773 research outputs found

    Neuromesodermal progenitors and the making of the spinal cord

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    Neuromesodermal progenitors (NMps) contribute to both the elongating spinal cord and the adjacent paraxial mesoderm. It has been assumed that these cells arise as a result of patterning of the anterior neural plate. However, as the molecular mechanisms that specify NMps in vivo are uncovered, and as protocols for generating these bipotent cells from mouse and human pluripotent stem cells in vitro are established, the emerging data suggest that this view needs to be revised. Here, we review the characteristics, regulation, in vitro derivation and in vivo induction of NMps. We propose that these cells arise within primitive streak-associated epiblast via a mechanism that is separable from that which establishes neural fate in the anterior epiblast. We thus argue for the existence of two distinct routes for making central nervous system progenitors

    Impact of the use of cryobank samples in a selected cattle breed: a simulation study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High selection pressure on domestic cattle has led to an undesirable increase in inbreeding, as well as to the deterioration of some functional traits which are indirectly selected. Semen stored in a cryobank may be a useful way to redirect selection or limit the loss of genetic diversity in a selected breed. The purpose of this study was to analyse the efficiency of current cryobank sampling methods, by investigating the benefits of using cryopreserved semen in a selection scheme several generations after the semen was collected.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The theoretical impact of using cryopreserved semen in a selection scheme of a dairy cattle breed was investigated by simulating various scenarios involving two negatively correlated traits and a change in genetic variability of the breed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results indicate that using cryopreserved semen to redirect selection will have an impact on negatively selected traits only if it is combined with major changes in selection objectives or practices. If the purpose is to increase genetic diversity in the breed, it can be a viable option.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Using cryopreserved semen to redirect selection or to improve genetic diversity should be carried out with caution, by considering the pros and cons of prospective changes in genetic diversity and the value of the selected traits. However, the use of genomic information should lead to more interesting perspectives to choose which animals to store in a cryobank and to increase the value of cryobank collections for selected breeds.</p

    Beyond the social license to operate: Whole system approaches for a socially responsible mining industry

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    The demand for minerals, metals and rare-earth elements is rapidly growing to support the transition to low-carbon energies, and the mining industry must increase its supply while facing complex Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks. Traditionally relying on its engineering expertise to maximize ore extraction, the sector must now find ways to sustain its production while facing increased scrutiny from the public, civil societies and shareholders alike. The paper reviews current practice in sustainability assessment to highlight sector-specific characteristics and the notion of trust as central to effective project developments. Because the social interface of extractive operations is complex, dynamic and non-linear in nature, we recommend going beyond the aim of obtaining a social license to operate and use Systems Thinking to fully embed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the core of strategic mine planning. System Dynamics can foster interdisciplinary collaborations by bridging together social and technical flows within simulation models to identify sustainable levers of change. We present the development of a stock and flow model quantifying causal mechanisms between the use of cyanide, the environment, communities and public trust, and operational productivity. Industry practitioners, researchers and facilitators can use the model as an adaptable framework to engage with systems modelling in mining. We recommend its use in conjunction with meaningful stakeholder's engagement to ensure shared understanding, reduced uncertainty and long-term benefits for all

    Search for a Solution of the Pioneer Anomaly

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    In 1972 and 1973 the Pioneer 10 and 11 missions were launched. They were the first to explore the outer solar system and achieved stunning breakthroughs in deep-space exploration. But beginning in about 1980 an unmodeled force of \sim 8 \times 10^{-8} cm/s^2, directed approximately towards the Sun, appeared in the tracking data. It later was unambiguously verified as being in the data and not an artifact. The cause remains unknown (although radiant heat remains a likely origin). With time more and more effort has gone into understanding this anomaly (and also possibly related effects). We review the situation and describe ongoing programs to resolve the issue.Comment: 24 pages 8 figure

    The graded redefined assessment of strength sensibility and prehension: reliability and validity.

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    Abstract With the advent of new interventions targeted at both acute and chronic spinal cord injury (SCI), it is critical that techniques and protocols are developed that reliably evaluate changes in upper limb impairment/function. The Graded Redefined Assessment of Strength Sensibility and Prehension (GRASSP) protocol, which includes five subtests, is a quantitative clinical upper limb impairment measure designed for use in acute and chronic cervical SCI. The objectives of this study were to: (1) establish the inter-rater and test-retest reliability, and (2) establish the construct and concurrent validity with the International Standards of Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI), Spinal Cord Independence Measure II (SCIM), and the Capabilities of Upper Extremity Questionnaire (CUE). The study protocol included repeated administration of the GRASSP to a cross-section of individuals with tetraplegia who were neurologically stable (n=72). ISNCSCI, CUE, and SCIM assessments were also administered. Two assessors examined the individuals over a 7-day period. Reliability was tested with intra-class correlation coefficients; construct validity was established with agreement/discordance analysis between the GRASSP and ISNCSCI sensory and motor items; and concurrent validity was tested with Spearman correlation coefficients. Inter-rater and test-retest reliability for all subtests within the GRASSP were above the hypothesized value of 0.80 (0.84-0.96 and 0.86-0.98, respectively). The GRASSP is about 50% more sensitive (construct validity) than the ISNCSCI when defining sensory and motor integrity of the upper limb; the subtests showed concurrence with the SCIM, SCIM self-care subscale, and CUE. The strongest concurrence to impairment was with self-perception of function (CUE) (0.57-0.83, p\u3c0.0001). The GRASSP was found to demonstrate reliability, construct validity, and concurrent validity for use as a standardized upper limb impairment measure for individuals with tetraplegia
