999 research outputs found

    Finite Temperature Dynamics of the Spin 1/2 Bond Alternating Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chain

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    We present results for the dynamic structure factor of the S=1/2 bond alternating Heisenberg chain over a large range of frequencies and temperatures. Data are obtained from a numerical evaluation of thermal averages based on the calculation of all eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for chains of up to 20 spins. Interpretation is guided by the exact temperature dependence in the noninteracting dimer limit which remains qualitatively valid up to an interdimer exchange λ≈0.5\lambda \approx 0.5. The temperature induced central peak around zero frequency is clearly identified and aspects of the crossover to spin diffusion in its variation from low to high temperatures are discussed. The one-magnon peak acquires an asymmetric shape with increasing temperature. The two-magnon peak is dominated by the S=1 bound state which remains well defined up to temperatures of the order of J. The variation with temperature and wavevector of the integrated intensity for one and two magnon scattering and of the central peak are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Activated events in glasses: the structure of entropic droplets

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    Using an effective potential approach, we present a replica instanton theory for the dynamics of entropic droplets in glassy systems. Replica symmetry breaking in the droplet interface leads to a length scale dependent reduction of the droplet surface tension and changes the character of the dynamical heterogeneity and activated dynamics in glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Emergent gauge dynamics of highly frustrated magnets

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    Condensed matter exhibits a wide variety of exotic emergent phenomena such as the fractional quantum Hall effect and the low temperature cooperative behavior of highly frustrated magnets. I consider the classical Hamiltonian dynamics of spins of the latter phenomena using a method introduced by Dirac in the 1950s by assuming they are constrained to their lowest energy configurations as a simplifying measure. Focusing on the kagome antiferromagnet as an example, I find it is a gauge system with topological dynamics and non-locally connected edge states for certain open boundary conditions similar to doubled Chern-Simons electrodynamics expected of a Z2Z_2 spin liquid. These dynamics are also similar to electrons in the fractional quantum Hall effect. The classical theory presented here is a first step towards a controlled semi-classical description of the spin liquid phases of many pyrochlore and kagome antiferromagnets and towards a description of the low energy classical dynamics of the corresponding unconstrained Heisenberg models.Comment: Updated with some appendices moved to the main body of the paper and some additional improvements. 21 pages, 5 figure

    The effect of monomer evaporation on a simple model of submonolayer growth

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    We present a model for thin film growth by particle deposition that takes into account the possible evaporation of the particles deposited on the surface. Our model focuses on the formation of two-dimensional structures. We find that the presence of evaporation can dramatically affect the growth kinetics of the film, and can give rise to regimes characterized by different ``growth'' exponents and island size distributions. Our results are obtained by extensive computer simulations as well as through a simple scaling approach and the analysis of rate equations describing the system. We carefully discuss the relationship of our model with previous studies by Venables and Stoyanov of the same physical situation, and we show that our analysis is more general.Comment: 41 pages including figures, Revtex, to be published in Physical Review

    Renormalization of modular invariant Coulomb gas and Sine-Gordon theories, and quantum Hall flow diagram

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    Using the renormalisation group (RG) we study two dimensional electromagnetic coulomb gas and extended Sine-Gordon theories invariant under the modular group SL(2,Z). The flow diagram is established from the scaling equations, and we derive the critical behaviour at the various transition points of the diagram. Following proposal for a SL(2,Z) duality between different quantum Hall fluids, we discuss the analogy between this flow and the global quantum Hall phase diagram.Comment: 10 pages, 1 EPS figure include

    Influence of lattice distortions in classical spin systems

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    We investigate a simple model of a frustrated classical spin chain coupled to adiabatic phonons under an external magnetic field. A thorough study of the magnetization properties is carried out both numerically and analytically. We show that already a moderate coupling with the lattice can stabilize a plateau at 1/3 of the saturation and discuss the deformation of the underlying lattice in this phase. We also study the transition to saturation where either a first or second order transition can occur, depending on the couplings strength.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Studying nonlinear effects on the early stage of phase ordering using a decomposition method

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    Nonlinear effects on the early stage of phase ordering are studied using Adomian's decomposition method for the Ginzburg-Landau equation for a nonconserved order parameter. While the long-time regime and the linear behavior at short times of the theory are well understood, the onset of nonlinearities at short times and the breaking of the linear theory at different length scales are less understood. In the Adomian's decomposition method, the solution is systematically calculated in the form of a polynomial expansion for the order parameter, with a time dependence given as a series expansion. The method is very accurate for short times, which allows to incorporate the short-time dynamics of the nonlinear terms in a analytical and controllable way.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys Lett

    Growth of Patterned Surfaces

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    During epitaxial crystal growth a pattern that has initially been imprinted on a surface approximately reproduces itself after the deposition of an integer number of monolayers. Computer simulations of the one-dimensional case show that the quality of reproduction decays exponentially with a characteristic time which is linear in the activation energy of surface diffusion. We argue that this life time of a pattern is optimized, if the characteristic feature size of the pattern is larger than (D/F)1/(d+2)(D/F)^{1/(d+2)}, where DD is the surface diffusion constant, FF the deposition rate and dd the surface dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, uses psfig; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    On Wilson Criterion

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    U(1) gauge theory with the Villain action on a cubic lattice approximation of three- and four-dimensional torus is considered. The naturally chosen correlation functions converge to the correlation functions of the R-gauge electrodynamics on three- and four-dimensional torus as the lattice spacing approaches zero only for the special scaling. This special scaling depends on a choice of a correlation function system. Another scalings give the degenerate continuum limits. The Wilson criterion for the confinement is ambiguous. The asymptotics of the smeared Wilson loop integral for the large loop perimeters is defined by the density of the loop smearing over a torus which is transversal to the loop plane. When the initial torus radius tends to infinity the correlation functions converge to the correlation functions of the R-gauge Euclidean electrodynamics.Comment: latex, 6 page

    Thermal Equilibrium with the Wiener Potential: Testing the Replica Variational Approximation

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    We consider the statistical mechanics of a classical particle in a one-dimensional box subjected to a random potential which constitutes a Wiener process on the coordinate axis. The distribution of the free energy and all correlation functions of the Gibbs states may be calculated exactly as a function of the box length and temperature. This allows for a detailed test of results obtained by the replica variational approximation scheme. We show that this scheme provides a reasonable estimate of the averaged free energy. Furthermore our results shed more light on the validity of the concept of approximate ultrametricity which is a central assumption of the replica variational method.Comment: 6 pages, 1 file LaTeX2e generating 2 eps-files for 2 figures automaticall
