987 research outputs found

    Assessment of white matter microstructure in stroke patients using NODDI

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    pre-printDiffusion weighted imaging (DWI) is widely used to study changes in white matter following stroke. In various studies employing diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) modalities, it has been shown that fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), and generalized FA (GFA) can be used as measures of white matter tract integrity in stroke patients. However, these measures may be non-specific, as they do not directly delineate changes in tissue microstructure. Multi-compartment models overcome this limitation by modeling DWI data using a set of indices that are directly related to white matter microstructure. One of these models which is gaining popularity, is neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI). his model uses conventional single or multi-shell HARDI data to describe fiber orientation dispersion as well as densities of different tissue types in the imaging voxel. In this paper, we apply for the first time the NODDI model to 4-shell HARDI stroke data. By computing NODDI indices over the entire brain in two stroke patients, and comparing tissue regions in ipsilesional and contralesional hemispheres, we demonstrate that NODDI modeling provides specific information on tissue microstructural changes. We also introduce an information theoretic analysis framework to investigate the non-local effects of stroke in the white matter. Our initial results suggest that the NODDI indices might be more specific markers of white matter reorganization following stroke than other measures previously used in studies of stroke recovery

    On Prediction Using Variable Order Markov Models

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    This paper is concerned with algorithms for prediction of discrete sequences over a finite alphabet, using variable order Markov models. The class of such algorithms is large and in principle includes any lossless compression algorithm. We focus on six prominent prediction algorithms, including Context Tree Weighting (CTW), Prediction by Partial Match (PPM) and Probabilistic Suffix Trees (PSTs). We discuss the properties of these algorithms and compare their performance using real life sequences from three domains: proteins, English text and music pieces. The comparison is made with respect to prediction quality as measured by the average log-loss. We also compare classification algorithms based on these predictors with respect to a number of large protein classification tasks. Our results indicate that a "decomposed" CTW (a variant of the CTW algorithm) and PPM outperform all other algorithms in sequence prediction tasks. Somewhat surprisingly, a different algorithm, which is a modification of the Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm, significantly outperforms all algorithms on the protein classification problems

    Modulated Floquet Topological Insulators

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    Floquet topological insulators are topological phases of matter generated by the application of time-periodic perturbations on otherwise conventional insulators. We demonstrate that spatial variations in the time-periodic potential lead to localized quasi-stationary states in two-dimensional systems. These states include one-dimensional interface modes at the nodes of the external potential, and fractionalized excitations at vortices of the external potential. We also propose a setup by which light can induce currents in these systems. We explain these results by showing a close analogy to px+ipy superconductors

    Temperature effects on high strain rate properties of graphite/epoxy composites

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    A unidirectional graphite epoxy material (AS4/3501-6) was characterized at strain rates ranging from 5 x 10(exp 6) s(exp -1) to 5(exp -1), at room temperature and at 128 C. Results are presented in the form of stress-strain curves to failure. The longitudinal properties remain nearly unchanged with strain rate and temperature. The transverse modulus increases with strain rate but decreases with temperature. The transverse strength and transverse ultimate tensile strain have a positive rate sensitivity at low rates, which changes to negative at intermediate rates and returns to positive rate sensitivity at the highest rates tested. A temperature-time equivalence principle was applied and master curves were obtained for the transverse mechanical properties. The in-plane shear modulus and in-plane shear strength have a positive rate sensitivity. The ultimate intralaminar shear strain has a positive rate sensitivity at low rates, which changes to negative at high rates. At the elevated temperature of 128 C, the ultimate shear strain is 25 to 30 percent higher than the room temperature value, but its strain rate dependence is moderate

    Intellectual Property and Public Health – A White Paper

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    On October 26, 2012, the University of Akron School of Law’s Center for Intellectual Property and Technology hosted its Sixth Annual IP Scholars Forum. In attendance were thirteen legal scholars with expertise and an interest in IP and public health who met to discuss problems and potential solutions at the intersection of these fields. This report summarizes this discussion by describing the problems raised, areas of agreement and disagreement between the participants, suggestions and solutions made by participants and the subsequent evaluations of these suggestions and solutions. Led by the moderator, participants at the Forum focused generally on three broad questions. First, are there alternatives to either the patent system or specific patent doctrines that can provide or help provide sufficient incentives for health-related innovation? Second, is health information being used proprietarily and if so, is this type of protection appropriate? Third, does IP conflict with other non-IP values that are important in health and how does or can IP law help resolve these conflicts? This report addresses each of these questions in turn

    Simulating noise on a quantum processor: interactions between a qubit and resonant two-level system bath

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    Material defects fundamentally limit the coherence times of superconducting qubits, and manufacturing completely defect-free devices is not yet possible. Therefore, understanding the interactions between defects and a qubit in a real quantum processor design is essential. We build a model that incorporates the standard tunneling model, the electric field distributions in the qubit, and open quantum system dynamics, and draws from the current understanding of two-level system (TLS) theory. Specifically, we start with one million TLSs distributed on the surface of a qubit and pick the 200 systems that are most strongly coupled to the qubit. We then perform a full Lindbladian simulation that explicitly includes the coherent coupling between the qubit and the TLS bath to model the time dependent density matrix of resonant TLS defects and the qubit. We find that the 200 most strongly coupled TLSs can accurately describe the qubit energy relaxation time. This work confirms that resonant TLSs located in areas where the electric field is strong can significantly affect the qubit relaxation time, even if they are located far from the Josephson junction. Similarly, a strongly-coupled resonant TLS located in the Josephson junction does not guarantee a reduced qubit relaxation time if a more strongly coupled TLS is far from the Josephson junction. In addition to the coupling strengths between TLSs and the qubit, the model predicts that the geometry of the device and the TLS relaxation time play a significant role in qubit dynamics. Our work can provide guidance for future quantum processor designs with improved qubit coherence times.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Properties of Classical and Quantum Jensen-Shannon Divergence

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    Jensen-Shannon divergence (JD) is a symmetrized and smoothed version of the most important divergence measure of information theory, Kullback divergence. As opposed to Kullback divergence it determines in a very direct way a metric; indeed, it is the square of a metric. We consider a family of divergence measures (JD_alpha for alpha>0), the Jensen divergences of order alpha, which generalize JD as JD_1=JD. Using a result of Schoenberg, we prove that JD_alpha is the square of a metric for alpha lies in the interval (0,2], and that the resulting metric space of probability distributions can be isometrically embedded in a real Hilbert space. Quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence (QJD) is a symmetrized and smoothed version of quantum relative entropy and can be extended to a family of quantum Jensen divergences of order alpha (QJD_alpha). We strengthen results by Lamberti et al. by proving that for qubits and pure states, QJD_alpha^1/2 is a metric space which can be isometrically embedded in a real Hilbert space when alpha lies in the interval (0,2]. In analogy with Burbea and Rao's generalization of JD, we also define general QJD by associating a Jensen-type quantity to any weighted family of states. Appropriate interpretations of quantities introduced are discussed and bounds are derived in terms of the total variation and trace distance.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, expanded contents, added references and corrected typo

    Navigated interventions in the head and neck area: standardized assessment of a new handy field generator

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    Electromagnetic (EM) tracking enables localization of surgical instruments within the magnetic field emitted by an EM field generator (FG). Usually, the larger a FG is, the larger its tracking volume is. However, the company NDI (Northern Digital Inc., Waterloo, ON, Canada) recently introduced the Planar 10-11 FG, which combines a compact construction (97mm x 112mm x 31mm) with a relatively large, cylindrical tracking volume (diameter: 340mm, height: 340mm). Using the standardized assessment protocol of Hummel et al., the FG was tested with regard to its tracking accuracy and to its robustness with respect to external sources of disturbance. The mean positional error (5cm distance metric according to Hummel protocol) was 0.59mm, with a mean jitter of 0.26mm in the standard setup. The mean orientational error was found to be 0.10{\deg}. The highest positional error (4.82mm) due to metallic sources of disturbance was caused by the steel SST 303. In contrast, steel SST 416 caused the lowest positional error (0.10mm). Overall, the Planar 10-11 FG tends to achieve better tracking accuracy results compared to other NDI FGs. Due to its compact construction and portability, the FG could contribute to increased clinical use of EM tracking systems.Comment: This is the preprint version of the BVM paper already published in the conference proceedings of "Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin 2019". Paper written in Germa
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