946 research outputs found

    Power filters for gravitational wave bursts: network operation for source position estimation

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    A method is presented to generalize the power detectors for short bursts of gravitational waves that have been developed for single interferometers so that they can optimally process data from a network of interferometers. The performances of this method for the estimation of the position of the source are studied using numerical simulations.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of GWDAW 2002 (Classical and Quantum Gravity, Special issue

    Electret-based cantilever energy harvester: design and optimization

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    We report in this paper the design, the optimization and the fabrication of an electret-based cantilever energy harvester. We develop the mechanical and the electrostatic equations of such a device and its implementation using Finite Elements (FEM) and Matlab in order to get an accurate model. This model is then used in an optimization process. A macroscopic prototype (3.2cm^{2}) was built with a silicon cantilever and a Teflon\textregistered electret. Thanks to this prototype, we manage to harvest 17\muW with ambient-type vibrations of 0.2g on a load of 210M{\Omega}. The experimental results are consistent with simulation results

    Modeling of octave-spanning Kerr frequency combs using a generalized mean-field Lugiato-Lefever model

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    A generalized Lugiato-Lefever equation is numerically solved with a Newton-Raphson method to model Kerr frequency combs. We obtain excellent agreement with past experiments, even for an octave-spanning comb. Simulations are much faster than with any other technique despite including more modes than ever before. Our study reveals that Kerr combs are associated with temporal cavity solitons and dispersive waves, and opens up new avenues for the understanding of Kerr comb formation.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Optics Letters on 31 October 2012, accepted with minor/optional revisions. This version is the revised manuscrip

    Cantilever-based electret energy harvesters

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    Integration of structures and functions allowed reducing electric consumptions of sensors, actuators and electronic devices. Therefore, it is now possible to imagine low-consumption devices able to harvest their energy in their surrounding environment. One way to proceed is to develop converters able to turn mechanical energy, such as vibrations, into electricity: this paper focuses on electrostatic converters using electrets. We develop an accurate analytical model of a simple but efficient cantilever-based electret energy harvester. Therefore, we prove that with vibrations of 0.1g (~1m/s^{2}), it is theoretically possible to harvest up to 30\muW per gram of mobile mass. This power corresponds to the maximum output power of a resonant energy harvester according to the model of William and Yates. Simulations results are validated by experimental measurements but the issues of parasitic capacitances get a large impact. Therefore, we 'only' managed to harvest 10\muW per gram of mobile mass, but according to our factor of merit, this puts us in the best results of the state of the art. http://iopscience.iop.org/0964-1726/20/10/105013Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Smart Materials and Structures. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher-authenticated version is available online at doi:10.1088/0964-1726/20/10/105013; http://iopscience.iop.org/0964-1726/20/10/10501

    Search for cool giant exoplanets around young and nearby stars - VLT/NaCo near-infrared phase-coronagraphic and differential imaging

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    [Abridged] Context. Spectral differential imaging (SDI) is part of the observing strategy of current and future high-contrast imaging instruments. It aims to reduce the stellar speckles that prevent the detection of cool planets by using in/out methane-band images. It attenuates the signature of off-axis companions to the star, such as angular differential imaging (ADI). However, this attenuation depends on the spectral properties of the low-mass companions we are searching for. The implications of this particularity on estimating the detection limits have been poorly explored so far. Aims. We perform an imaging survey to search for cool (Teff<1000-1300 K) giant planets at separations as close as 5-10 AU. We also aim to assess the sensitivity limits in SDI data taking the photometric bias into account. This will lead to a better view of the SDI performance. Methods. We observed a selected sample of 16 stars (age < 200 Myr, d < 25 pc) with the phase-mask coronagraph, SDI, and ADI modes of VLT/NaCo. Results. We do not detect any companions. As for the sensitivity limits, we argue that the SDI residual noise cannot be converted into mass limits because it represents a differential flux, unlike the case of single-band images. This results in degeneracies for the mass limits, which may be removed with the use of single-band constraints. We instead employ a method of directly determining the mass limits. The survey is sensitive to cool giant planets beyond 10 AU for 65% and 30 AU for 100% of the sample. Conclusions. For close-in separations, the optimal regime for SDI corresponds to SDI flux ratios >2. According to the BT-Settl model, this translates into Teff<800 K. The methods described here can be applied to the data interpretation of SPHERE. We expect better performance with the dual-band imager IRDIS, thanks to more suitable filter characteristics and better image quality.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, version including language editin

    Complete compensation of criss-cross deflection in a negative ion accelerator by magnetic technique

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    During 2016, a joint experimental campaign was carried out by QST and Consorzio RFX on the Negative Ion Test Stand (NITS) at the QST Naka Fusion Institute, Japan, with the purpose of validating some design solutions adopted in MITICA, which is the full-scale prototype of the ITER NBI, presently under construction at Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy. The main purpose of the campaign was to test a novel technique, for suppressing the beamlet criss-cross magnetic deflection. This new technique, involving a set of permanent magnets embedded in the Extraction Grid, named Asymmetric Deflection Compensation Magnets (ADCM), is potentially more performing and robust than the traditional electrostatic compensation methods. The results of this first campaign confirmed the effectiveness of the new magnetic configuration in reducing the criss-cross magnetic deflection. Nonetheless, contrary to expectations, a complete deflection correction was not achieved. By analyzing in detail the results, we found indications that a physical process, taking place just upstream of the plasma grid, was giving an important contribution to the final deflection of the negative ion beam. This process appears to be related to the drift of negative ions inside the plasma source, in the presence of a magnetic field transverse to the extraction direction, and results in a non-uniform ion current density extracted at the meniscus. Therefore, the numerical models adopted in the design were improved by including this previously disregarded effect, so as to obtain a much better matching with the experimental results. Based on the results of the first campaign, new permanent magnets were designed and installed on the Extraction Grid of NITS. A second QST-Consorzio RFX joint experimental campaign was then carried out in 2017, demonstrating the complete correction of the criss-cross deflection and confirming the validity of the novel magnetic configuration and of the hypothesis behind the new models. This contribution presents the results of the second joint experimental campaign on NITS along with the overall data analysis of both campaigns, and the description of the improved models. A general picture is given of the relation among magnetic field, beam energy, meniscus non-uniformity and beamlet deflection, constituting a useful database for the design of future machines

    Noise characterization for LISA

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    We consider the general problem of estimating the inflight LISA noise power spectra and cross-spectra, which are needed for detecting and estimating the gravitational wave signals present in the LISA data. For the LISA baseline design and in the long wavelength limit, we bound the error on all spectrum estimators that rely on the use of the fully symmetric Sagnac combination (ζ\zeta). This procedure avoids biases in the estimation that would otherwise be introduced by the presence of a strong galactic background in the LISA data. We specialize our discussion to the detection and study of the galactic white dwarf-white dwarf binary stochastic signal.Comment: 9 figure