439 research outputs found

    Synchronization transitions and sensitivity to asymmetry in the bimodal Kuramoto systems with Cauchy noise

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    We analyze the synchronization dynamics of the thermodynamically large systems of globally coupled phase oscillators under Cauchy noise forcings with bimodal distribution of frequencies and asymmetry between two distribution components. The systems with the Cauchy noise admit the application of the Ott-Antonsen ansatz, which has allowed us to study analytically synchronization transitions both in the symmetric and asymmetric cases. The dynamics and the transitions between various synchronous and asynchronous regimes are shown to be very sensitive to the asymmetry degree whereas the scenario of the symmetry breaking is universal and does not depend on the particular way to introduce asymmetry, be it the unequal populations of modes in bimodal distribution, the phase delay of the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model, the different values of the coupling constants, or the unequal noise levels in two modes. In particular, we found that even small asymmetry may stabilize the stationary partially synchronized state, and this may happen even for arbitrarily large frequency difference between two distribution modes (oscillator subgroups). This effect also results in the new type of bistability between two stationary partially synchronized states: one with large level of global synchronization and synchronization parity between two subgroups and another with lower synchronization where the one subgroup is dominant, having higher internal (subgroup) synchronization level and enforcing its oscillation frequency on the second subgroup. For the four asymmetry types, the critical values of asymmetry parameters were found analytically above which the bistability between incoherent and partially synchronized states is no longer possible

    Monitoring of the content of manganese in soils and agricultural plants of the central Chernozem Region of Russia

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    The paper deals with the analysis of long-term observations of the manganese distribution in the soils of the south-western part of the Central Chernozem region of Russia in the Belgorod regio


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    Innovative scenarios of reliable energy supply of transportation process aimed at reducing the specific energy consumption and increase energy efficiency of the systems of electric traction. The paper suggests innovative energy saving directions in traction networks of railways and new circuit solutions accessing traction substations in energy systems networks, ensure energy security of the transportation process. To ensure the energy security of rail transport special schemes were developed to propose the concept of external power traction substations, which would increase the number of connections to the networks of 220 – 330 kV, as well as the creation of transport and energy corridors, development of its own supply of electric networks of 110 kV substations and mobile RP-110 kV of next generation. Therefore, the investment program of the structures owned by the Ukrainian Railways (Ukrzaliznytsia) need to be synchronized in their technological characteristics, as well as the criteria of reliability and quality of power supply with the same external energy investment programs. It is found that without any load on left or right supplying arm one of two less loaded phases of traction transformer begins generating specific modes in the supplying three-phase line. Thus, modes of mobile substation cause leakage in one of the phases of the supply line of traction transformers of active-capacitive current, and as a result generating energy in the main power line of 154 kV, which is fixed and calculated by electricity meters. For these three phase mode supply network is necessary to use 1st algorithm, i.e. taking into account the amount of electricity as the energy in all phases. For effective application of reactive power compensation devices in the AC traction power supply systems it is proposed to develop regulatory documentation on necessity of application and the order of choice of parameters and placement of compensation systems taking into account operation mode of power systems and the use of software systems with imitation of instantaneous interrelated schemes of transport loads.В статье предложены инновационные направления энергосбережения в тяговых сетях железных дорог и новые схемотехнические решения присоединения тяговых подстанций к сетям энергосистем, обеспечивающие энергобезопасность перевозочного процесса. Дано обоснование необходимости расчета тяговых подстанций по векторному методу трехфазного потребления энергии от подстанций НЭК «Укрэнерго».В статье предложены инновационные направления энергосбережения в тяговых сетях железных дорог и новые схемотехнические решения присоединения тяговых подстанций к сетям энергосистем, обеспечивающие энергобезопасность перевозочного процесса. Дано обоснование необходимости расчета тяговых подстанций по векторному методу трехфазного потребления энергии от подстанций НЭК «Укрэнерго»

    Complex analysis of data from agrochemical and soil-erosion monitoring using geoinformation systems

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    The article describes a comprehensive analysis of agrochemical and soil erosion monitoring data, using the example of the Alekseevsky district of the Belgorod region with the use of a geoinformation system. The GIS automatically generates tables with data grouped by various characteristics: soil type, degree of erosion, slope steepness and exposure. The content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium, organic matter, and the level of soil acidity in the context of the district in areas with different exposures, the degree of erosion and the steepness of the slope was analyze

    Cole-Hopf Like Transformation for Schr\"odinger Equations Containing Complex Nonlinearities

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    We consider systems, which conserve the particle number and are described by Schr\"odinger equations containing complex nonlinearities. In the case of canonical systems, we study their main symmetries and conservation laws. We introduce a Cole-Hopf like transformation both for canonical and noncanonical systems, which changes the evolution equation into another one containing purely real nonlinearities, and reduces the continuity equation to the standard form of the linear theory. This approach allows us to treat, in a unifying scheme, a wide variety of canonical and noncanonical nonlinear systems, some of them already known in the literature. pacs{PACS number(s): 02.30.Jr, 03.50.-z, 03.65.-w, 05.45.-a, 11.30.Na, 11.40.DwComment: 26 pages, no figures, to be appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. (2002


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    Modern authors believe that male infertility accounts for 40–50%. The most severe form of male infertility is azoospermia, which is observed in 10–15% of cases. The only method of diagnosis of azoospermia is testicular biopsy, which allows not only to differentiate the secretory and excretory forms of infertility, but also to determine the degree of impairment of spermatogenesis.Purpose. To improve the diagnosis of male infertility.Materials and methods. We have examined 26 men with non-obstructive azoospermia (according to semen). The comparison group included healthy men – 22 people. Patients underwent biopsy of the testicle, followed by morphological analysis of biopsies. Sections of testicular tissue was stained with hematoxylin and eosin, indirect immunohistochemical studies – definition of Inhibin B, a protein prolife ration and apoptosis (ki-67)Results. According to clinical and instrumental examination (ultrasound) we found no abnormalities. Patients set idiopathic form of infertility. When painting testice slices with hematoxylin and eosin, we recorded significant changes in the convoluted seminiferous tubules in patients with azoospermia: the diameter is reduced to 1.5–2 times (hypoplasia), the basement membrane with a strong fiber component (fibrosis) (p < 0,05). Expressed Inhibin tissue expression observed in Sertoli cells (“+++”) and to a lesser extent in spermatogonia ( «±»), located closer to the basal membrane convoluted seminiferous tubule. The expression level of Inhibin in germ cells - up to 5%. ki-67 protein expression was observed in the nuclei (S-phase of mitosis) spermatogonia (“++”) at stages II and III and spermatogenesis in some primary nuclei (“+”) and secondary (“+”) spermatocytes. Expression of ki-67 level in the germ cells – up to 25%.Conclusion. Determination of tissue levels of Inhibin-B can be used as a p rognostic test backup testicular function


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    The experimental sample of the universal complex for digital generation and analysis of a magnetic field with an arbitrary time dependence has been developed. The device consists of a control unit, a current stabilizer, a Hall sensor, an amplifier, a Jim Williams current source and a coil