320 research outputs found

    Jewish Immigrants in Israel: Disintegration Within Integration?

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    In her chapter, ‘Disintegration within integration’, Amandine Desille examines more recent transformations of Israel’s Law of Return – the Israeli immigration policy which provides the (imagined) repatriation of Diaspora Jews to Israel – in a context of liberalisation of the Israeli economy and the devolution of power to local authorities. Today, new immigrants follow two paths of ‘integration’: ‘direct absorp-tion’, where immigrants are granted benefits while being free to settle wherever they find fit; and ‘community absorption’, where immigrants are placed in ‘absorption centres’ and see their entitlements conditioned by residence, religious observance and more. Those two paths are ‘ethnicised’ in the sense that they depend on country of origin – Western immigrants, considered as economically useful, benefit from direct absorption and a more pluralist attitude of local governments, while immi-grants from Africa and Asia are the objects of an assimilationist policy. This situa-tion of ‘(dis)integration’ within what is supposed to be an inclusive immigrant policy for all Jews, shows the extent to which new criteria of perceived economic performance limit the integration of specific segments of newcomers. The rescaling of immigration and immigrant policies to subnational governments, although it has introduced a more multicultural approach, antagonist to the assimilationist ideology at work in Israel, has not enabled an alternative policy framework which is more accommodating to all.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    dispersal and reception in northern italy comparing systems along the brenner route

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    In the last decades, policy restrictions and practices at national and local levels have curtailed the rights of seekers and holders of international protection, thus impacting on their lives and on the territories they transit through. This is particularly evident in border contexts. Various border areas have gradually transformed into internal hotspots, with increasing border enforcement. This includes Brenner, situated at the border between Italy and Austria. In the wider Brenner route area, particularly in the nearby Italian cities of Verona, Trento and Bolzano, "spaces of transit" have emerged and both public and humanitarian actors have been "forced" to deal with it. This chapter draws upon the work of the multilevel governance of migration (Caponio and Borkert 2010), and on the proliferation of borders (Mezzadra and Neilson 2016), to present a comparative analysis of the reception scenario in these three cities. By building on qualitative data analysis (legal analysis of policy documents, content analysis of interviews and newspaper articles), it discusses to what extent and how the respective local systems of reception have managed to cater for migrants that transit through them. Similarities and differences are pointed out, as well as the relevance of factors such as geographical proximity in influencing the respective approaches

    Empowering local police to enforce U.S. immigration policy has led to a patchwork of inconsistent measures

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    Since 1996, local police departments in the U.S. have gained the power to enforce immigration policies, so that local police may now check arrestees and other persons they encounter for possible immigration violations. Using survey data from police executives of 237 cities, Paul G. Lewis, Scott H. Decker, Doris Marie Provine, and Monica W. Varsanyi have closely examined how police departments now enforce immigration policies at street level. They find that police practices tend to reflect policy priorities, if they have been set out clearly, and that Hispanic police chiefs and elected officials are associated with lessened enforcement. They argue that many police departments develop ad hoc strategies to deal with potential unauthorized immigrants, or simply leave key decisions up to the discretion of individual officers