32 research outputs found

    River water quality assessment using environmentric techniques : case study of Jakara River Basin.

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    akara River Basin has been extensively studied to assess the overall water quality and to identify the major variables responsible for water quality variations in the basin. A total of 27 sampling points were selected in the riverine network of the Upper Jakara River Basin. Water samples were collected in triplicate and analyzed for physicochemical variables. Pearson product-moment correlation analysis was conducted to evaluate the relationship of water quality parameters and revealed a significant relationship between salinity, conductivity with dissolved solids (DS) and 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and nitrogen in form of ammonia (NH4). Partial correlation analysis (r p) results showed that there is a strong relationship between salinity and turbidity (r p = 0.930, p = 0.001) and BOD5 and COD (r p = 0.839, p = 0.001) controlling for the linear effects of conductivity and NH4, respectively. Principal component analysis and or factor analysis was used to investigate the origin of each water quality parameter in the Jakara Basin and identified three major factors explaining 68.11 % of the total variance in water quality. The major variations are related to anthropogenic activities (irrigation agricultural, construction activities, clearing of land, and domestic waste disposal) and natural processes (erosion of river bank and runoff). Discriminant analysis (DA) was applied on the dataset to maximize the similarities between group relative to within-group variance of the parameters. DA provided better results with great discriminatory ability using eight variables (DO, BOD5, COD, SS, NH4, conductivity, salinity, and DS) as the most statistically significantly responsible for surface water quality variation in the area. The present study, however, makes several noteworthy contributions to the existing knowledge on the spatial variations of surface water quality and is believed to serve as a baseline data for further studies. Future research should therefore concentrate on the investigation of temporal variations of water quality in the basin

    Yutma fonksiyon bozuklukları, gastroözofageal reflü ve solunum yolu hastalıkları.

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    Yutma fonksiyon bozuklukları konjenital hastalıklara, edinilmiş nörolojik veya anatomik problemlere sekonder olarak gelişebilir. Solunum ve yutma arasındaki hassas senkronizasyon, hava yolunu korumak ve aspirasyonu önlemek için gereklidir. Videofloroskopik yutma çalışması gibi aletsel testler pediatrik disfajinin değerlendirilmesinde ve yönetiminde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Oral-faringeal disfajisi olan hastalarda hava yolu korumasında bir gecikme, laringeal penetrasyon ve/veya trakeal as pirasyonun varlığı veya yokluğu ile tanımlanır. Aspirasyon tekrarlayan akciğer enfeksiyonlarına zemin hazırlamaktadır. Çocuklarda gastroözofageal reflü hastalığı (GÖRH) ile astım, kronik öksürük, tekrarlayan pnömoni gibi hastalıklar birlikte görülebilmektedir. Kronikleşmiş ve tedaviye dirençli solunum yolu bulgularına sahip hastalarda GÖRH’nin varlığı mutlaka araştırılmalıdır. GÖRH’de asidik reflü yanında, zayıf asidik ve asit olmayan reflü de solunum yolu hastalıklarıyla ilişkilidir. Reflü için tipik yakınma ve bulgulara sahip olmayan hastalarda ise ampirik tedavilerden kaçınılmalıdır. Yutma fonksiyon bozuklukları ve GÖRH enfeksiyon dışı alt hava yolu hastalıkları için risk faktörleridir

    Modeling the changing spot features of SW Lacertae: A three year study

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    In the present study, the activity of the eclipsing binary of the W UMa-type system SW Lac is examined by analysing the new BV photoelectric observations obtained in 2001, 2002 and 2003 at the Ankara University Observatory. During this period, the seasonal light curves show significant differences and asymmetries. A simultaneous analysis of the light curves is made using Djurašević's inverse-problem method. To explain the light-curve asymmetries and the different maximum light levels in the seasonal light curves we used a Roche model that involved regions containing spots on the components. The analysis shows that SW Lac is in an overcontact configuration with a relatively high degree of overcontact foverf_{\rm over} \sim 31%. The Roche model with spotted areas on the more massive and cooler component yields a good fit of the observations for the whole set of the seasonal light curves, without any changes of the basic system parameters. This indicates that the complex nature of the light-curve variations during the examined period can be explained by the changes of spotted areas on the cooler component, which cover a significant part of the stellar surface

    Preparation of allantoin loaded liposome formulations and application for cosmetic textile production

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    Liposomal systems are suitable for cosmetotextile applications because this system shows topical effect on the skin. Allantoin is a skin active ingredient that has moisturizing and re-epithelization effect. In this work, allantoin loaded liposome formulations were prepared by using the thin film hydration method for textile application. The characterization of liposome formulation was performed by z-average mean polydispersity index, pH, encapsulation efficiency and electrical conductivity. In vitro release of the liposome was performed by dialysis bag method. Selected liposome formulations were applied on polyamide and cotton fabrics by padding and exhaustion methods. Treated fabrics were characterized by release of allantoin from treated fabric, amount of allantoin, determination of formulation loading capacity of fabrics, SEM images and washing durability of liposomes on the fabric surface. Results confirmed a textile product with allantoin loaded liposome could be a good alternative for moisturizing the skin. © 2021 The Textile Institute.This project was supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) project (Project number: 114M031). We would like to thank FABAL (research center in faculty of pharmacy) and TEKAUM (research center in faculty of textile engineering) for device facilities.Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştirma Kurumu, TÜBITAK: 114M03

    A photometric study of NN Virginis

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    Photoelectric BV light curves of the recently discovered eclipsing binary NN Vir were studied for the first time to derive the physical parameters of the system. The light curves were obtained at the Ankara University Observatory during three nights in May, 2002. The solutions made by using Djurasevic's inverse problem method describe the NN Vir system as a high overcontact configuration (fover58%f_{\rm over} \sim 58\%) with a relatively small temperature differences between the components (ΔT=ThTc160\Delta T=T_{\rm h}-T_{\rm c}\sim 160 K). These solutions suggest a significant mass and energy transfer from the more massive primary onto the less massive secondary. The hot area on the less massive star, near the neck region, can be taken as a consequence of this mass and energy exchange between the components through the connecting neck of the common envelope

    Orbital abscess a rare complication after bichectomy surgery

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    Bichectomy is the partial removal of the Bichat’s fat pad for the aim of smoothing the facial contour. The complications of bichectomy include soft tissue infections, hematoma, facial paralysis (especially buccal branch paralysis), stenon canal injuries and related complications such as sialocele and sialoadenitis, however these are not common complications in clinical practice. Here we report a case of a 29-year-old white female with a right sided orbital abscess following bichectomy. Right sided orbital abscess and orbital cellulitis was managed with endoscopic decompression and drainage. The patient healed completely with no sequela. The frequency of major complications leading to moridity after bichectomy is rare in the literature. This is the first reported intraorbital complication of bichectomy. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Immigration-related mental health disorders in refugees 5–18 years old living in Turkey

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    Şermin Yalın Sapmaz,1 Bengisu Uzel Tanrıverdi,2 Masum Öztürk,1 Özge Gözaçanlar,1 Gülsüm Yörük Ülker,2 Yekta Özkan1 1Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey Purpose: This study assessed early-onset psychiatric disorders and factors related to these disorders in a group of refugee children after immigration due to war.Materials and methods: This study was conducted between January 2016 and June 2016. Clinical interviews were conducted with 89 children and their families, and were performed by native speakers of Arabic and Persian who had been primarily educated in these languages and were living in Turkey. A strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) that had Arabic and Persian validity and reliability was applied to both children and their families. Independent variables for cases with and without a psychiatric disorder were analyzed using the χ2 test for categorical variables, Student’s t-test for those that were normally distributed, and Mann–Whitney U-test for data that were not normally distributed. Data that showed significant differences between groups who had a psychiatric disorder and on common effects in emerging psychiatric disorders were analyzed through binary logistic regression analysis.Results: A total of 89 children and adolescents were interviewed within the scope of the study. The mean age of cases was 9.96±3.98 years, and 56.2% (n=50) were girls, while 43.8% (n=39) were boys. Among these children, 47 (52.8%) had come from Syria, 27 (30.3%) from Iraq, 14 (15.7%) from Afghanistan, and 1 (1.1%) from Iran. A psychiatric disorder was found in 44 (49.4%) of the children. A total of 26 children were diagnosed with anxiety disorders, 12 with depressive disorders, 8 with trauma and related disorders, 5 with elimination disorders, 4 with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and 3 with intellectual disabilities. It was determined that seeing a dead or injured person during war/emigration and the father’s unemployment increased the risk of psychopathology. The OR was 7.077 (95% CI 1.722–29.087) for having seen a dead or injured individual and 4.51 (95% GA 1.668–12.199) for father’s employment status.Conclusion: Within the context of war and emigration, these children try to cope with the negative circumstances they experience prior to migration, as well as the despair they see their parents experience. Keywords: young refugees, asylum seekers, mental health, risk factor