72 research outputs found

    Language-Aware Soft Prompting: Text-to-Text Optimization for Fewand Zero-Shot Adaptation of V&L Models

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    Soft prompt learning has emerged as a promising direction for adapting V &L models to a downstream task using a few training examples. However, current methods significantly overfit the training data suffering from large accuracy degradation when tested on unseen classes from the same domain. In addition, all prior methods operate exclusively under the assumption that both vision and language data is present. To this end, we make the following 5 contributions: (1) To alleviate base class overfitting, we propose a novel Language-Aware Soft Prompting (LASP) learning method by means of a text-to-text cross-entropy loss that maximizes the probability of the learned prompts to be correctly classified with respect to pre-defined hand-crafted textual prompts. (2) To increase the representation capacity of the prompts, we also propose grouped LASP where each group of prompts is optimized with respect to a separate subset of textual prompts. (3) Moreover, we identify a visual-language misalignment introduced by prompt learning and LASP, and more importantly, propose a re-calibration mechanism to address it. (4) Importantly, we show that LASP is inherently amenable to including, during training, virtual classes, i.e. class names for which no visual samples are available, further increasing the robustness of the learned prompts. Expanding for the first time the setting to language-only adaptation, (5) we present a novel zero-shot variant of LASP where no visual samples at all are available for the downstream task. Through evaluations on 11 datasets, we show that our approach (a) significantly outperforms all prior works on soft prompting, and (b) matches and surpasses, for the first time, the accuracy on novel classes obtained by hand-crafted prompts and CLIP for 8 out of 11 test datasets. Finally, (c) we show that our zero-shot variant improves upon CLIP without requiring any extra data. Code will be made available

    Gauss-Newton Deformable Part Models for face alignment in-the-wild

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    Arguably, Deformable Part Models (DPMs) are one of the most prominent approaches for face alignment with impressive results being recently reported for both controlled lab and unconstrained settings. Fitting in most DPM methods is typically formulated as a two-step process during which discriminatively trained part templates are first correlated with the image to yield a filter response for each landmark and then shape optimization is performed over these filter responses. This process, although computationally efficient, is based on fixed part templates which are assumed to be independent, and has been shown to result in imperfect filter responses and detection ambiguities. To address this limitation, in this paper, we propose to jointly optimize a part-based, trained in-the-wild, flexible appearance model along with a global shape model which results in a joint translational motion model for the model parts via Gauss-Newton (GN) optimization. We show how significant computational reductions can be achieved by building a full model during training but then efficiently optimizing the proposed cost function on a sparse grid using weighted least-squares during fitting. We coin the proposed formulation Gauss-Newton Deformable Part Model (GN-DPM). Finally, we compare its performance against the state-of-the-art and show that the proposed GN-DPM outperforms it, in some cases, by a large margin. Code for our method is available from http://ibug.doc.ic.ac.uk/resources

    How far are we from solving the 2D & 3D face alignment problem? (and a dataset of 230,000 3D facial landmarks)

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    This paper investigates how far a very deep neural network is from attaining close to saturating performance on existing 2D and 3D face alignment datasets. To this end, we make the following 5 contributions: (a) we construct, for the first time, a very strong baseline by combining a state-of-the-art architecture for landmark localization with a state-of-the-art residual block, train it on a very large yet synthetically expanded 2D facial landmark dataset and finally evaluate it on all other 2D facial landmark datasets. (b)We create a guided by 2D landmarks network which converts 2D landmark annotations to 3D and unifies all existing datasets, leading to the creation of LS3D-W, the largest and most challenging 3D facial landmark dataset to date (~230,000 images). (c) Following that, we train a neural network for 3D face alignment and evaluate it on the newly introduced LS3D-W. (d) We further look into the effect of all “traditional” factors affecting face alignment performance like large pose, initialization and resolution, and introduce a “new” one, namely the size of the network. (e) We show that both 2D and 3D face alignment networks achieve performance of remarkable accuracy which is probably close to saturating the datasets used. Training and testing code as well as the dataset can be downloaded from https: //www.adrianbulat.com/face-alignment

    Large pose 3D face reconstruction from a single image via direct volumetric CNN regression

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    3D face reconstruction is a fundamental Computer Vision problem of extraordinary difficulty. Current systems often assume the availability of multiple facial images (sometimes from the same subject) as input, and must address a number of methodological challenges such as establishing dense correspondences across large facial poses, expressions, and non-uniform illumination. In general these methods require complex and inefficient pipelines for model building and fitting. In this work, we propose to address many of these limitations by training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on an appropriate dataset consisting of 2D images and 3D facial models or scans. Our CNN works with just a single 2D facial image, does not require accurate alignment nor establishes dense correspondence between images, works for arbitrary facial poses and expressions, and can be used to reconstruct the whole 3D facial geometry (including the non-visible parts of the face) bypassing the construction (during training) and fitting (during testing) of a 3D Morphable Model. We achieve this via a simple CNN architecture that performs direct regression of a volumetric representation of the 3D facial geometry from a single 2D image. We also demonstrate how the related task of facial landmark localization can be incorporated into the proposed framework and help improve reconstruction quality, especially for the cases of large poses and facial expressions. Testing code will be made available online, along with pre-trained models http://aaronsplace.co.uk/papers/jackson2017reconComment: 10 pages, ICCV 201

    Audio-visual speech recognition with a hybrid CTC/attention architecture

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    Recent works in speech recognition rely either on connectionist temporal classification (CTC) or sequence-to-sequence models for character-level recognition. CTC assumes conditional independence of individual characters, whereas attention-based models can provide nonsequential alignments. Therefore, we could use a CTC loss in combination with an attention-based model in order to force monotonic alignments and at the same time get rid of the conditional independence assumption. In this paper, we use the recently proposed hybrid CTC/attention architecture for audio-visual recognition of speech in-the-wild. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a hybrid architecture architecture is used for audio-visual recognition of speech. We use the LRS2 database and show that the proposed audio-visual model leads to an 1.3% absolute decrease in word error rate over the audio-only model and achieves the new state-of-the-art performance on LRS2 database (7% word error rate). We also observe that the audio-visual model significantly outperforms the audio-based model (up to 32.9% absolute improvement in word error rate) for several different types of noise as the signal-to-noise ratio decreases

    End-to-end audiovisual speech recognition

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    Several end-to-end deep learning approaches have been recently presented which extract either audio or visual features from the input images or audio signals and perform speech recognition. However, research on end-to-end audiovisual models is very limited. In this work, we present an end-to-end audiovisual model based on residual networks and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (BGRUs). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first audiovisual fusion model which simultaneously learns to extract features directly from the image pixels and audio waveforms and performs within-context word recognition on a large publicly available dataset (LRW). The model consists of two streams, one for each modality, which extract features directly from mouth regions and raw waveforms. The temporal dynamics in each stream/modality are modeled by a 2-layer BGRU and the fusion of multiple streams/modalities takes place via another 2-layer BGRU. A slight improvement in the classification rate over an end-to-end audio-only and MFCC-based model is reported in clean audio conditions and low levels of noise. In presence of high levels of noise, the end-to-end audiovisual model significantly outperforms both audio-only models

    WarpedGANSpace: Finding non-linear RBF paths in GAN latent space

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    This work addresses the problem of discovering, in an unsupervised manner, interpretable paths in the latent space of pretrained GANs, so as to provide an intuitive and easy way of controlling the underlying generative factors. In doing so, it addresses some of the limitations of the state-of-the-art works, namely, a) that they discover directions that are independent of the latent code, i.e., paths that are linear, and b) that their evaluation relies either on visual inspection or on laborious human labeling. More specifically, we propose to learn non-linear warpings on the latent space, each one parametrized by a set of RBF-based latent space warping functions, and where each warping gives rise to a family of non-linear paths via the gradient of the function. Building on the work of Voynov and Babenko that discovers linear paths, we optimize the trainable parameters of the set of RBFs, so as that images that are generated by codes along different paths, are easily distinguishable by a discriminator network. This leads to easily distinguishable image transformations, such as pose and facial expressions in facial images. We show that linear paths can be derived as a special case of our method, and show experimentally that non-linear paths in the latent space lead to steeper, more disentangled and interpretable changes in the image space than in state-of-the art methods, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We make the code and the pretrained models publicly available at: https://github.com/chi0tzp/WarpedGANSpace
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