediate energies, by projectile fragmentation. The possibility of using the produced RIBs as secondary beams in nuclear physics experiments by applying the tagging technique, i.e. the identification, event-by-event, in charge, mass and energy of each ion of the RIBs cocktail selected by the fragment separator, before it interacts with the secondary target, has been demonstrated. In 2010 an upgrade of the facility has been performed. Status and perspectives of the FRIBs@LNS facility are discussed

    Experimental Study of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in the 68Ni Nucleus

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    It is known that the low-energy E1 strength, known as the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR), can be excited by both isovector and isoscalar probes. In this work, we report on the results of an experiment, carried out at the LNS-INFN in Catania, with the aim to study the Pygmy Dipole Resonance induced in the 68Ni nucleus through the interaction with a 12C isoscalar target. The CHIMERA multidetector and the FARCOS array were used to detect, respectively, Îł rays and charged particles. Details on the experimental set-up, data analysis and results are reported

    Equidistribution Rates, Closed String Amplitudes, and the Riemann Hypothesis

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    We study asymptotic relations connecting unipotent averages of Sp(2g,Z)Sp(2g,\mathbb{Z}) automorphic forms to their integrals over the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties. We obtain reformulations of the Riemann hypothesis as a class of problems concerning the computation of the equidistribution convergence rate in those asymptotic relations. We discuss applications of our results to closed string amplitudes. Remarkably, the Riemann hypothesis can be rephrased in terms of ultraviolet relations occurring in perturbative closed string theory.Comment: 15 page

    Production of α\alpha-particle condensate states in heavy-ion collisions

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    The fragmentation of quasi-projectiles from the nuclear reaction 40Ca^{40}Ca + 12C^{12}C at 25 MeV/nucleon was used to produce excited states candidates to α\alpha-particle condensation. The experiment was performed at LNS-Catania using the CHIMERA multidetector. Accepting the emission simultaneity and equality among the α\alpha-particle kinetic energies as experimental criteria for deciding in favor of the condensate nature of an excited state, we analyze the 02+0_2^+ and 22+2_2^+ states of 12^{12}C and the 06+0_6^+ state of 16^{16}O. A sub-class of events corresponding to the direct 3-α\alpha decay of the Hoyle state is isolated.Comment: contribution to the 2nd Workshop on "State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics" (SOTANCP2), Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), May 25-28, 2010, to be published in the International Journal of Modern Physics

    Noncommutative Symmetries and Gravity

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    Spacetime geometry is twisted (deformed) into noncommutative spacetime geometry, where functions and tensors are now star-multiplied. Consistently, spacetime diffeomorhisms are twisted into noncommutative diffeomorphisms. Their deformed Lie algebra structure and that of infinitesimal Poincare' transformations is defined and explicitly constructed. This allows to construct a noncommutative theory of gravity.Comment: 26 pages. Lectures given at the workshop `Noncommutative Geometry in Field and String Theories', Corfu Summer Institute on EPP, September 2005, Corfu, Greece. Version 2: Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant MERG-CT-2004-006374 acknowledge

    First measurement of the isoscalar excitation above the neutron emission threshold of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in 68Ni

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    The excitation of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR) in the 68Ni nucleus, above the neutron emission threshold, via an isoscalar probe has been observed for the first time. The excitation has been produced in reactions where a 68Ni beam, obtained by the fragmentation of a 70Zn primary beam at INFN-LNS, impinged on a 12C target. The Îł-ray decay was detected using the CsI(Tl) detectors of the CHIMERA multidetector sphere. The 68Ni isotope as well as other heavy ion fragments were detected using the FARCOS array. The population of the PDR was evidenced by comparing the detected Îł-ray energy spectra with statistical code calculations. The isotopic resolution of the detection system allows also to directly compare neutron decay channels with the 68Ni channel, better evidencing the PDR decay response function. This comparison allows also the extraction of the PDR cross section and the relative Îł-ray angular distribution. The measured Îł-ray angular distribution confirms the E1 character of the transition. The Îł decay cross section for the excitation of the PDR was measured to be 0.32 mb with a 18% of statistical error
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