29 research outputs found

    Petrographical and mineralogical investigation of the rocks of the Bushveld Igneous complex in the Tauteshoogte-Roossenekal area of the Eastern Transvaal

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    This study comprises a petrographical and mineralogical investigation of rocks from an area 850 sq. km in size, situated about 80km northeast of Middelburg. Roughly half of the area is occupied by rocks of the epicrustal phase of the Bushveld Complex, and consists largely of Rooiberg Felsite and granophyre as well as leptite, microgranite and granodiorite. Numerous veins of finegrained granite traverse the leptite which is considered to be highly metamorphosed felsite. These veins of fine-grained granite probably owe their origin to the melting of the leptite. The coalescence of these products of melting gave rise to the thick sheet of._granophyre between the leptite and the felsite. Rocks of the Layered Sequence occupy the eastern half of the area and consist of the Main and Upper Zones which were subdivided into various subzones on the basis of characteristic rock types and marker horizons. Mineralogical investigations are restricted to the minerals from rocks of the Layered Sequence, namely orthopyroxene, plagioclase, apatite and the sulphides of the Upper Zone. In Subzone A of the Main Zone, the orthopyroxene is present as cumulus crystals, but it changes in texture to ophitic in the lower half of Subzone B where small discrete grains of inverted pigeonite are also developed. Inverted pigeonite is present in the upper half of Subzone B and in rocks of the Upper Zone, whereas the orthopyroxene-pigeonite relationships in Subzone C of the Main Zone are a repetition of those observed in the underlying rocks. The phase-change from orthopyroxene to pigeonite takes place over a transition zone in which both phases crystallized from the magma. It is envisaged that the first pigeonite to have crystallized from the magma at high temperatures had a lower Fe/Mg ratio than the hypersthene precipitating at slightly lower temperatures, with the result that the early formed pigeonite was unstable and reacted with the magma to form hypersthene. This caused the formation of groups of grains of hypersthene which are optically continuous over large areas and which may contain a few blebs of augite exsolved from the original pigeonite. A few pigeonite grains were effectively trapped in other minerals, mostly augite, and consequently escaped reaction with the liquid. These inverted to hypersthene at the appropriate temperature and contain numerous exsolution-lamellae of augite. As fractional crystallization of the magma continued, it moved further into the stability field of pigeonite and out of the stability field of hypersthene with the result that the formation of hypersthene by the reaction of pigeonite with magma was replaced by inversion of pigeonite to hypersthene. This inverted pigeonite is also present as groups of grains optically continuous and contains pre-inversion exsolution-lamellae of augite orientated at random, and post-inversion exsolution- lamellae which are orientated parallel to the (100) plane of the orthopyroxene throughout a unit. The inverted pigeonite is orientated in such a way that its crystallographic c-axis lies close to or in the plane of layering. This is explained as being due to the load pressure of the superincumbent crystal mass during the inversion. Textural features of the plagioclase revealed interesting information on the postcumulus changes in the rock. Reversed zoning, interpenetration and bending of plagioclase crystals as well as the presence of myrmekite are described. These are considered to be due to increased load pressure prior to and during crystallization of the intercumulus liquid. It is considered that the various types of pegmatoids may have originated by an increase in pressure on the intercumulus liquid which was concentrated to form pipe-like bodies by lateral secretion or filter pressing. Cumulus apatite is developed in the olivine diorites of Subzone D of the Upper Zone. From unit cell dimensions it seems as if it changes in composition from a fluor-rich hydroxyapatite at the base of this subzone to a relatively pure hydroxyapatite 70m below the roof. There seems to be a substantial increase in the fluor content of the apatite in the topmost 70m of the intrusion. Rocks of the Upper Zone contain considerably more sulphides than those of the Main Zone. This is ascribed to an increase in the sulphur content of the magma owing to fractional crystallization. The magma reached the saturation point of sulphur when rocks of Subzone D of the Upper Zone started to crystallize with the result that these rocks contain numerous small droplets of sulphide which constitute on an average about 0, 5 per cent by volume of the rocks. A concentration of the sulphides in these rocks would not yield a deposit of economic interest because of the unfavourable composition of the sulphide phase, which consits of more than 90 per cent pyrrhotite. Sulphides in the rocks below this subzone are intercumulus and a concentration could be of economic importance because the sulphide phase contains appreciable amounts of chalcopyrite and pentlandite. Although no economic concentration of sulphides are known from the Upper Zone, this study has revealed the presence of a mineralized anorthosite below Lower Magnetitite Seam 2 which contains in places up to 1 per cent Cu, 0, 18 per cent Ni and 1, 6g/ton platinum metals. Continuous, slow convection and bottom crystallization probably gave rise to the homogeneous rocks of the Main Zone. Injection of a considerable amount of fresh magma took place at the level of the Pyroxenite Marker which resulted in a compositional break and gave rise to a repetition in Subzone C of the rocks of the Main Zone below this marker. The oxygen pressure during crystallization of the magma was probably low, causing a gradual enrichment in iron in the magma and gave rise to the appearance of magnetite at the base of the Upper Zone. Intermittent increase in the oxygen fugacity is considered to be important in the formation of magnetitite seams. As a result of fractional crystallization the volatile content of the remaining magma gradually increased. This is seen firstly, by the appearance of biotite secondly by the appearance of cumulus apatite and droplets of sulphide and lastly by hornblende in the rocks of the Upper Zone. Some water-rich residual liquids apparently also intruded the overlying leptite, causing additional melting of the latter and the formation of irregularly shaped veins and pockets of granodiorite. A lateral change in facies of the rocks of the Layered Sequence in a souther ly direction is described. This is considered to be due to crystallization of the magma at slightly lower temperatures because of the more effective heat loss where the magma chamber was thinner. Two parameters of differentiation for layered intrusions are proposed, viz. a modified version of the differentiation index and a modified version of the crystallization index. The former seems more applicable for intrusions such as the Bushveld Complex, whereas the latter seems to be more applicable for intrusions in which there is a considerable development of ultramafic rocks. These two parameters can also be used to indicate the differentiation trend if they are plotted against height in the intrusion.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 1971.gm2013Geologyunrestricte

    Geologie in 'n toekoms van beperkte hulpbronne

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    In view of the finiteness of mineral resources, the geologist will be faced with increasing responsibilities to ensure a worthy existence for mankind in future. Considering the problems associated with a shortage of certain resources, geology is expected to develop in two broad directions. As a basic science, geology will only develop significantly by liasing closely with other disciplines and by participating in internationally coordinated projects. Interdisciplinary cooperation will provide a better insight into the processes operating in and on the earth, which is essential in the understanding of ore-forming processes and consequently also in defining target areas for future exploration programmes. As an applied science, geology will have to fulfill an increasingly important function in, firstly, the development of techniques for the exploration and exploitation of minerals and metals from the earth's crust, secondly, investigations of foundations in the construction sector and, thirdly, long-term and environmental planning aspects, seeing that it is the geologist who has the knowledge of the distribution not only of the known mineral deposits of strategic minerals but also of those rock formations that may become potentially important ore bearers of the future.http://explore.up.ac.za/record=b176366

    A petrographical and mineralogical investigation of the rocks of the Bushveld Igneous Complex in the Tauteshoogte-Roossenekal area of the Eastern Transvaal

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    This study comprises a petrographical and mineralogical investigation of rocks from an area 850 sq. km in size, situated about 80km northeast of Middelburg. Roughly half of the area is occupied by rocks of the epicrustal phase of the Bushveld Complex, and consists largely of Rooiberg Felsite and granophyre as well as leptite, microgranite and granodiorite. Numerous veins of finegrained granite traverse the leptite which is considered to be highly metamorphosed felsite. These veins of fine-grained granite probably owe their origin to the melting of the leptite. The coalescence of these products of melting gave rise to the thick sheet of.granophyre between the leptite and the felsite. Rocks of the Layered Sequence occupy the eastern half of the area and consist of the Main and Upper Zones which were subdivided into various subzones on the basis of characteristic rock types and marker horizons. Mineralogical investigations are restricted to the minerals from rocks of the Layered Sequence, namely orthopyroxene, plagioclase, apatite and the sulphides of the Upper Zone. In Subzone A of the Main Zone, the orthopyroxene is present as cumulus crystals, but it changes in texture to ophitic in the lower half of Subzone B where small discrete grains of inverted pigeonite are also developed. Inverted pigeonite is present in the upper half of Subzone B and in rocks of the Upper Zone, whereas the orthopyroxene-pigeonite relationships in Subzone C of the Main Zone are a repetition of those observed in the underlying rocks. The phase-change from orthopyroxene to pigeonite takes place over a transition zone in which both phases crystallized from the magma. It is envisaged that the first pigeonite to have crystallized from the magma at high temperatures had a lower Fe/Mg ratio than the hypersthene precipitating at slightly lower temperatures, with the result that the early formed pigeonite was unstable and reacted with the magma to form hypersthene. This caused the formation of groups of grains of hypersthene which are optically continuous over large areas and which may contain a few blebs of augite exsolved from the original pigeonite. A few pigeonite grains were effectively trapped in other minerals, mostly augite, and consequently escaped reaction with the liquid. These inverted to hypersthene at the appropriate temperature and contain numerous exsolution-lamellae of augite. As fractional crystallization of the magma continued, it moved further into the stability field of pigeonite and out of the stability field of hypersthene with the result that the formation of hypersthene by the reaction of pigeonite with magma was replaced by inversion of pigeonite to hypersthene. This inverted pigeonite is also present as groups of grains optically continuous and contains pre-inversion exsolution-lamellae of augite orientated at random, and post-inversion exsolution-lamellae which are orientated parallel to the (100) plane of the orthopyroxene throughout a unit. The inverted pigeonite is orientated in such a way that its crystallographic c-axis lies close to or in the plane of layering. This is explained as being due to the load pressure of the superincumbent crystal mass during the inversion. Textural features of the plagioclase revealed interesting information on the postcumulus changes in the rock. Reversed zoning, interpenetration and bending of plagioclase crystals as well as the presence of myrmekite are described. These are considered to be due to increased load pressure prior to and during crystallization of the intercumulus liquid. It is considered that the various types of pegmatoids may have originated by an increase in pressure on the intercumulus liquid which was concentrated to form pipe-like bodies by lateral secretion or filter pressing. Cumulus apatite is developed in the olivine diorites of Subzone D of the Upper Zone. From unit cell dimensions it seems as if it changes in composition from a fluor-rich hydroxyapatite at the base of this subzone to a relatively pure hydroxyapatite 70m below the roof. There seems to be a substantial increase in the fluor content of the apatite in the topmost 70m of the intrusion. Rocks of the Upper Zone contain considerably more sulphides than those of the Main Zone. This is ascribed to an increase in the sulphur content of the magma owing to fractional crystallization. The magma reached the saturation point of sulphur when rocks of Subzone D of the Upper Zone started to crystallize with the result that these rocks contain numerous small droplets of sulphide which constitute on an average about 0, 5 per cent by volume of the rocks. A concentration of the sulphides in these rocks would not yield a deposit of economic interest because of the unfavourable composition of the sulphide phase, which consits of more than 90 per cent pyrrhotite. Sulphides in the rocks below this subzone are intercumulus and a concentration could be of economic importance because the sulphide phase contains appreciable amounts of chalcopyrite and pentlandite. Although no economic concentration of sulphides are known from the Upper Zone, this study has revealed the presence of a mineralized anorthosite below Lower Magnetitite Seam 2 which contains in places up to 1 per cent Cu, 0, 18 per cent Ni and 1, 6g/ton platinum metals. Continuous, slow convection and bottom crystallization probably gave rise to the homogeneous rocks of the Main Zone. Injection of a considerable amount of fresh magma took place at the level of the Pyroxenite Marker which resulted in a compositional break and gave rise to a repetition in Subzone C of the rocks of the Main Zone below this marker. The oxygen pressure during crystallization of the magma was probably low, causing a gradual enrichment in iron in the magma and gave rise to the appearance of magnetite at the base of the Upper Zone. Intermittent increase in the oxygen fugacity is considered to be important in the formation of magnetitite seams. As a result of fractional crystallization the volatile content of the remaining magma gradually increased. This is seen firstly, by the appearance of biotite secondly by the appearance of cumulus apatite and droplets of sulphide and lastly by hornblende in the rocks of the Upper Zone. Some water-rich residual liquids apparently also intruded the overlying leptite, causing additional melting of the latter and the formation of irregularly shaped veins and pockets of granodiorite. A lateral change in facies of the rocks of the Layered Sequence in a southerly direction is described. This is considered to be due to crystallization of the magma at slightly lower temperatures because of the more effective heat loss where the magma chamber was thinner. Two parameters of differentiation for layered intrusions are proposed, viz. a modified version of the differentiation index and a modified version of the crystallization index. The former seems more applicable for intrusions such as the Bushveld Complex, whereas the latter seems to be more applicable for intrusions in which there is a considerable development of ultramafic rocks. These two parameters can also be used to indicate the differentiation trend if they are plotted against height in the intrusion.Thesis (DSc)--University of Pretoria, 2012.Geography, Geoinformatics and MeteorologyUnrestricte

    Morphology and microstructure of chromite crystals in chromitites from the Merensky Reef (Bushveld Complex, South Africa)

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    The Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex consists of two chromitite layers separated by coarse-grained melanorite. Microstructural analysis of the chromitite layers using electron backscatter diffraction analysis (EBSD), high-resolution X-ray microtomography and crystal size distribution analyses distinguished two populations of chromite crystals: fine-grained idiomorphic and large silicate inclusion-bearing crystals. The lower chromitite layer contains both populations, whereas the upper contains only fine idiomorphic grains. Most of the inclusion-bearing chromites have characteristic amoeboidal shapes that have been previously explained as products of sintering of pre-existing smaller idiomorphic crystals. Two possible mechanisms have been proposed for sintering of chromite crystals: (1) amalgamation of a cluster of grains with the same original crystallographic orientation; and (2) sintering of randomly orientated crystals followed by annealing into a single grain. The EBSD data show no evidence for clusters of similarly oriented grains among the idiomorphic population, nor for earlier presence of idiomorphic subgrains spatially related to inclusions, and therefore are evidence against both of the proposed sintering mechanisms. Electron backscatter diffraction analysis maps show deformation-related misorientations and curved subgrain boundaries within the large, amoeboidal crystals, and absence of such features in the fine-grained population. Microstructures observed in the lower chromitite layer are interpreted as the result of deformation during compaction of the orthocumulate layers, and constitute evidence for the formation of the amoeboid morphologies at an early stage of consolidation.An alternative model is proposed whereby silicate inclusions are incorporated during maturation and recrystallisation of initially dendritic chromite crystals, formed as a result of supercooling during emplacement of the lower chromite layer against cooler anorthosite during the magma influx that formed the Merensky Reef. The upper chromite layer formed from a subsequent magma influx, and hence lacked a mechanism to form dendritic chromite. This accounts for the difference between the two layers

    The geology of the bushveld ingneous complex east of the kruis river cobalt occurrence, North of Middelburg, Transvaal

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    The area investigated covers the south-eastern flank of a dome-like structure in the Bushveld gabbro. This gabbro is intersected by two sets of faults which are older than the Bushveld granite. The investigation bears out the contention that the sedimentary rocks in the Moos River area do not represent an inclusion in the gabbro but that they represent part of an anticlinal fold caused by doming during the emplacement of the Bushveld granite. Xenoliths in the gabbro belong to the Smelterskop Stage. A large xenolith of quartzite occupies an extensive area in the north-west, and numerous smaller xenoliths are composed of highly altered Dullstroom lava. The Rooiberg felsite has a considerable development (probably a maximum) in this area. It attains a thickness 8f 10,180 ft and is subdivided into three zones: (i) a Lower felsite which consists of micrograpbic felsite and leptite, (ii) a Variable felsite, mainly black, amygdaloidal and pseudospherulitic, and (iii) an Upper felsite which is red, glassy and porphyritic. The total thickess of the roof-rocks of the Main Plutonic Phase is 14,680 ft. They consist of felsite and granophyre. Three different types of sranophyre seem to be present the Bushveld Complex. One type, the so-called "Rooiberg granophyre" is found as large sheet-like masses at the base the Rooiberg felsite in the area investigated, and is considered to have originated by melting of the felsite during, emplacement of the gabbroic rocks. Another type represents a chill-phase of the Bushveld granite and a third type, termed "paragranophyre" is not present in the area investigated but has been described by other workers as having originated by metasomatism of quartzo – feldspathic sediments. Four new chemical analyses of felsite and related rocks are given. These, together with chemical data on Rooiberg felsite and Bushveld granite published previously are plotted on various variation diagrams. According to these diagrams the Rooiberg granophyre and the leptite are related to the Rooiberg felsite. The composition of the granophyre, related to the Bushveld granite, varies considerably and could not be separated from the Rooiberg granophyre on the grounds of chemical composition. Although neither the Merensky Reef nor the Main Magnetitite Seam is present, rocks of the Main and Upper Zones of the Main Plutonic Phase of the Bushveld Complex are developed. A valuable marker in the Main Zone in this area is a gabbro which contains spherical inclusions of pyroxenite. This marker is designated the "Tennis-ball marker" and is situated about 2200 ft above the Needle-norite which in turn was found to be 1000 ft above the Merensky Reef in other localities. The gabbroic rocks are described and much attention is given to a so-called nesophitic texture of the orthopyroxene, a common texture in these rocks. The nesophitic orthopyroxene is orientated so that its crystallographic c-axis is parallel to the plane of igneous lamination. This, as well as the presence of augite lamellae orientated at random in this orthopyroxene is explained as being due to directed pressure of the superincumbent crystal mass during the inversion of the pigeonite. The Upper Zone is developed only in the eastern part of the area and thins out gradually towards the west. This is explained as the result of a discordant relationship of the gabbroic rocks towards the roof. Outcrops are generally poor and rock types present are ferrodiorite, diorite, granodiorite and magnetitite. The granodiorite is not considered to be a product of magmatic differentiation, but rather to have formed by assimilation of felsitic rocks. Magnetitite is present as seams and as a plug on Diepkloof 186-J .S. For comparative purposes magnetitite from plugs on Haakdoorndraai 169-J.S. and Maleeuwskop (both to the north of the area in question) was investigated. According to the low V20 5 content the magnetitite present is considered to be high up in the succession of the Upper Zone. The magnetitite reveals several interesting exsolution phenomena, most of which may be explained as the result of the oxidation of ulvite to ilmenite. In this process of oxidation and subsequent migration of the constituents of the ilmenite, diffuse proto-ilmenite, lamellar and worm-like concentrations of, ilmenite and intragranular graphic ilmenite in magnetite originated. Leucoxene is a common alteration product of the ilmenite.Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 1996.GeologyMScUnrestricte