1,860 research outputs found

    Report of the Second Annual Nebraska Conservation and State Development Congress

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    Pair Creation of Black Holes by Domain Walls

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    In this paper we study the production of pairs of neutral and charged black holes by domain walls, finding classical solutions and calculating their classical actions. We find that neutral black holes whose creation is mediated by Euclidean instantons must be produced mutually at rest with respect to one another, but for charged black holes a new type of instanton is possible in which after formation the two black holes accelerate away from one another. These new types of instantons are not possible in Einstein-Maxwell theory with a cosmological constant. We also find that the creation of non-orientable black hole solutions can be mediated by Euclidean instantons and that in addition if one is prepared to consider entirely Lorentzian no-boundary type contributions to the path integral then mutually accelerating pairs may be created even in the neutral case. Finally we consider the production of Kaluza-Klein monopoles both by a standard cosmological term and in the presence of a domain wall. We find that compactification is accompanied by the production of pairs of Kaluza-Klein monopoles.Comment: 22 pages (REVTeX with AMS Symbols) with 5 postscript figures attached in a single uuencoded, g-zipped, tar file at end of tex fil

    Gravitational quasinormal modes for Anti-de Sitter black holes

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    Quasinormal mode spectra for gravitational perturbations of black holes in four dimensional de Sitter and anti-de Sitter space are investigated. The anti-de Sitter case is relevant to the ADS-CFT correspondence in superstring theory. The ADS-CFT correspondence suggests a prefered set of boundary conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures in ReVTe

    Charged gravitational instantons in five-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-Maxwell theory

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    We study a solution of the Einstein-Gauus-Bonnet theory in 5 dimensions coupled to a Maxwell field, whose euclidean continuation gives rise to an instanton describing black hole pair production. We also discuss the dual theory with a 3-form field coupled to gravity.Comment: 8 pages, plain Te

    Particle Production and Positive Energy Theorems for Charged Black Holes in deSitter

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    We study quantum mechanical and classical stability properties of Reissner-Nordstrom deSitter spacetimes, which describe black holes with mass MM and charge QQ in a background with cosmological constant Λ0\Lambda \ge 0. There are two sources of particle production in these spacetimes; the black hole horizon and the cosmological horizon. A scattering calculation is done to compute the Hawking radiation in these spacetimes. We find that the flux from the black hole horizon equals the flux from the cosmological horizon, if and only if Q=M|Q|=M, indicating that this is a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. The spectrum, however, is not thermal. We also show that spacetimes containing a number of charge equal to mass black holes with Λ0\Lambda \ge 0, have supercovariantly constant spinors, suggesting that they may be minimum energy states in a positive energy construction. As a first step in this direction, we present a positive energy construction for asymptotically deSitter spacetimes with vanishing charge. Because the construction depends only on a spatial slice, our result also holds for spacetimes which are asymptotically Robertson-Walker.Comment: 11 pages (1 figure not included), UMHEP-39

    Nucleating Black Holes via Non-Orientable Instantons

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    We extend the analysis of black hole pair creation to include non- orientable instantons. We classify these instantons in terms of their fundamental symmetries and orientations. Many of these instantons admit the pin structure which corresponds to the fermions actually observed in nature, and so the natural objection that these manifolds do not admit spin structure may not be relevant. Furthermore, we analyse the thermodynamical properties of non-orientable black holes and find that in the non-extreme case, there are interesting modifications of the usual formulae for temperature and entropy.Comment: 27 pages LaTeX, minor typos are correcte

    Cosmic Censorship: As Strong As Ever

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    Spacetimes which have been considered counter-examples to strong cosmic censorship are revisited. We demonstrate the classical instability of the Cauchy horizon inside charged black holes embedded in de Sitter spacetime for all values of the physical parameters. The relevant modes which maintain the instability, in the regime which was previously considered stable, originate as outgoing modes near to the black hole event horizon. This same mechanism is also relevant for the instability of Cauchy horizons in other proposed counter-examples of strong cosmic censorship.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX style, 1 figure included using epsfi

    A Cosmological No-Hair Theorem

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    A generalisation of Price's theorem is given for application to Inflationary Cosmologies. Namely, we show that on a Schwarzschild--de Sitter background there are no static solutions to the wave or gravitational perturbation equations for modes with angular momentum greater than their intrinsic spin.Comment: 9 pages, NCL94 -TP4, (Revtex

    Cosmological Multi-Black Hole Solutions

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    We present simple, analytic solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equation, which describe an arbitrary number of charged black holes in a spacetime with positive cosmological constant Λ\Lambda. In the limit Λ=0\Lambda=0, these solutions reduce to the well known Majumdar-Papapetrou (MP) solutions. Like the MP solutions, each black hole in a Λ>0\Lambda >0 solution has charge QQ equal to its mass MM, up to a possible overall sign. Unlike the Λ=0\Lambda = 0 limit, however, solutions with Λ>0\Lambda >0 are highly dynamical. The black holes move with respect to one another, following natural trajectories in the background deSitter spacetime. Black holes moving apart eventually go out of causal contact. Black holes on approaching trajectories ultimately merge. To our knowledge, these solutions give the first analytic description of coalescing black holes. Likewise, the thermodynamics of the Λ>0\Lambda >0 solutions is quite interesting. Taken individually, a Q=M|Q|=M black hole is in thermal equilibrium with the background deSitter Hawking radiation. With more than one black hole, because the solutions are not static, no global equilibrium temperature can be defined. In appropriate limits, however, when the black holes are either close together or far apart, approximate equilibrium states are established.Comment: 15 pages (phyzzx), UMHEP-380 (minor referencing error corrected

    Classical stability and quantum instability of black-hole Cauchy horizons

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    For a certain region of the parameter space {M,e,Λ}\{M,e,\Lambda\}, the Cauchy horizon of a (charged) black hole residing in de Sitter space is classically stable to gravitational perturbations. This implies that, when left to its own devices, classical theory is unable to retain full predictive power: the evolution of physical fields beyond the Cauchy horizon is not uniquely determined by the initial conditions. In this paper we argue that the Cauchy horizon of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om-de Sitter black hole must always be unstable quantum mechanically.Comment: 4 pages; uses ReVTeX; figure available upon request to [email protected]