6,450 research outputs found

    Spectral multigrid methods for the solution of homogeneous turbulence problems

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    New three-dimensional spectral multigrid algorithms are analyzed and implemented to solve the variable coefficient Helmholtz equation. Periodicity is assumed in all three directions which leads to a Fourier collocation representation. Convergence rates are theoretically predicted and confirmed through numerical tests. Residual averaging results in a spectral radius of 0.2 for the variable coefficient Poisson equation. In general, non-stationary Richardson must be used for the Helmholtz equation. The algorithms developed are applied to the large-eddy simulation of incompressible isotropic turbulence

    On the subgrid-scale modeling of compressible turbulence

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    A subgrid-scale model recently derived for use in the large-eddy simulation of compressible turbulent flows is examined from a fundamental theoretical and computational standpoint. It is demonstrated that this model, which is applicable only to compressible turbulent flows in the limit of small density fluctuations, correlates somewhat poorly with the results of direct numerical simulations of compressible isotropic turbulence at low Mach numbers. An alternative model, based on Favre-filtered fields, is suggested which appears to reduce these limitations

    Toward the large-eddy simulation of compressible turbulent flows

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    New subgrid-scale models for the large-eddy simulation of compressible turbulent flows are developed and tested based on the Favre-filtered equations of motion for an ideal gas. A compressible generalization of the linear combination of the Smagorinsky model and scale-similarity model, in terms of Favre-filtered fields, is obtained for the subgrid-scale stress tensor. An analogous thermal linear combination model is also developed for the subgrid-scale heat flux vector. The two dimensionless constants associated with these subgrid-scale models are obtained by correlating with the results of direct numerical simulations of compressible isotropic turbulence performed on a 96(exp 3) grid using Fourier collocation methods. Extensive comparisons between the direct and modeled subgrid-scale fields are provided in order to validate the models. A large-eddy simulation of the decay of compressible isotropic turbulence (conducted on a coarse 32(exp 3) grid) is shown to yield results that are in excellent agreement with the fine grid direct simulation. Future applications of these compressible subgrid-scale models to the large-eddy simulation of more complex supersonic flows are discussed briefly

    Discussion of the potential and limitations of direct and large-eddy simulations

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    The full text of the discussion paper presented at the Whither Turbulence Workshop on the potential and limitations of direct and large-eddy simulations is provided. Particular emphasis is placed on discussing the role of numerics and mathematical theory in direct simulations of both compressible and incompressible flows. A variety of unresolved issues with large-eddy simulations such as their implementation in high-order finite difference codes, problems with defiltering, and modifications to accommodate integrations to solid boundaries are elaborated on. These as well as other points are discussed in detail along with the authors' views concerning the prospects for future research

    Packing circuits in matroids

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    The purpose of this paper is to characterize all matroids M that satisfy the following minimax relation: for any nonnegative integral weight function w defined on E(M), Maximum { k: M has k circuits ,(repetition, allowed) such that each element e of M is used at most 2w(e) times by these circuits = Minimum { ∑x ∈ X w(x): X is a collection of elements (repetition allowed) of M such that every circuit in M meets X at least twice}. Our characterization contains a complete solution to a research problem on 2-edge-connected subgraph polyhedra posed by Cornuéjols, Fonlupt, and Naddef in 1985, which was independently solved by Vandenbussche and Nemhauser in Vandenbussche and Nemhauser (J. Comb. Optim. 9:357-379, 2005). © 2008 Springer-Verlag.preprin

    On the large-eddy simulation of transitional wall-bounded flows

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    The structure of the subgrid scale fields in plane channel flow has been studied at various stages of the transition process to turbulence. The residual stress and subgrid scale dissipation calculated using velocity fields generated by direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations are significantly different from their counterparts in turbulent flows. The subgrid scale dissipation changes sign over extended areas of the channel, indicating energy flow from the small scales to the large scales. This reversed energy cascade becomes less pronounced at the later stages of transition. Standard residual stress models of the Smagorinsky type are excessively dissipative. Rescaling the model constant improves the prediction of the total (integrated) subgrid scale dissipation, but not that of the local one. Despite the somewhat excessive dissipation of the rescaled Smagorinsky model, the results of a large eddy simulation of transition on a flat-plate boundary layer compare quite well with those of a direct simulation, and require only a small fraction of the computational effort. The inclusion of non-dissipative models, which could lead to further improvements, is proposed

    Low Temperature Magnetic Properties of the Double Exchange Model

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    We study the {\it ferromagnetic} (FM) Kondo lattice model in the strong coupling limit (double exchange (DE) model). The DE mechanism proposed by Zener to explain ferromagnetism has unexpected properties when there is more than one itinerant electron. We find that, in general, the many-body ground state of the DE model is {\it not} globally FM ordered (except for special filled-shell cases). Also, the low energy excitations of this model are distinct from spin wave excitations in usual Heisenberg ferromagnets, which will result in unusual dynamic magnetic properties.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX, 5 Postscript figures include

    The circumference of a graph with no K3,t-minor, II

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    The class of graphs with no K3;t-minors, t>=3, contains all planar graphs and plays an important role in graph minor theory. In 1992, Seymour and Thomas conjectured the existence of a function α(t)>0 and a constant β>0, such that every 3-connected n-vertex graph with no K3;t-minors, t>=3, contains a cycle of length at least α(t)nβ. The purpose of this paper is to con¯rm this conjecture with α(t)=(1/2)t(t-1) and β=log1729 2.preprin

    The complexity of recognizing linear systems with certain integrality properties

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    Let A be a 0 - 1 matrix with precisely two 1's in each column and let 1 be the all-one vector. We show that the problems of deciding whether the linear system Ax ≥ 1,x ≥ 0 (1) defines an integral polyhedron, (2) is totally dual integral (TDI), and (3) box-totally dual integral (box-TDI) are all co-NP-complete, thereby confirming the conjecture on NP-hardness of recognizing TDI systems made by Edmonds and Giles in 1984. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.preprin

    The Knowledge Level Approach To Intelligent Information System Design

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    Traditional approaches to building intelligent information systems employ an ontology to define a representational structure for the data and information of interest within the target domain of the system. At runtime, the ontology provides a constrained template for the creation of the individual objects and relationships that together define the state of the system at a given point in time. The ontology also provides a vocabulary for expressing domain knowledge typically in the form of rules (declarative knowledge) or methods (procedural knowledge). The system utilizes the encoded knowledge, often in conjunction user input, to progress the state of the system towards the specific goals indicated by the users. While this approach has been very successful, it has some drawbacks. Regardless of the implementation paradigm the knowledge is essentially buried in the code and therefore inaccessible to most domain experts. The knowledge also tends to be very domain specific and is not extensible at runtime. This paper describes a variation on the traditional approach that employs an explicit knowledge level within the ontology to mitigate the identified drawbacks
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