58 research outputs found

    Attitudes towards compulsory vaccination in Italy: Results from the NAVIDAD multicentre study

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    ABSTRACT: Background: Vaccine hesitancy is a considerable issue in European countries and leads to low coverage rates. After a long debate, Italy has made vaccination mandatory for admission to its schools. Methods: In the NAVIDAD study (a cross-sectional multicentre study), a 63-item questionnaire was administered to 1820 pregnant women from 15 Italian cities. The questionnaire assessed the interviewee's opinion on mandatory vaccines, as well as their socioeconomic status, sources of information about vaccines, confidence in the Italian National Healthcare Service (NHS), and intention to vaccinate their newborn. Results: Information sources play a key role in determining the opinion on restoration of mandatory vaccines; in particular, women who obtained information from anti-vaccination movements are less likely to accept the vaccines (OR: 0.35, 95% CI: 0.21\u20130.58, p < 0.001). Women who had confidence in healthcare professional information agreed more on mandatory vaccination than did the other women (OR: 2.66, 95% CI: 1.62\u20134.36, p < 0.001); those who perceived that healthcare professionals have economic interest in child immunization and who declared that healthcare providers inform only on vaccinations benefits not on risks were less likely to agree on compulsory vaccination (OR: 0.66, CI 95%: 0.46\u20130.96, p = 0.03; OR: 0.66, CI 95%: 0.46\u20130.95, p = 0.03, respectively). Conclusion: Information sources and confidence towards health professionals are the main determinants of acceptance of mandatory vaccine restoration. To increase the acceptability of the restoration and reduce vaccine hesitancy, these aspects need to be strengthened

    New varying speed of light theories

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    We review recent work on the possibility of a varying speed of light (VSL). We start by discussing the physical meaning of a varying cc, dispelling the myth that the constancy of cc is a matter of logical consistency. We then summarize the main VSL mechanisms proposed so far: hard breaking of Lorentz invariance; bimetric theories (where the speeds of gravity and light are not the same); locally Lorentz invariant VSL theories; theories exhibiting a color dependent speed of light; varying cc induced by extra dimensions (e.g. in the brane-world scenario); and field theories where VSL results from vacuum polarization or CPT violation. We show how VSL scenarios may solve the cosmological problems usually tackled by inflation, and also how they may produce a scale-invariant spectrum of Gaussian fluctuations, capable of explaining the WMAP data. We then review the connection between VSL and theories of quantum gravity, showing how ``doubly special'' relativity has emerged as a VSL effective model of quantum space-time, with observational implications for ultra high energy cosmic rays and gamma ray bursts. Some recent work on the physics of ``black'' holes and other compact objects in VSL theories is also described, highlighting phenomena associated with spatial (as opposed to temporal) variations in cc. Finally we describe the observational status of the theory. The evidence is currently slim -- redshift dependence in the atomic fine structure, anomalies with ultra high energy cosmic rays, and (to a much lesser extent) the acceleration of the universe and the WMAP data. The constraints (e.g. those arising from nucleosynthesis or geological bounds) are tight, but not insurmountable. We conclude with the observational predictions of the theory, and the prospects for its refutation or vindication.Comment: Final versio

    Climate for innovation, attitudes to internet and ICT adoption in small firms

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    Il testopartendo dalla considerazione della diffusione in Italia delle nuove tecnologie a base elettronica, si siofferma sui problemi di natura psicosociale connessi con la loro intoduzione nei contesti lavorativi. in particolare si sofferma sulla nozione di clima organizzativo e sulla sua rilevanzasul piano dell'indagine empirica. Vengono presentati e commentati dati empirici derivanti da uno studio su 82 piccole imprese nel quale si sono usati strumenti di rilevazione psicosociale come il Team Climate Inventory, sottolinenado le influenze organizzative e psicosociali sull'adozione di internet e sull'uso delle forme di e-commerce
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