138 research outputs found
Quantum-enhanced capture of photons using optical ratchet states
Natural and artificial light harvesting systems often operate in a regime
where the flux of photons is relatively low. Besides absorbing as many photons
as possible it is therefore paramount to prevent excitons from annihilation via
photon re-emission until they have undergone an irreversible energy conversion
process. Taking inspiration from photosynthetic antenna structures, we here
consider ring-like systems and introduce a class of states we call ratchets:
excited states capable of absorbing but not emitting light. This allows our
antennae to absorb further photons whilst retaining the excitations from those
that have already been captured. Simulations for a ring of four sites reveal a
peak power enhancement by up to a factor of 35 under ambient conditions owing
to a combination of ratcheting and the prevention of emission through
dark-state population. In the slow extraction limit the achievable power
enhancement due to ratcheting alone exceeds 20%.Comment: major revision with improved model (all data and figures updated
The PTW microSilicon diode: Performance in small 6 and 15 MV photon fields and utility of density compensation
PURPOSE: We have experimentally and computationally characterized the PTW microSilicon 60023-type diode's performance in 6 and 15 MV photon fields ≥5 × 5 mm2 projected to isocenter. We tested the detector on- and off-axis at 5 and 15 cm depths in water, and investigated whether its response could be improved by including within it a thin airgap. METHODS: Experimentally, detector readings were taken in fields generated by a Varian TrueBeam linac and compared with doses-to-water measured using Gafchromic film and ionization chambers. An unmodified 60023-type diode was tested along with detectors modified to include 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 mm thick airgaps. Computationally, doses absorbed by water and detectors’ sensitive volumes were calculated using the EGSnrc/BEAMnrc Monte Carlo radiation transport code. Detector response was characterized using K^{fdin, 4cm}_{Qclin, 4cm}, a factor that corrects for differences in the ratio of dose-to-water to detector reading between small fields and the reference condition, in this study 5 cm deep on-axis in a 4 × 4 cm2 field. RESULTS: The greatest errors in measurements of small field doses made using uncorrected readings from the unmodified 60023-type detector were over-responses of 2.6% ± 0.5% and 5.3% ± 2.0% determined computationally and experimentally, relative to the reading-per-dose in the reference field. Corresponding largest errors for the earlier 60017-type detector were 11.9% ± 0.6% and 11.7% ± 1.4% over-responses. Adding even the thinnest, 0.6 mm, airgap to the 60023-type detector over-corrected it, leading to under-responses of up to 4.8% ± 0.6% and 5.0% ± 1.8% determined computationally and experimentally. Further, Monte Carlo calculations indicate that a detector with a 0.3 mm airgap would read correctly to within 1.3% on-axis. The ratio of doses at 15 and 5 cm depths in water in a 6 MV 4 × 4 cm2 field was measured more accurately using the unmodified 60023-type detector than using the 60017-type detector, and was within 0.3% of the ratio measured using an ion chamber. The 60023-type diode's sensitivity also varied negligibly as dose-rate was reduced from 13 to 4 Gy min–1 by decreasing the linac pulse repetition frequency, whereas the sensitivity of the 60017-type detector fell by 1.5%. CONCLUSIONS: The 60023-type detector performed well in small fields across a wide range of beam energies, field sizes, depths, and off-axis positions. Its response can potentially be further improved by adding a thin, 0.3 mm, airgap
Density compensated diodes for small field dosimetry: Comprehensive testing and implications for design
Purpose. In small megavoltage photon fields, the accuracies of an unmodified PTW 60017-type diode dosimeter and six diodes modified by adding airgaps of thickness 0.6-1.6 mm and diameter 3.6 mm have been comprehensively characterized experimentally and computationally. The optimally thick airgap for density compensation was determined, and detectors were micro-CT imaged to investigate differences between experimentally measured radiation responses and those predicted computationally. Methods. Detectors were tested on- and off-axis, at 5 and 15 cm depths in 6 and 15 MV fields ≥ 0.5 0.5 cm2. Computational studies were carried out using the EGSnrc/BEAMnrc Monte Carlo radiation transport code. Experimentally, radiation was delivered using a Varian TrueBeam linac and doses absorbed by water were measured using Gafchromic EBT3 film and ionization chambers, and compared with diode readings. Detector response was characterized via the formalism, choosing a 4 4 cm2 reference field. Results. For the unmodified 60017 diode, the maximum error in small field doses obtained from diode readings uncorrected by factors was determined as 11.9% computationally at +0.25 mm off-axis and 5 cm depth in a 15 MV 0.5 0.5 cm2 field, and 11.7% experimentally at -0.30 mm off-axis and 5 cm depth in the same field. A detector modified to include a 1.6 mm thick airgap performed best, with maximum computationally and experimentally determined errors of 2.2% and 4.1%. The 1.6 mm airgap deepened the modified dosimeter's effective point of measurement by 0.5 mm. For some detectors significant differences existed between responses in small fields determined computationally and experimentally, micro-CT imaging indicating that these differences were due to within-tolerance variations in the thickness of an epoxy resin layer. Conclusions. The dosimetric performance of a 60017 diode detector was comprehensively improved throughout 6 and 15 MV small photon fields via density compensation. For this approach to work well with good detector-to-detector reproducibility, tolerances on dense component dimensions should be reduced to limit associated variations of response in small fields, or these components should be modified to have more water-like densities
Resistência a antimicrobianos em Campylobacter jejuni isolados de frangos de corte entre 2010 e 2011.
Projeto/Plano de Ação:
Perfis de resistência a antimicrobianos identificados em campylobacter jejuni isolados de frangos de corte.
Projeto/Plano de Ação:
Estudo longitudinal da colonização de frangos de corte por campylobacter termófilos.
Projeto/Plano de Ação:
Investigação de Campylobacter termófilos em frangos de corte ao longo do período de alojamento.
Projeto/Plano de Ação:
Theory and simulation of quantum photovoltaic devices based on the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism
This article reviews the application of the non-equilibrium Green's function
formalism to the simulation of novel photovoltaic devices utilizing quantum
confinement effects in low dimensional absorber structures. It covers
well-known aspects of the fundamental NEGF theory for a system of interacting
electrons, photons and phonons with relevance for the simulation of
optoelectronic devices and introduces at the same time new approaches to the
theoretical description of the elementary processes of photovoltaic device
operation, such as photogeneration via coherent excitonic absorption,
phonon-mediated indirect optical transitions or non-radiative recombination via
defect states. While the description of the theoretical framework is kept as
general as possible, two specific prototypical quantum photovoltaic devices, a
single quantum well photodiode and a silicon-oxide based superlattice absorber,
are used to illustrated the kind of unique insight that numerical simulations
based on the theory are able to provide.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures; invited review pape
Male factors determining the outcome of intracytoplasmic sperm injection with epididymal and testicular spermatozoa
Summary. During a period of 8 years, 1079 intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedures with aspirated epididymal or testicular spermatozoa were performed. Epididymal spermatozoa were used in 172 cycles and testicular spermatozoa or spermatids in 907 cycles. Multiple biopsies were obtained from at least two different locations in the testes. Retrieved spermatozoa were used after cryopreservation (frozen) or immediately after aspiration (fresh). Three hundred patients had obstructive azoospermia (OA) or ejaculation failure. In 414 cases, azoospermia was caused by impaired spermatogenesis resulting from maldescended testes, chemotherapy/radiotherapy, or by Sertoli-cellonly syndrome, genetic disorders or unknown aetiology. Transfer rates, pregnancy rates and birth rates per ICSI cycle showed no statistically significant differences between testicular and epididymal spermatozoa in men with OA (28% average birth rates in both cases). However, birth rates differed significantly with regard to the status of spermatogenesis. Treatment of men with nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA) resulted in a birth rate of 19% per cycle. In all patient groups, there was no difference in the birth rates achieved with fresh and cryopreserved spermatozoa. While testicular volume, follicle-stimulating hormone level and age of the male patient are no statistically significant prognostic factors, the underlying cause of azoospermia is the most important factor determining the outcome of ICSI with epididymal and testicular spermatozoa. The pregnancy rate is lower in NOA patients than in those with OA
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