76 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico de producción en ganado lechero en pastoreo de un grupo ganadero de validación y transferencia de tecnología

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    The regionalization of framing issues for producers Livestock Group of Validation and Technology Transfer (GGAVATT) from San Jose Miahuatlán Veracruz, Mexico, under the current production of native grass prairie with mainly during the months of higher temperature have a poor performance and thus milk production declines which promotes a great use of concentrated feeds which causes an increase in production cost and less use to them. For this purpose we made a diagnosis of current conditions GGAVATT production, yielding information that helps us source and compared to determine precisely what the effect of applying the proposed alternative. We propose an alternative implementation of pastures with improved pastures needed to produce a greater amount of forage per unit area especially in the colder months.La regionalización de la problemática encuadrando a los productores del Grupo Ganadero de Validación y Transferencia de Tecnología (GGAVATT) de San José Miahuatlán Veracruz, México, bajo la actual situación de producción de praderas básicamente con gramas nativas que durante los meses de menor frío tienen un pobre desempeño y por ende la producción de leche se deteriora lo cual promueve una gran utilización de alimentos concentrados lo que provoca un incremento en el costo de producción y una menor utilidad para estos. Para dicho propósito se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones actuales de producción del GGAVATT, arrojando información que nos sirve de partida y de comparación para determinar con precisión cuál es el efecto de aplicar la alternativa propuesta. Se plantea como alternativa la implantación de praderas con pastos mejorados que permitan producir una mayor cantidad de forrajes por unidad de superficie sobre todo en los meses de menor temperatura

    Medios de comunicación y derecho a la información en Jalisco 2013

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    En el primer apartado, dedicado al sistema de medios en general, se presentan tres artículos: “Nuevos medios de comunicación en Jalisco”, “c7 ¿medio público o vocero del gobierno?” y “Réquiem por un ombudsman”. El segundo apartado está dedicado al tema de la libertad de expresión; se presentan aquí dos textos: “La vulnerabilidad en un ambiente de cambio. Los ataques a los medios de comunicación en Jalisco durante el año” y “Violaciones a la libertad de expresión de periodistas y trabajadores de medios en Jalisco, 1995-2013”. En el apartado “Derecho a la información, comunicación y política” se ofrecen cuatro textos de índole muy diversa: “La estrategia de comunicación del Gobierno del Estado”, “Diálogos públicos: la discusión de una nueva ley de transparencia para Jalisco”, “Cuando un niño desaparece, el peor enemigo es el tiempo…”, sobre la alerta Amber, y “2013: un año marcado por despidos en diversos periódicos de Guadalajara”. En la sección “Los que se fueron” se presenta la semblanza de Felipe Vicencio. Y en el apartado de “La investigación del observatorio de medios” se comparten los resultados de un trabajo sobre los columnistas de opinión jaliscienses que escriben en la prensa local.ITESO, A.C

    The influence of heart disease on characteristics, quality of life, use of health resources, and costs of COPD in primary care settings

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To evaluate the influence of heart disease on clinical characteristics, quality of life, use of health resources, and costs of patients with COPD followed at primary care settings under common clinical practice conditions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Epidemiologic, observational, and descriptive study (EPIDEPOC study). Patients ≥ 40 years of age with stable COPD attending primary care settings were included. Demographic, clinical characteristics, quality of life (SF-12), seriousness of the disease, and treatment data were collected. Results were compared between patients with or without associated heart disease.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 9,390 patients with COPD were examined of whom 1,770 (18.8%) had heart disease and 78% were males. When comparing both patient groups, significant differences were found in the socio-demographic characteristics, health profile, comorbidities, and severity of the airway obstruction, which was greater in patients with heart disease. Differences were also found in both components of quality of life, physical and mental, with lower scores among those patients with heart disease. Higher frequency of primary care and pneumologist visits, emergency-room visits and number of hospital admissions were observed among patients with heart diseases. The annual total cost per patient was significantly higher in patients with heart disease; 2,937 ± 2,957 vs. 1,749 ± 2,120, p < 0.05. Variables that were showed to be independently associated to COPD in subjects with hearth conditions were age, being inactive, ex-smokers, moderate physical exercise, body mass index, concomitant blood hypertension, diabetes, anxiety, the SF-12 physical and mental components and per patient per year total cost.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Patients with COPD plus heart disease had greater disease severity and worse quality of life, used more healthcare resources and were associated with greater costs compared to COPD patients without known hearth disease.</p

    Oxygen reduction reaction features in neutral media on glassy carbon electrode functionalized by chemically prepared gold nanoparticles

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    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were prepared by chemical route using 4 different protocols by varying reducer, stabilizing agent and solvent mixture. The obtained AuNPs were characterized by transmission electronic microscopy (TEM), UV-Visible and zeta potential measurements. From these latter surface charge densities were calculated to evidence the effect of the solvent mixture on AuNPs stability. The AuNPs were then deposited onto glassy carbon (GC) electrodes by drop-casting and the resulting deposits were characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV) in H2SO4 and field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM). The electrochemical kinetic parameters of the 4 different modified electrodes towards oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in neutral NaCl-NaHCO3 media (0.15 M / 0.028 M, pH 7.4) were evaluated by rotating disk electrode voltammetry and subsequent Koutecky-Levich treatment. Contrary to what we previously obtained with electrodeposited AuNPs [Gotti et al., Electrochim. Acta 2014], the highest cathodic transfer coefficients were not obtained on the smallest particles, highlighting the influence of the stabilizing ligand together with the deposits morphology on the ORR kinetics

    Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array for probing cosmology and fundamental physics with gamma-ray propagation

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), the new-generation ground-based observatory for γ\gamma-ray astronomy, provides unique capabilities to address significant open questions in astrophysics, cosmology, and fundamental physics. We study some of the salient areas of γ\gamma-ray cosmology that can be explored as part of the Key Science Projects of CTA, through simulated observations of active galactic nuclei (AGN) and of their relativistic jets. Observations of AGN with CTA will enable a measurement of γ\gamma-ray absorption on the extragalactic background light with a statistical uncertainty below 15% up to a redshift z=2z=2 and to constrain or detect γ\gamma-ray halos up to intergalactic-magnetic-field strengths of at least 0.3pG. Extragalactic observations with CTA also show promising potential to probe physics beyond the Standard Model. The best limits on Lorentz invariance violation from γ\gamma-ray astronomy will be improved by a factor of at least two to three. CTA will also probe the parameter space in which axion-like particles could constitute a significant fraction, if not all, of dark matter. We conclude on the synergies between CTA and other upcoming facilities that will foster the growth of γ\gamma-ray cosmology

    Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to a dark matter signal from the Galactic centre

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    We provide an updated assessment of the power of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to search for thermally produced dark matter at the TeV scale, via the associated gamma-ray signal from pair-annihilating dark matter particles in the region around the Galactic centre. We find that CTA will open a new window of discovery potential, significantly extending the range of robustly testable models given a standard cuspy profile of the dark matter density distribution. Importantly, even for a cored profile, the projected sensitivity of CTA will be sufficient to probe various well-motivated models of thermally produced dark matter at the TeV scale. This is due to CTA's unprecedented sensitivity, angular and energy resolutions, and the planned observational strategy. The survey of the inner Galaxy will cover a much larger region than corresponding previous observational campaigns with imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. CTA will map with unprecedented precision the large-scale diffuse emission in high-energy gamma rays, constituting a background for dark matter searches for which we adopt state-of-the-art models based on current data. Throughout our analysis, we use up-to-date event reconstruction Monte Carlo tools developed by the CTA consortium, and pay special attention to quantifying the level of instrumental systematic uncertainties, as well as background template systematic errors, required to probe thermally produced dark matter at these energies.</p

    Consenso mexicano sobre dolor torácico no cardiaco

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    Introducción: Dolor torácico no cardíaco (DTNC) se define como un síndrome clínico caracte-rizado por dolor retroesternal semejante a la angina de pecho, pero de origen no cardiaco ygenerado por enfermedades esofágicas, osteomusculares, pulmonares o psiquiátricas.Objetivo: Presentar una revisión consensuada basada en evidencias sobre definición, epidemio-logía, fisiopatología, diagnóstico y opciones terapéuticas para pacientes con DTNC.Métodos: Tres coordinadores generales realizaron una revisión bibliográfica de todas las publi-caciones en inglés y espa˜nol sobre el tema y elaboraron 38 enunciados iniciales divididosen tres categorías principales: 1) definiciones, epidemiología y fisiopatología; 2) diagnóstico,y 3) tratamiento. Los enunciados fueron votados (3 rondas) utilizando el sistema Delphi, y losque alcanzaron un acuerdo > 75% fueron considerados y calificados de acuerdo con el sistemaGRADE. Resultados y conclusiones: El consenso final incluyó 29 enunciados Todo paciente que debutacon dolor torácico debe ser inicialmente evaluado por un cardiólogo. La causa más común deDTNC es la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE). Como abordaje inicial, si no existensíntomas de alarma, se puede dar una prueba terapéutica con inhibidor de bomba de pro-tones (IBP) por 2-4 semanas. Si hay disfagia o síntomas de alarma, se recomienda hacer unaendoscopia. La manometría de alta resolución es el mejor método para descartar trastornosmotores espásticos y acalasia. La pHmetría ayuda a demostrar exposición esofágica anormal alácido. El tratamiento debe ser dirigido al mecanismo fisiopatológico, y puede incluir IBP, neu-romoduladores y/o relajantes de músculo liso, intervención psicológica y/o terapia cognitiva,y ocasionalmente cirugía o terapia endoscópica. ABSTRACT Introduction: Non-cardiac chest pain is defined as a clinical syndrome characterized by retros-ternal pain similar to that of angina pectoris, but of non-cardiac origin and produced byesophageal, musculoskeletal, pulmonary, or psychiatric diseases.Aim: To present a consensus review based on evidence regarding the definition, epidemiology,pathophysiology, and diagnosis of non-cardiac chest pain, as well as the therapeutic options forthose patients. Methods: Three general coordinators carried out a literature review of all articles published inEnglish and Spanish on the theme and formulated 38 initial statements, dividing them into 3 maincategories: (i) definitions, epidemiology, and pathophysiology; (ii) diagnosis, and (iii) treatment.The statements underwent 3 rounds of voting, utilizing the Delphi system. The final statementswere those that reached > 75% agreement, and they were rated utilizing the GRADE system.Results and conclusions: The final consensus included 29 statements. All patients presentingwith chest pain should initially be evaluated by a cardiologist. The most common cause ofnon-cardiac chest pain is gastroesophageal reflux disease. If there are no alarm symptoms, the initial approach should be a therapeutic trial with a proton pump inhibitor for 2-4 weeks. Ifdysphagia or alarm symptoms are present, endoscopy is recommended. High-resolution mano-metry is the best method for ruling out spastic motor disorders and achalasia and pH monitoringaids in demonstrating abnormal esophageal acid exposure. Treatment should be directed at thepathophysiologic mechanism. It can include proton pump inhibitors, neuromodulators and/orsmooth muscle relaxants, psychologic intervention and/or cognitive therapy, and occasionallysurgery or endoscopic therapy

    The Mexican consensus on non-cardiac chest pain

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    Introduction: Non-cardiac chest pain is defined as a clinical syndrome characterized by ret-rosternal pain similar to that of angina pectoris, but of non-cardiac origin and produced byesophageal, musculoskeletal, pulmonary, or psychiatric diseases. Aim: To present a consensus review based on evidence regarding the definition, epidemiology,pathophysiology, and diagnosis of non-cardiac chest pain, as well as the therapeutic options forthose patients. Methods Three general coordinators carried out a literature review of all articles published inEnglish and Spanish on the theme and formulated 38 initial statements, dividing them into 3 maincategories: 1) definitions, epidemiology, and pathophysiology, 2) diagnosis, and 3) treatment.The statements underwent 3 rounds of voting, utilizing the Delphi system. The final statementswere those that reached > 75% agreement, and they were rated utilizing the GRADE system. Results and conclusions The final consensus included 29 statements. All patients presentingwith chest pain should initially be evaluated by a cardiologist. The most common cause of non-cardiac chest pain is gastroesophageal reflux disease. If there are no alarm symptoms, the initialapproach should be a therapeutic trial with a proton pump inhibitor for 2-4 weeks. If dysphagiaor alarm symptoms are present, endoscopy is recommended. High-resolution manometry isthe best method for ruling out spastic motor disorders and achalasia and pH monitoring aidsin demonstrating abnormal esophageal acid exposure. Treatment should be directed at thepathophysiologic mechanism. It can include proton pump inhibitors, neuromodulators and/orsmooth muscle relaxants, psychologic intervention and/or cognitive therapy, and occasionallysurgery or endoscopic therapy

    Analysis of protein-coding genetic variation in 60,706 humans

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    Large-scale reference data sets of human genetic variation are critical for the medical and functional interpretation of DNA sequence changes. We describe the aggregation and analysis of high-quality exome (protein-coding region) sequence data for 60,706 individuals of diverse ethnicities generated as part of the Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC). This catalogue of human genetic diversity contains an average of one variant every eight bases of the exome, and provides direct evidence for the presence of widespread mutational recurrence. We have used this catalogue to calculate objective metrics of pathogenicity for sequence variants, and to identify genes subject to strong selection against various classes of mutation; identifying 3,230 genes with near-complete depletion of truncating variants with 72% having no currently established human disease phenotype. Finally, we demonstrate that these data can be used for the efficient filtering of candidate disease-causing variants, and for the discovery of human “knockout” variants in protein-coding genes